Ate Greek yogurt for the first time...

cpage86 Posts: 6 Member

Longest 10 minutes of my life.

Wife said "that smells great" i says "that's what it's supposed to smell like?"

Anyways, it's the small victories that lead to results. I got through it, and I'll have another go tomorrow, and the next day, actually the next 8 days since I bought a box. Figure if it is an acquired taste hopefully I'll have it acquired by then.

Was Chobani 0% blueberry fruit in the bottom type.

Carry on.


  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    Give it to your wife? I find Chobani too tart (even the flavored stuff) but I like other brands of Greek yogurts.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    When Chobani first came out I didn't like it. I have since found out that I enjoy Dannon and Fage Greek yogurts.
  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member
    @cpage86. Try another brand.
    I do check the table of contents for added sugar.
    My personal preference is for whole fat greek yogurt like @cmriverside . Not all greek yogurts taste the same. I prefer the Plain one and I add fresh fruit of the season or some mixed nuts.
  • ktekc
    ktekc Posts: 879 Member
    i second the dannon. . i use their greek vanilla to make my own fruit and yogurt parfaits with protein granola. . and occasionaly a little PB2 mixed in. . mmm pb&j.
  • JPotamus
    JPotamus Posts: 33 Member
    I never liked regular yogurt, but I am able to tolerate Greek yogurt because I prefer the texture. Regular yogurt activated my gag reflex, for whatever reason. Greek is a 'cleaner' sort of mouthfeel for me.

    Anyway, if you can eat it, it's a great source of protein. And the flavored Chobani are good.

    Liberte is really good, too.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    I agree with the advice to try different brands. I don't care much for Chiobani, but I think that Fage is very, very good. I can eat the plain straight by itself and don't find it to be overly bitter at all.
  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 2,949 Member
    edited May 2017
    I like the Chobani peach and apricot the best. The plain is delicious with a few frozen cherries mixed in or fresh berries. :)

    Also, as the person above me mentioned, Liberte is delicious. Better than Chobani, I think. Unfortunately, it's hard for me to find these days, but I used to love the blackberry.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 9,994 Member
    edited May 2017
    I like yogurt, especially greek yogurt, and mostly buy the plain kind. If I want to have it sweet, I add fruit, maybe honey, powdered sugar, or splenda. (Mostly I eat it in savory dishes, or in smoothies or mixed with oats or oatmeal.)

    But even though I like yogurt, I'm not sure I see the point to forcing yourself to eat something you don't like. Is there some nutritional benefit you think you'll get from yogurt that isn't available from some other food you like better (like milk or cottage cheese or possibly many other things, I just mention those because they're essentially the same food as yogurt, just processed in different ways -- well, except for the probiotics. How do you feel about kimchee?)

    Edited to fix typo.
  • Cocoa1020
    Cocoa1020 Posts: 197 Member
    chobani is a little tart. I like Fage :) but i never tried their no fat one, either total or 2%. keeps me full longer.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Noel_57 wrote: »
    Other than it's not as runny as other yogurts, I see no difference in the greek type.

    Me either.

    I like Fage for greek yogurt, or siggi (which maybe is something else similar). But also like regular yogurt a lot. I like both plain with fruit I add, although this PB2 idea is intriguing. I'd thought about adding almond butter, but I didn't think it would mix well.
  • Theo166
    Theo166 Posts: 2,564 Member
    I suggest not getting the 0% next time, get regular. Fat is good for you and when you compare calories the 0% isn't really helping.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    Taste is subjective. I go through anywhere from 1-4 containers of Oikos Triple Zero greek yogurt per day, love the stuff. Tastes good, reasonably satiating and a good protein source.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    Taste is subjective. I go through anywhere from 1-4 containers of Oikos Triple Zero greek yogurt per day, love the stuff. Tastes good, reasonably satiating and a good protein source.

    When I want flavored yogurt, I agree. Oikos is pretty tasty. Some flavors. I didn't care for the peanut butter banana, but I love the mixed berry, the peach, the vanilla, and the banana.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    edited May 2017
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Noel_57 wrote: »
    Other than it's not as runny as other yogurts, I see no difference in the greek type.

    Me either.

    I like Fage for greek yogurt, or siggi (which maybe is something else similar). But also like regular yogurt a lot. I like both plain with fruit I add, although this PB2 idea is intriguing. I'd thought about adding almond butter, but I didn't think it would mix well.

    From what I understand, there's some reaction that takes place when you mix nut butter with yogurt and some sort of fluffiness ensues. I've never done it, so can't speak from experience.

    I've done the PB2 before with a bit of sweetener. It's very good. I've also mixed that with cottage cheese. Also delicious.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,030 Member
    I'm not fond of Greek Yogurt ... and it's too high in calories for me. I go with the no fat, no sugar yogurt. It has a much nicer texture and flavour.
  • mjbnj0001
    mjbnj0001 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Absolutely try various brands to find what you like, the yogurt reflects the milk used.

    I'm partial to all the Stoneyfield variants (regular and Greek, with a pleasant organic milk source) and Cabot (available from my usual grocery stores); I usually avoid Chobani. My alternates are Fage and store brands when I can't get my preferred. I'm in the USA Middle Atlantic area.

    I admit I actually don't EAT yogurt that much, although I go thru 1-2 qts/wk for family cooking purposes. I use plain, full-fat yogurts in daily smoothies and as marinade and dip/salad dressing bases (sometimes low-fat but never no-fat for these purposes). I sometimes just eat the bottom 1/2 cup or so of a tub by itself or with fresh fruit if I want to empty the tub and have a "treat" at the same time.