Fit for Future Families - June 2011

fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
Welcome everyone!

This group is being started to lend support and motivation to those who are TTC, or plan to TTC. This group blossomed from another group (Pregnancy - 2011).

Fit For Families is NOT for pregnant women, I would ask that you join one of our sister groups, (they're really great there!!).

For people looking for general pregnancy support and not wanting to gain too much:
For people who are VERY active and want to maintain that level while pregnanct:

For those who have recently had a little one, there is a post-partum group:

This group is very goal-oriented (no matter what your goals are) and I hope will be a place for you to come share your story and track your progress.

Check in will be each Monday to keep us accountable over the weekend. Each week we set our own fitness or health goals, and the more suggestions the better!

I love this group!

Welcome one and all!

Link to our last thread:


  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    Happy June everyone!
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    I'm back! Wow I've been so out of it the past couple of weeks. My friend had her baby on Monday so I've been both really excited and at the same time kinda depressed...I didn't think that's how I would feel, but I just look at baby Brayden and want to be a mom myself so badly. On top of it there ia is zero chance that I will be pregnant this month. My husband, "Just didn't feel like it" the five days he needed to . Then whe I told him those five days were my days this month his eyes filled with tears and said, "God, I'm so sorry." He said he'll not be so stubborn next month, but I'm just irritated with him! On the up side I'm down .5 pounds from last week which means I have hit 140! That was my original goal when I first signed up so I;m very happy and this week my inner thighs are no longer touching!!!!!!!!!!!!! Major NSV for me- I check every week by putting ankles together in front of the mirror:laugh: I;m continueing to temp to try to find my patterns and I plan on going ahead a purchasing some home ovulation strips again...Praying next month is better- I will be on summer break and there will be much more chances to BD:wink:
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Luki--so sorry this wasn't the month! It is hard with the babies sometimes. I just never know how I am going to react, so I prepare myself for the worse and am pleasantly surprised if it doesn't affect me that much. As for the NSV--SO JEALOUS! I have determined that I will always have the "chub rub" in between my legs, even if I lose like another 10-20 lbs. It's just a fact of life because I"m probably not willing to work hard enough to get rid of it. (which would mean abandoning the rest of my life and family to do so.) So, I'm just figuring out how to cope with it. Ugh. But I am so happy for you!!

    Jalara--where are you, girl? Are those clinicals keeping your nose to the grindstone? Miss ya on here!

    AFM: Not much to report. Started Kettleworx again--it kicked my butt--even though it is only 20 minutes. It always takes me a few weeks to get up the "stamina" for that. I have my weekly weigh-in tomorrow--not expecting much loss...if at all after the holiday weekend. HSG tomorrow--the big drama is that my sitter fell through, so I'm scrambling to find someone to watch my son while we go to have the test done tomorrow. (One of the drawbacks to doing this for the second child.) I guess if I can't find someone, then I'll have to do the procedure myself while hubs watches Josh--but I'd really rather him be there.

    Hope everyone is staying cool--hard to believe June is here. So, what pics are we going to post this month? I miss seeing the wedding pics when I scroll! :wink:
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Bump….so I can continue to be a creepy stalker. :embarassed: :laugh: Sorry!
  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    Sorry about this month Luki but excellent work on the NSV.

    Good luck again for tomorrow Karen, hope you get a sitter!

    AFM a bit of an NSV too I guess. I have been really good about increasing my exercise this week, even got up at 5am yesterday to swim which is amazing for me. Also had a weigh and measure this morning and was thrilled to find that I'm another 2% down on my body fat which means I've now lost 4% of my fat altogether in the last 3 months. Only four pounds gone all month but 1.5 of those were this week so I guess the more intense exercise is helping.
  • missionchick
    missionchick Posts: 12 Member
    Karen - hoping you find a sitter :) I can understand wanting your DH there for the procedure.

    Luki - completely jealous of the non-touching thighs... ugh... that would be a dream come true!

    AFM - I am sitting in my classroom bored out of my mind b/c I am completely finished with packing everything up and getting my checklist signed by the appropriate people and yet I have to be here until 3:00... although I did not take the hour lunch that everyone else did so I am scooting out of here in about 10 minutes. I am supposed to be here tomorrow from 8-1... but since I do NOT want to be here and sit and twiddle my thumbs I might be taking a personal day. Plus two of the guys from our youth group are graduating at 1 and I don't want to miss it. I had a victory the other night while clothes shopping - I was able to purchase something that fit comfortably in the Misses department without it having the dreaded W behind the number for plus size women's clothing. I am hoping there will be more victories in that department this summer. Especially with this heat. I have done nothing but sweat for three days straight and then my DH wonders why I am cranky :ohwell: duh! Looking forward to sleeping in and being able to straighten out the madness that has become our house the last two weeks while life has been insane. :happy:
  • sdavisneill
    sdavisneill Posts: 115 Member
    Happy June!

    Pam, thanks for starting up the new thread.

    Luki, major thumbs up on the NSV! I hope for that someday soon too.

    Karen, I looked up that Kettleworx program because I'd never heard of it, and holy cow! That looks brutal. More power to ya, girl!

    Fiona, great job on keeping up with the exercise. You can be my inspiration this month. I am so busy at work, I decided to do the first couple months on here diet only, but now I really want to add in the activity. I don't mind it when it has a purpose, like swimming with friends, going for a hike to see something, or playing volleyball at the beach on vacation, but I hate exercising just to exercise. Always have. But who knows, maybe I can make it work this time.

    missionchick, I feel your pain on the heat! It's scalding here in Georgia too. I'm dreaming about iced tea and air conditioning! Congrats on your NSV too!

    AFM, after teasing me for about two weeks, I think tonight or tomorrow is really going to be the return of AF. :grumble: The last two months have been very weird cycle wise. I didn't even test for O'ing last month because everything was off. Hopefully, this month will look more normal and we can get back to trying in earnest. I also made a decision, not to spend the money on the next level of fertility treatments (my insurance doesn't cover it) until I reach my weight loss goal. The hope is that I'll never have to spend it, but if I do, I want to be in the best shape possible. This is the business-person side of me trying to fit this into a return-on-investment scenario. Crazy, probably, but it gives me the illusion of control.

    Sending out good thoughts to everyone!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    bump :) (so I can be equally as creepy as ron is)
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Hey everyone!

    So today was my last day of clinical this week, so I took some time to catch up on everyone. Sorry I've been so absent! This will likely be a LONG post.

    Pam - glad to hear it didn't take you long to get back into things once you got home. What did you buy yourself BTW?

    Ashley - seriously. That work guy needs to be put in his place! I think I would have lost my temper by now, or told him he's creeping me out and to lay off. OR... can DH take a late morning to work and accompany you? He could confront the guy by saying "Oh, you're the guy that won't leave my wife alone! Well, would you mind? She doesn't need creepy men hanging around" or something like that. That would be fun to watch........:devil:

    Karen - thanks for the friend request.... how did we go this long? Tomorrow is HSG day, right? Are you ready? How are you feeling?

    Sorry to everyone else who is newer here that I haven't been around to get to know the last couple of weeks - life is crazy!


    TTC: Today is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I got my DPO 7 blood work done, and tomorrow is bleed-me-dry blood work day, plus I re-start the Clomid tomorrow. Seriously - I know it's going to take some medical intervention for this to happen.

    Weight loss: Ummm..... clinical took over my life. But I'm moving all day long!

    Clinical! So I love clinical and I love being a nurse, but we're crazy busy. Trying to learn, do new skills, get to know the hospital environment and do 2 - 3 hours of homework each night... I'm swamped and exhausted. We had a patient die last night, which I'm still processing. Yesterday I came in and it was a bad bad day. It's what I would consider an ugly death, and I was a wreck from it. But, today it was back to learning new things and I got to go to the OR for the 2nd time. I really am enjoying this career path.

    We moved on Monday, and this place is great, but no where near unpacked. Plus, the people that were here before us ended up leaving a bad cat-smell in the spare room (turns out they had their litter in there........). So we can't unpack yet - the cleaners were here earlier today and we're hoping that that works. Otherwise I'm going to have to ask the owners to replace the carpet.

    So that's me, in a brief (re: long) post. I should be around a bit more the next couple of days. I haven't weighed in lately, so I'll do that tomorrow when I get up.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Karen - I'm just going to put it out there - Kettleworx scares me.....LOL I am so impressed that you're doing it...I am sure, that as the klutziest person ever, I would for sure break my house swinging a heavy weight around :P I like the idea of DH being there....sitter is a must :)

    Fiona - that's awesome!!! I've so fallen off the "exercise" wagon and onto the "activity" and it's not helping me...LOL

    Luki - No Chub Rub (LOL That is the most awesome term ever BTW Karen)....I just got back into the chub rub phase...I don't think I'll ever be out of it

    Pixie - LOL I know what you mean about the heat.....WOW I was SOOOO not expecting that blast of heat!!! And today it's almost chilly's warm, but compared to Tuesday it's almost sweater weather (LOL I jsut won't be happy will I?)

    Steph - that's an awesome choice! I wish I was as disciplined, but I couldn't get my act together. I'm still about 60lbs overweight but I've waited 11 years...I just can't do it anymore....but I wish I had figured all this junk out 5 years ago...then I would be able to do the same.

    Jalara - I got some new shoes and some pretty smelling stuff. DH got a new pair of runners. My feet are huge (size 11 - although they were a size 12 when I started losing weight) so it's tough to find decent shoes here - I've always bought them in the US. I was actually a little disappointed with the selection thought. DH has the same issue (Size 14/15) and so for quality shoes that fit and are reasonably priced is tough. Glad you loved the clinical work - that's where I said no to the profession. I just realized that nurses don't get the praise they deserve and that it wasn't for me. You have to have a passion for it to do it well. So sorry that you had that is never easy (and shouldn't be!) but you'll learn ways to deal with it and process it more quickly as you gain the experience.

    Ron & AnneElise - You are both not creepy - stalkers yes, creepy no....LOL But LOOK AT YOU BOTH!!!! WOW I love the profile pictures of you both!!! Miss you both and glad you're still checking in ;)

    AFM - I have started to lose again after putting some of the weight back's amazing what a few days will do to you!!!! I watched a new show last night and was bawling my face right off......Surprise Homecoming. The episode had a military dad with a 3 year old and 6 year old from Florida and he wanted to surprise them after a year in Afghanistan. Disney put him in the parade and his kids were so shocked. His little boy recognized him first and then couldn't stop crying which just set me off over and over again.....
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Hi all---just wanted everyone to know that I found a sitter for the HSG tomorrow. I know it was going to keep you all up tonight, and I wanted you to get some good sleep. Haha. It's my friend who has IVF twins actually. She was like "I remember trying to get all that stuff done and I didn't even have a kid!" So, that's just great. And she's a lot closer than my family who was the last resort. Yay!

    Jalara--I always wanted to be a nurse, but I couldn't handle the poking people with needles...or the chemistry. Math, numbers, and formulas are not my friend. That's why I married someone good at math. Haha. Sometimes I regret that I didn't try, though. Oh well. I'm so sorry you had a death so early in your experience--it is all part of the job, but at the same time, it's just huge when it is in your face. I"m so glad you are enjoying your path!

    By the way--as far as Kettleworx goes, it is a good workout--just like any other workout though, I modify when I need to--don't squat so deep or extend the arms so long--just keep moving. I did start out with a 5 lb weight, and then I got cocky and upped it to a 10 lb kettlebell. The 10 is killer right now, but if I modify a little, I can maintain form, so I'm going to stick with it. You gotta challenge the muscle, or so I hear. I know I'm going to be feeling it tomorrow.

    Okay--I gotta get some stuff done. Good night all!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Karen - the HSG is not so bad :) Promise! Enjoy the time with your hubs....

    Good morning all!!!
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Karen - the HSG is not so bad :) Promise! Enjoy the time with your hubs....

    Thanks Pam! I'm a little anxious, but I figure, I've been through labor pains before...I can do this. Haha! 1:00 is the appt. Thanks for the wishes---I am going to see if we can watch the pictures--from waht I've seen online, it does look pretty cool--don't ever get to actually see those fallopian tubes.

    I did my "graduation run" for C25k this morning, on top of my already sore muscles from KWX yeterday. I feel like I'm walking like a cowboy--I feel every muscle right now. Hubby assures me I walk like a normal person, but I do squat much s-l-o-w-e-r than normal. Haha.

    I'll let you all know how it goes today. Thanks all!
  • mshellrung117
    Hi All ! I'm new here and my name is Megan. I'm 22 years old, married, and have a daughter. She will be 19 months old on the 7th. My husband and I would love to try again right now, but I want to lose weight before we do. I was 180 when I got pregnant the first time and right now I am at 226. My hope is to get down to 150 before trying and I'm hoping that we will be able to do so by next fall.

    I'm currently a nanny part time and I also go to school full time online. I'm actually on a break right now and my summer classes start Monday. I'm so excited because I'm going stir crazy without the extra work to keep me busy.

    My husband is a cook in a nursing home and is also still in college. He is also 22 years old and we are currently renting. I would love for us to have bought a house by the time number two arrives, but that all depends on how the saving goes !

    This will be our last baby so I just want to make sure that I'm healthy and can enjoy the pregnancy.

    I'm really looking forward to getting to know you all!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Karen - It's probably way easier than labour...LOL I only have done one, but it was a different experience each time. First time there was quite a bit of cramping (a bit like a heavy AF) but not PAINFUL......the second was a piece of cake. The ibuprofin is to relax your muscles, not for the pain. I'm sure you'll come back and say it was a breeze :)

    Megan - welcome. It sounds like you're quite busy. Make sure to stay relaxed and take time for you - it's important for TTC and weight loss (and sanity...LOL)

    AFM - we're going to the drive in tonight, but I think I'm going to be working most of the weekend, phase II of my project launches tonight and I have to make sure my part is perfect before Monday. I also have a 2 year old's birthday supervisory duties tomorrow morning and then am driving 2 hours away to do my big plant shop. Busy weekend ahead. I hope I remember to log my food so I don't lose my days on MFP....LOL That's already happened once
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Hi everyone! I survived the HSG. I was really glad I had taken the Ibuprofen--I had some significant cramping, but that is probably because I didn't get any "spill" on one side. So, in other words, one of my tubes looks blocked. I'm still processing it--my brain is stuck trying to decide if it is good news or bad news--it's probably both. Bad news: I have a blockage, which is a fertility issue. Good news: It's only on one side, it is an explanation for at least part of our fertility issue, and gives us a piece of the puzzle we didn't have before. SO--I guess it was really good I had the test done, since I have had a kid before, no one really thought this would find anything. But it did! So we'll see what this means for our treatment and cycle possibilities. Right now I'm not feeling so positive about the whole fertility thing (that may change in a day or so), but I am starting to feel like Joshua really is more of a special miracle than we first thought---if you know what I mean!

    We did get to watch it on the monitor while she did the test--I only saw part of it...I closed my eyes when it started to get really crampy. But, they did give us a CD with the pictures they took, so I might look at those this evening. My husband and I joked about taking one of the pictures and putting it up on my facebook profile like some people put up their prego sonogram picture. I think only someone who has had it done would even know what it was. I'm not really going to do that, but it was fun to joke about it.

    Okay--I'm going to go veg now. Thanks for your support everyone!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Hey ladies - here's a link to a new video about PCOS - pretty good explanation :)
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Karen - knowing is definitely half the battle. It gives you a clearer idea of your options and that's never a bad thing.

    Jalara - you're right. I like that explanation!!!!

    AFM - yesterday was a total bust :) I'll get around to logging it shortly, but it'll probably be tonight. I am already going to be late to my best friend's nephews 2nd birthday and OH CRAP - totally forget a gift......they asked for a donation of a book so I'll have to stop off and pick something up.....After that I'm hightailing it to my parents to pick up my Mom & DH's Aunt and we're doing our plant trip. Usually I spend significant money at this place but it's certainly filled my garden......I'm picking up mostly shrubs and maybe some trees this year!!!
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Megan- WELCOME!

    Karen- I agree that it is better to know than still be wondering. I wish I knew...And I also agree that it is emotionally a mixed bag, but that fact that it gives you a knew perspective on your little man is a gift in itself.

    Pam- busy, busy, busy, have a great weekend.

    AFM: Finally getting real summer weather so I'm really excited! My mixed emotions are gone as I get to spend more time with baby Brayden. Its is really funny to see my friends so uncomfortably in love with their baby- Apologizing when he cries, when it is time to breast feed…I just keep saying don’t say sorry he is perfect and breast feeding is beautiful. It is awesome to see then in their new role.