Fit for Future Families - June 2011



  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 376 Member
    Hi snflwr04--welcome! Jalara is right on the money. Good luck with the Clomid. This is a subject near and dear (not) to my heart. I've done three rounds of it, and it makes me want to eat everything not nailed down to the floor. I don't know that I have any real good solid advice, but I did manage to not gain any weight during my three rounds, and I called that a victory!

    For me, I had to realize that the medication was affecting me (my hubby was seconding that!) and that hormones are powerful things. Then I decided that I was just going to have to decide what my priority was---TTC or losing weight, because both were not happening on Clomid for me, at least. Since I stayed on the Clomid, I shifted my focus to being gentle with myself when I was having cruddy clomid days rather than beating myself up because I didn't exercise as much or ate more than I should, because I just could not beat the Clomid Beast. I had to reevaluate my personal expectations. Then I scaled back the goals a bit, and then broke them up into smaller pieces so that they felt more manageable.

    In action the internal dialogue went something like this in my head: "Man this Clomid makes me just want to eat that whole thing of Ben and Jerry's, and then go eat a french fried pizza. You really should exercise instead. I don't feel like it, I just want to lay on the couch. Get your lazy *kitten* off the sofa and walk with Leslie--4 miles because you ate all that crap earlier. No, I'll get up off the sofa and eat the Ben and Jerry's--how about that? Okay, new tactic--you don't feel like exercising, but you do feel better after you do it. Just do a mile or two instead of 4--it's better than nothing. Ok, I'll try that. And then maybe I'll have a bite of Ben and Jerry's afterwards as a reward. But only a bite."

    Be gentle with yourself, and just try not to do too much damage until the motivation comes back--probably after Clomid stops. It did for me, but it took a while. That's all I've got. Maybe not the answer you wanted, but it helped me keep my sanity. Hope it helps! Full disclosure--I'm starting on Clomid again near the end of this month with some injectables too. The Clomid beast will be back, I guess....

    AFM: I just finished mowing the lawn with a pushmower. Yeah, it is almost 10:00 at night, but I had to wait till my son was in bed since I am single parenting this week, and it's just supposed to get hotter this week, so I wanted to get it done. I didn't feel like working out anyways, so this way I killed two birds with one stone. In other news, I just ordered my meds for the treatment round that hopefully will start in the second half of this month. That was quite a sucking sound from my wallet. WOW. I had been warned, but somehow, it just shocked me all over again. "That little shot costs HOW MUCH?!?" Sigh. I've never been a gambler--this whole treatment process is really hard for me. I know, I know...preaching to the choir here.

    Tomorrow I'm taking my son on a day trip to see his Great-Grandma and Great Aunt. It's about two hours away, but we are going to all go feed the ducks and ride a little train at this park that my Grandma (and Grandpa, now passed away) used to take me to when I was little. I hope it is fun for all of us.
  • snflwr04
    snflwr04 Posts: 46
    Thanks Jalara and Kah78!

    Kah, you're right - I do need to reevalute my expectations. Truely I shouldn't lose any more weight (I'm 5'2" and my current weight is 116). If I lose more weight, I would do more harm in terms of getting pregnant then good. And any form of excersize is good. Even if I walk on the treadmill for an hour, it's better then not working out at all. We both have the same thoughts!!! You took the words out of my head when you said "Man this Clomid makes me just want to eat that whole thing of Ben and Jerry's, and then go eat a french fried pizza. You really should exercise instead. I don't feel like it, I just want to lay on the couch". I do need to get off my lazy *kitten* and work out - I know it will make me feel better!

    Clomid is a beast for sure!! I know the end result will be totally worth it, but I strongly dislike the side effects. I'm not sure what our next step will be if AF comes this month. Probably a higher dosage of clomid and more shots.

    Thanks all for your support! *Hugs*
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
  • ElizabethRN59
    ElizabethRN59 Posts: 168 Member
    Welcome snflwr04-- Baby dust your way!!
  • ElizabethRN59
    ElizabethRN59 Posts: 168 Member
  • ElizabethRN59
    ElizabethRN59 Posts: 168 Member
    Fingers crossed Elizabeth for the HSG--it's totally doable--take Ibuprofen and breathe deep!

    thanks! it wasnt as bad as i initially thought! took my ibuprofen and made it through with my hubby holding my hand the whole time! And , in the doctor's words: "PERFECT"! Loved getting good news, was def much needed!
  • ElizabethRN59
    ElizabethRN59 Posts: 168 Member
    Oh my, CONGRATULATIONS Katie & Suzanne!!!
    Elizabeth, how are you feeling after the HSG? Hope it went well!
    And welcome to a few more newbies!

    I only had pain during the test and it honestly wasn't as bad as i thought it was going to be... just like bad menstural cramps... but after it was done, i was feeling fine!
  • BronzeLady
    BronzeLady Posts: 13
    May I join your group? I joined MFP a few months back.

    (Hope my story isn't too long!)
    About 9 years ago DH and I had been unofficially TTC and nothing was happening. Went to my GYN and told her nothing was happening and she told me about charting and temping. I also bought a book called Taking Charge of Your Fertility and learned so much! So we started officially trying and still nothing was happening. Wound up getting a fertility workup on myself and they went in, looked around (and I got blood tests for my hormones), and after all of that they were like 'you're fine. We're going to have to test your husband's sperm'. During this time, this one, that one, and EVERYONE at my job was announcing pregnancies. First one, then another of my SILs got pregnant, one with her first child, the other with her second child. I was crying my eyes out 4 days a week for about a year.

    I was told by a friend of mine that my weight could be getting in the way of TTC. I'm a little lady (under 5 feet) and at that time I was like 172 pounds. So I went to the family herbalist and she told me what to eat and what not to eat, and put me on a crapload of herbs to clean me out. I did what she told me to and started exercising and I started taking Robitussin just in case it was my FM. We also bought a CBEFM and started using it.

    After almost a total of a year and a half of trying even though I was still a little upset about not being able to conceive, I was feeling a lot more positive and happy because I had lost about 12 pounds.

    Went back to the GYN on a Wednesday, cried in her office and she gave me a prescription for Clomid and ordered up labs for my husband's sperm to get tested. That Friday, got the High Fertility status on the CBEFM. We were supposed to have company that night and were trying to hold out on BD because of the sperm analysis. No one showed at our house that night so we figured what the heck? We BD. We did the sperm analysis the following week. Found out his sperm was fine.

    Two weeks later that Friday put in the prescription for clomid but AF was late. So I took a test and it was freaking POSITIVE. We have a 7 year old son now. He has autism. It has been a challenge in a lot of ways, but he is so loving and CUTE!

    Started TTC again 5 years ago and NOTHING. Weight was up to 180s this time. Yikes! Made some little changes and slowly went down to like 176 over a year's time. Got a faint positive on a test last year, but then had a very early MC. Was so mad at myself because I figured if I had not have taken the test, I'd never have known.

    Lost a couple more pounds before joining MFP. Then joined and lost 9 more. So I'm back at the weight I was when I conceived my son. I'm trying to lose at least 13 more before I officially 'try' again, but I've been stuck at a plateau for the past 6 weeks. I'm in much better shape, physically and endurance wise than I've ever been this past 10 years, so I plan on instituting jogging or P90X soon. This week, though, my big focus is going into watching "when" I eat. Late night snacking is standing in my way.

    I wanted to 'officially' start trying late this year/early next year. We'll see, right?

    Baby Dust to all!!!
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 504 Member
    Hey Bronzelady, we'd love to have you join our group, but just to let you know in order to avoid the system shutting our thread down after so many posts we open a new one every month, so here's the link to the July one:

    Hope to see you there!
  • phshhnet
    phshhnet Posts: 12
    oopsy my bad posted in june not july. sorry everyone!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Whoops!!! Thoguht I was on the new thread
  • sibbets37
    sibbets37 Posts: 9
    Me and my partner have decided that it is about time we started trying for family. Hence the nede to shed a few pounds and just generally try to feel fitter and healthier in myself so I'd like to join the group to get some extra support and motivation. How do I go about joining?

  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 414 Member
    We have all moved to the "July" bored - abare posted a link to it! Just introduce urself and join in the convos! Welcome!
  • Ramitta
    Ramitta Posts: 37 Member
    I have been TTC for 28 months and would love to join please
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,275 Member
  • i have been trying for a year and a ready to stop :brokenheart: :huh:
  • jleevans
    jleevans Posts: 4 Member
    Hello! I'm new to MFP and plan to begin TTC in a few months. I am trying to get myself fit before trying and lose some of the weight that I packed on after I miscarried last year. I've been creeping for a few days.... :smile:
  • Bump
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Hey guys, just saw the movement on this thread. Come find us at Fit for Future Families - September 2011 :) It's probably a whole lot more lively than this one :)