Fit for Future Families - June 2011



  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Luki - isn't that cute??? LOL My friends are the same way.....they don't get (for me at least) that although I don't want the babies to cry...I really don't mind it. I think it is more to do with what we think of they get more confident as parents, they'll stop apologizing. They feel like not being able to get the baby to stop crying makes people think they're a bad parent. Or breastfeeding....that people are so devisive of the subject. It's all good though :)

    AFM: Today is planting day and then working for the rest. But at least Hubs gets to help with a lot of the stuff so it's better than a workday!!!
  • KatyRing
    KatyRing Posts: 84 Member
    Megan- welcome! We are the same age! Good luck onTTCing number two! MFP has been awesome.

    Karen- head up lady! It will work out! Its better to know then to keep wondering!

    Pam- We all have totaly bust days! yesterday i ate 4, yes four slices of pizza...and some chips. (hangs head in shame....)

    AFM- Welllll.....I am down 4 more pounds. my total lost is 52! I really want to be 60 down by the end of june and really want to 75-80 down by august. I know it is going to be hard work and I have already gotten a lot stricter wiht myself, minu sthe pizza yesterday, I am also working out everyday now that it is summer. I am hoping for some great summer weight loss.

    now all of this goes out the window if i get pregnant, but i will be thrilled if that happens. with student teaching starting in august and then possibly a new job after that husband and I have decided to lay off the tracking of my cycle. I think it will be good. My cycles have been regular for a few months now, even tho AF has been kinda crazy she is coming on time. It might be kinda of nice to just relax about it for a few months.....
  • sandyfeet10
    sandyfeet10 Posts: 280 Member
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    2011 SW: 241.8

    Week 14: 231.9 lbs (-4.9lbs)
    Week 15: 232.5 lbs (+0.6lbs)
    Week 16: 233.7 lbs (+1.2lbs)
    Week 17: 230.8 lbs (-2.9lbs)
    Week 18: 228.2 lbs (-2.6lbs)
    Week 19: 227.7 lbs (-0.5lbs)
    Week 20: 226.0 lbs (-1.7lbs)
    Week 21: 230.1 lbs (+4.1lbs)
    Week 22: 232.0 lbs (+1.9lbs)
    Week 23: 231.5 lbs (-0.5lbs)

    At least that upwards week/week has stopped, but I'm still up muchly from the weekend. Will post more when I have some time. Have to run now :) Happy Monday All!!
  • sdavisneill
    sdavisneill Posts: 115 Member
    Another new week. I really am not a fan of Mondays, especially when I didn't sleep very well last night. Figured I'd check in here first so I didn't forget once the day starts to get crazy.

    Jalara, glad you're enjoying your clinical rotation. I'm sure the days go by pretty quickly too with all the action. Don't worry about rushing to unpack. I used to move every 3 months for different internships when I was in college and I got really good at the whole 'just take it one box at a time' concept!

    Karen, it is good that you made it through the HSG ok and now have some more info. Now your doctor has something to work with. Wishing you all the best!

    Welcome Megan! Happy for you to join us.

    Luki, I'm completely sympathetic. I do have a hard time when I first get the news a friend is pregnant or after they have a baby, but it always gets better after spending time with the baby. It's just so hard to be upset about something so darn cute & cuddly. And you're right, new parents are always so self conscious. That is cute too.

    Pam, hope you had a good weekend in the garden. Congrats on turning your + into a - !

    Katy, congrats on the loss and don't sweat the pizza. Just call it a day for throwing your metabolism for a curve.

    AFM, weigh in day:

    SW: 211 (March 2011)

    Calendar week 19: 193.6
    Calendar week 20: 189.8 (-3.8)
    Calendar week 21: 189.2 (-0.6)
    Calendar week 22: 187.4 (-1.8)
    Calendar week 23: 186.2 (-1.2)

    We ate a big dinner at a favorite Sichuan Chinese restaurant last night. I didn't go over too much on calories, but the spiciness and extra sodium is really making me feel kind of yucky today (on top of it being CD4). I did drink a lot of water yesterday, but I think I'm going to need to step it up even more today just to stop feeling so sluggish. Work is already promising to be a bear this week. I flirted with the idea of calling in sick, just to sleep some more, but I have a lot of important stuff going on. Darn my sense of responsibility! Think good thoughts, maybe I can turn my work lemons into lemonade (sugar-free, of course)!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Great consistency Steph!!! \

    Katy - day of pizza,even 4 slices won't hurt you in the long run.

    AFM: Part of the reason I think I'm up from yesterday is that I started the provera on Saturday so now hormones are going all wonky....I think the travel and the lack of routine really messed me up. Hopefully this will get me back on track!!!
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    So I’ve not posted in a couple days…oops! So here’s what’s new with me: the annoying coworker has decided to take the train to see if it’ll cut down on his commute! Yeah for me, no irritating person with me, until he realizes the buss is quicker that is.
    I’m still hovering around the 145 lbs range, I haven’t changed my weight on here for four weeks because of this plateau! But I am eating well and getting lots of exercise (5days a week!) so it has to go down eventually right? On the bright side I’ve noticed a huge change in how my clothes fit, so I think I’m loosing inches.
    On the TTC front, I got a BFN this morning. I don’t even know why I bothered testing, I already knew the answer, I have such strong pre-AF cramps, but yet I tested anyway. So now since the clinic will be closed for a little over a month, I won’t be able to do another iui till August. DH and I were planning on going to the Maritimes on our vacation in August, but that might not happen since neither of us will want to wait a third month. So the only thing I can do now is work on my weight loss, the two months of intense working out & good eating might just be what I need for that 3rd iui to work. I hope so because otherwise the next step is ivf.

    Karen, I’m glad to hear that the HCG gave you information you didn’t have before. Oh and congrats on completing the C25K & kettleworks, I’m on week 2 of the C25K and am alternating between 30day shred and a pilates video (on top of Zumba).

    Jalara, glad to hear you’re enjoying your clinical, I could never be a nurse and because of that I have so much appreciation for them!

    Pam, Congrats on the loss, every bit counts.

    Steph, Congrats on the loss!

    Baby dust to everyone
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Stalky McStalkerson...

    ((hugs)) to abeare! I hope the third time is the charm, lady!
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Hey Ladies!

    Quick post before they shut down the internet at work (they only open the internet from 12-1 so that ppl are only on here on their lunch breaks....)

    I will reply to others posts later tonight and or tomorrow :-)

    CD56 for me - Went to my GYN last week since AF wasn't even pretending to show up and he gave me provera for this cycle + 3 refills. He's starting to get that I know what I'm talking about where all the TTC stuff is concerned and doesn't really argue with me when I ask him to put thinks in for me. I also got a referral for a dietitian to help me learn how to eat better with the PCOS etc...

    I'll be done with the provera on Friday and should be able to schedule my HSG some time next week. Kah - thanks for posting about your experiance, i was pretty nervous but you have put my mind at ease. Now that you know you have some blockage what is the next step - I am kinda thinking i may have some blockage too and i'm curious to know what the next step would be...

    Today is my 25th birthday...birthdays should NOT be allowed to fall on Mondays bc Monday's dont care that it is your birthday and will be just as rotten as anyother although i can say that today hasn't been that bad. I think my girlfriends are taking me out to dinner tonight and i had a whole birthday celebration over the weekend with other spouses in our squadron bc it also just happens to be the halfway point in our deployment so our husbands set up a spa morning (facials, massages and got our toes done) and then we all dressed up in cocktail dresses and a limo picked us up and took us to an AMAZING steak house that is about an hour away and we spent $300 in wine between 8 of us....we like our wine :-) I'll post the professional pictures that were taken when we get them back next week!

    Hope everyone has a fabulous week! I can see that a lot of you guys are dealing with pretty frusterating situations and i am so happy that we all have each other to vent to and get advice from - we are not alone in this battle. I always tell my husband that WHEN we do get preggo that baby better realize how hard we worked to get it here! :-)
  • dcg8r
    dcg8r Posts: 38
    Happy Monday!

    I have been MIA - trying to get over the initial shock ;) Found out that I am pregnant. As in, ovulation occurred within 3 days of deciding we were ready to expand our family. Holy crap! Last time the Dr. took my blood, we talked about the results and PCOS and my crazy out-of-whack hormones FSH/LH etc. I really think exercising/eating right changed some things in my body and now I have to reassess my exercise situation.

    For those who do now know about it, Taking Charge of Your Fertility book is amazing. Teaches you so much about your body and cycle, and the tools here at MFP are great for kick-starting that body into healthy mode.

    Good luck to each & every one of you, thanks for letting this be my short-term home for one month. Keep up the awesome workouts, eating right & planning for a little one. I expect to see big things from this group :)
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Ashley - We put off our trip to England for the same reason, it sucks, but you do what you have to, right???

    Erica - look at your cute little bump :) Awwwwwwww.......

    Alisa - Happy BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!! What an awesome birthday experience!!! Sometimes it takes a few days after the provera for me to actually start (I get nervous and start looking to make a doctor's appointment and then "hello")......definitely wait for her to actually to start for the 3day HSG :)

    DC - congratulations!!!! That's awesome. I love when things just fall into place with these things!!!

    AFM: I have been saying the weirdest thing for a few weeks. The kind of things that I mean 100% innocently then they come out of my mouth and even I think "That doesn't sound right". But I think I figured it of my good friends and I are both doing it (so either I rubbed off on her or she did on me. For example, last night I was walking in her backyard and noticed a weed tree so tried to pull it. I couldn't so we called my DH over and she said "C'mon, use your man muscles" meaning the muscles he has in his arms and shoulders being a man.....not uhhhhhhh.....but everyone just stopped....LOL
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Congrats DC!!! We haven't had a positive for a little while, so that's great. That's how it was for me with my son, Joshua. I quit BC, and took a prego test just so I could see how it worked, etc. and was like "Uh hon....does that look like a plus sign to you?!" Haha. Part of the reason this whole expereince has been such a shock to the system. Oh just never know what can happen. Best of luck!

    Alisa--I don't know how this will affect the next step. The next step was IUI, and I think that will still be a go in a month or two, but it may "throw off" the schedule--I've heard that since you often ovulate on one side and then the other, it might mean we can't just do an IUI whatever month we want. I don't know how all the artificial hormones affect that, so I guess when we meet with the Dr next, we'll get more info. My worst scenario at this point is that my "good" and "bad" sides will be mixed up, so that the month that my husband is gone will be a good month to do an IUI, and the next good month will be the one where we are supposed to be at the beach for a week. Ugh. Well, since I don't have a crystal ball and I can't change it, I might as well not spend the energy worrying about it right now. I wish worrying burned more calories...then it might be worth it. Haha! We should be getting hubby's SA back sometime in the next few days. All we have left to do is some preliminary bloodwork that I need to get taken care of sometime.

    I just made "Cars" macaroni and cheese for my son's lunch tomorrow. (Planning ahead since I'm working--go me.) I had to do everything in my power not to wolf it all down without saving him some for lunch. It's not even that good...but I can't resist it. It's like crack cocaine. It's mac crack. That's what it is. Anyone else have a food that does that to them? Sigh....

    Have a good day everyone....
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Sorry Karen - LOL I am addicted to mac crack too...what IS it??? I found a version that tastes the same, has less calories, sodium and fat and more fibre. That's my current solution....I think it's a Canadian specific brand though. Did you know that Canadians eat more macaroni and cheese than any other country?? It's like our national food....
  • missionchick
    missionchick Posts: 12 Member
    Karen - mac crack - lol... soo very true - can't even keep that stuff in my house b/c I will eat it all without realizing it

    Alisa - Happy Birthday!! Monday birthdays are the worst - I usually just declare that the weekend before is my birthday weekend to make that day seem better :wink:

    Pam - I am jealous of your garden. We bought a house last spring and I was so looking forward to redoing a lot of the landscaping this spring and summer - and then... I broke my back so no gardening for me. I am trying to organize what I would like in my head for the next planting season. Hoping I will be able to do things then. The people before us apparently had no idea about what to plant where and the landscaping is very random. We have lilies that are almost as tall as me lining our walkway in to the house... beautiful but definitely out of place.

    AFM - I lost .3 lbs at my weigh-in today. Pretty sure it would have been more but it is AF time and I am sure I am retaining water. We are officially out of school for the summer and it is a HUGE relief. I was able to sale all 900+ yearbooks and still maintain my sanity so that was a great way to wrap up the year. My goal this week is to finally put my house back in to order. The 8 loads of laundry I have done since Sunday let me know I have some serious cleaning to do. :smile: This is the first summer I haven't worked since I started teaching so I am trying to occupy my time in a productive manner. Normally I would try to find some part time job, but I am thinking I will take this time to let my back fully heal before we go to Ukraine in August. Other cleaning I need to make myself get out and exercise this summer. The temptation to sit and watch crazy tv has to be overcome!
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    So it’s looking like I’m the only one to not like Mac&cheese? I haven’t had it in over 10 years (box or homemade) and it’ll probably stay that way for another 10. The thing I dislike more than it is hot dogs (I’m truly grossed out by them) and my old roommate used to eat the boxed Kraft dinner with hotdogs in it! Makes me wanna upchuck thinking about it! Needless to say… we didn’t live together for long.

    Congrats DC! That’s crazy good news! Best of luck throughout the entire pregnancy and don’t forget to come back here with updates!

    Pam, ok so my little camping trip throughout the Maritimes being postponed to another year is nothing compared to missing out on a trip overseas! Sorry to hear about it! I hope you hadn’t made reservations and bought tickets and then had to cancel! When is your IVF happening btw? I thought it was supposed to be happening around now?

    Alisa, Happy Birthday! Hope you had a good day (even if it was a Monday) to follow a great weekend! How does the provera work? What is it that jump starts you’re AF? I’ve never taken it so I don’t know too much about it.

    Mission, A loss even with AF! That amazing! Enjoy your summer off you deserve it! There are so many great summer activities that I’m sure you wont have a problem finding reasons to not be near that couch! Where in the Ukraine are you going to this summer?

    AFM, no change, literally! My temp has been the same for three days, I still feel those pre-AF cramps and yet no AF. A good distraction will be the total body toning class I’ll be going to today on my lunch hour with a coworker. It really is a TOTAL body toning class! Last week I was so sore for several days afterward, I haven’t been that way since I started exercising regularly last year!
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    Hey Ladies. Been MIA and down in the dumps lately. Still doing Zumba 2 x week, every other week, but not logging cal's. I'm up 5 lbs and can't shake them.

    Day care is going good, just got a new client. I start on Mon, so now I have a 2 y/o and 17 month old. I'm hoping that getting back into the swing of things gets me back on track. My app't with OB is tomorrow. I hope he has another option for me, other than Metformin and waiting.

    I went to my cousin's wedding this weekend. My mom helped me find a really flattering dress and I felt pretty good. My sis from NY came 1 week before the wedding and just left. it was awesome having her visit. she even said she was really proud of me and said that this is the longest she's seen me keep up interest in loosing weight. Now I just have to find the motivation to do something every day, and turn on the Wii for zumba on the weeks DH is working. :/
  • sdavisneill
    sdavisneill Posts: 115 Member
    So much activity on here in a just a couple of days, that's awesome!

    Ashley - :cry: on the test. But way to go on the consistency with the exercise. I know that is going to have a positive impact on your chances. It has to!! Thinking of you! Oh, and maybe your coworker will just LOVE the train instead. Here's hoping.

    Alisa - HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Your girls' evening sounds amazing! So glad you got to do something fun over the weekend, especially since your b-day fell on a Monday.

    DC - Congrats! Good luck through the whole process. It is encouraging to know that success is possible!

    Pam - LOL, "man-muscles". :laugh: I'm going to be giggling about that one for awhile.

    Karen - My kryptonite is cheese in general, including mac&cheese. The thing I love about MFP is that I don't have to give it up entirely, just reduce it to very, very small portions.

    Mission - Good luck with the summer-cleaning project. I always start those and never really finish, so maybe having some time this summer will be the ticket for you.

    Happy Tuesday everyone!!
  • sdavisneill
    sdavisneill Posts: 115 Member
    Hang in there Carina! It's a long journey. Sending you some extra special luck this week. I'm sure you looked great at the wedding too!!
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    The ONLY reason I keep mac&cheese in the house is bc of my son...since ive been trying to watch my carbs it makes me want to cry that I can't eat any, but I'm with sdavis- cheese in general is my weakness

    I ended up eating Wendy's for dinner last bc my girlfriend had to reschedule my birthday dinner ... Which is fine, just going to celebrate my birthday all week!

    Ashley- provera is basically straight progesterone so it tricks ur body into thinking it ovulated so when u stop taking it ur body goes thru the withdrawals from it and makes u start ur period. NOT safe to take if ur preggo or trying to get preggo during that specific month but I've read it can kinda jump start u into a regular cycle too... So we'll see if I balance out after this cycle or if I will have to take it every month until the hubs gets home and we can start trying again.

    I've been working 7-5 this whole week bc I have to take a half day on Thursday bc my son has to have some dental work done (2 fillings and a cap at age5...poor baby has my mouth) and i REALLY like coming in at 7 so I asked my boss if I can start working 7-4 vs my current 8-5 schedule so that I can have more time in the afternoon...I'll be able to go to the gym after work before I have to pick up kids and I'll be able to actually cook dinner and eat before 7pm...I hope she okay's it!
  • _Johanna_
    _Johanna_ Posts: 125 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    My name is Johanna. I have a four year old daughter and we've just started TTC two months ago. I feel good about this month's chances though, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

    I also just started on MFP one week ago. I have already lost 3.6 pounds, which is crazy! I am so excited to be pregnant, but also terrified at what that might mean to my scale! I gained 40 pounds with my first one, with a starting weight of 180. I'm just under 200 pounds...I can't even imagine gaining 40 pounds on top of that!!!

    So, I'm learning how to eat healthy, so when the time comes, I will hopefully be making smarter choices that will continue through my pregnancy :)

    Here's to wishing for healthy, happy future pregnancies to all of you!