saying good-bye to unrealistic "goal clothes"



  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    I am trying to come to terms with he fact that the weight I was 5 years ago (Mid 20's) may not be obtainable this time round.

    I am close (so close) and I do fit back into most clothes so for me it is getting my head around the fact that what I weighed "back then" is not what I am going to weigh this time around !!
  • Jaradel
    Jaradel Posts: 143 Member
    I did a massive clean-out a while back and got rid of a lot of my pre-pregnancy clothes, either because they were out of style now or because my body has changed to the point where they wouldn't look good even when I get to my goal weight (shirts that are too short, etc). I did keep some T-shirts and a couple pair of jeans from the last time I lost weight, but I am not opposed to getting rid of the jeans if they don't fit when I get to goal. The T-shirts are pretty universal though. I also have a couple dresses from my pre-preg days that I'm hanging onto, but if they don't look good when I get to goal, they're going in the donate pile as well. Life is too short to hang onto stuff like that. I am looking forward to another closet clean-out when I get closer to goal.
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    They aren't goal jeans - they're more like trophy jeans. I have a pair of size zero Levis that I wore for about a year (in my 30's, after my daughter was born). I will never be that frightfully skinny again but I do have fond memories of being able to eat anything I wanted without fear of gaining an ounce.

    I was riding horses professionally, spending 7 hours a day in the saddle and another 5 on my feet teaching lessons. A back injury put me back behind a desk and the weight piled on from there.
  • TXHunny84
    TXHunny84 Posts: 503 Member
    Yes ma'am....I have some new NY&CO jeans size 6 with tags still I want to wear sooooo bad but can't seem to get to the right size to be for them to fit right(or at all). I would love to be a comforatable size 6....but an 8/10 seems to be as close as I am getting... :-( a lot tho has to do with not being consistant with my good eating on the weekends..... But since I am not doing a fad diet and I'm going to have bad eating days more than I'd like that means It'll be harder and longer if I EVER got to this size.... I just need to stop hoping to be in those jeans...:huh:
  • Sparksfly
    Sparksfly Posts: 470 Member
    Never say never!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I gave away all my old clothes to charity shops thinking I would never fit into them again after having children, and now I WISH I HAD HUNG ONTO THEM! I am back in a UK 10, and am having to buy a whole new wardrobe and I wish to GOD I hadn't sold a £180 ball dress on ebay for £8 last year, or got rid of all my jeans! I am an idiot. It makes me sad just thinking about it!
  • Um, could I be that lucky to wear a size 0 after having kids? Lol, props to the memories and I'm sorry to hear about your back injury.
  • DestinyDarbi
    DestinyDarbi Posts: 260 Member
    I did the SAME thing. We never got around to taking the "give to Goodwill" bag anywhere. The other day, I dug out a pair of the jeans I thought would never fit me again. You know what? They fit. They def. don't fit the way they used to, but it felt AMAZING to put on something I had once marked down as impossible.
  • gritgirl
    gritgirl Posts: 95 Member
    i had many items that were size 8 that i finally had to say goodbye to. the truth is that to get back down to a size 8, i would have to live a miserable life of only eating plain vegetables and exercising a lot. it's much more realistic for me to be a size 12 which actually looks really good on me. so i said goodbye to the 8's.

    the hardest items to let go were 2 hand-stitched suits from the 40's (they were given to me by a friend). they were gorgeous and i wanted to give them to someone who would cherish them like i did. a friend is one of those folks who is just genetically skinny and will always be skinny. plus, she loves hand-stitched clothing. so i rehomed the suits. :-)
  • ArchyJill
    ArchyJill Posts: 548 Member
    I would say don't underestimate the difference those last few pounds can make! For me, just ten pounds means the difference between fitting into a size 4 and fitting into a size 10.
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    I'm the opposite. I never bought goal clothes (never really tried to lose weight until now) or had any in the first place (always been overweight). And when I first started this, I thought size small would be a good goal for me, but now I realize I'll be more like XS without the excess weight.

    That's just the shirt size though... Pants are a different story! My thighs and calves are huge. I always thought I was an apple, because of my fat belly and slim hips... but I'm definitely closer to a pear. Just because my hips are slim, doesn't mean my thighs are!
  • When I first started losing weight I put a bunch of clothes aside as goal clothes...when I pulled them out and tried them on they were too big. Oops. Of course that was 2 years and a pregnancy ago. Even though I am back to my pre-pregnancy weight I'm not shaped the same at all. I have very few goal clothes right now. Couple pairs of pants and that is it.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I've done both. I have some jeans from high school that I'm bouncing off the walls happy that I can get on again. Notice, I didn't say "they fit." They're actually very unflattering and quite painful. But I can get them up and zip them and that makes me happy.

    On the other hand, I've ditched clothes that didn't fit, and I thought would never fit again. I know there was one shirt that my arms wouldn't fit in. It made me feel like poop... like I had some kind of freakish she-hulk arms. No article of clothing should ever make you feel guilty.

    I didn't keep my high school clothes because I wanted to wear them again. I kept them because I'm a sentimental fool with a touch of hoarding tendencies and they were bizarrely unique clothes. I'm also the unofficial "Keeper of the Costumes" among my family, and anytime anyone has a theme party, I'm the one they hit up for strange clothes. Sixties party? Seventies party? Eighties party? Halloween? I got yer outfit!

    So... that's my advice. If you're keeping it because it's unique and/or has sentimental value, keep it. If you feel like it's taunting you... ditch it.