Muscle soreness

Started doing weights and strengthening exercises. Did some core and arms a few days ago and I'm still sore.... do I wait till I'm better to do more? Or not?


  • ScivicqueFitness
    ScivicqueFitness Posts: 1 Member
    Wait until you are no longer sore. After a few sessions, you simply will not be as sore after a workout and can hit that same muscle group within 48-72 hours.
  • flutatious1
    flutatious1 Posts: 120 Member
    Since I started doing weights and running in January, I'm constantly sore. I figured that if I'm sore, I'm working hard enough. I just don't want to injure myself so that I can't train harder. I've heard that working a sore muscle helps it to recover. Guess I need to read more of my new nrolfw book for the answers
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,571 Member
    Well you haven't done back, shoulders, or legs yet so...yes? Do more.
  • figureitout87
    figureitout87 Posts: 126 Member
    Soreness doesn't mean that you can't continue to work out. Pain is something you need to watch for.

    Soreness should go away with a proper warm up. Make sure you don't start your workout cold. I like to walk to my gym, but if I can't I will walk on a treadmill for 10 minutes and then I will foam roll and stretch for 15-20 minutes before I go lift. Not everyone has that patience, but I think it's worthwhile to give your body the time. After my workout I will do about 5-10 minutes of stretching as well.

    I'll still feel a bit sore when I've had a fairly intense session, but I'm never in any pain and if I go into a workout sore, my warm up generally takes any of that away before I start to lift.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    When you are new to training you will need more recovery time but you could certainly work some other muscles.

    A little soreness is fine and doesn't mean you need to avoid using those muscles. Using them without pushing to fatigue/failure may well help the soreness.