Support for learning to eat regularly to lose the last 10 lbs

Hi all,

I am kind of new here. I have real trouble eating during the day. Right now I am actually feeling scared to eat. Sometimes once I start eating I just can't stop!

I was a successful intermittent faster but my weight plateaued and I started eating too much in the evenings, hitting a plateau. A Whole30 forced me to learn to eat more but I have to watch amounts even if I'm mostly eating protein/veggie/fat meals. I still do beans and some grains and occasionally dairy.

I've bee re-training myself with eating hard boiled eggs for breakfast and plain chicken for lunch. If I eat anything that is flavorful or heaven forbid has sugar in it, I just crave more food. Some days this is ok and I have regular small meals. But I went over my calories by 300 yesterday and today I'm not even hungry.

Should I eat? I'm 138 trying to lose the last 10 lbs to get to 130 (pre-baby weight) and maybe 128 (vanity pounds).

Support and stories welcome, or add me as a friend if you're in a similar situation!



  • Laraluvv2010
    Laraluvv2010 Posts: 5 Member
    Totally with u girl, I'm trying to lose the last ten pounds pre-preg too! It's always the hardest. Do you eat clean consistently? I do not but am starting to, gonna see if it helps
  • Niki_Fitz
    Niki_Fitz Posts: 951 Member
    Totally with u girl, I'm trying to lose the last ten pounds pre-preg too! It's always the hardest. Do you eat clean consistently? I do not but am starting to, gonna see if it helps

    I love eating clean - until I hate it! I just get tired and I am the one doing the clean cooking. No support at home for clean eating but they'll eat with me, mostly. The worst is when I make dinner like shrimp and vegetables and then my husband orders a big old steak sub and fries for delivery because my dinner wasn't enough. He's not trying to be mean, he doesn't complain or anything, but still I almost cry when this happens. I cooked a meal with the baby screaming at me and cleaned up and now I am tapped out and staring down your steak fries, lol! But whatever, I need to get over it and think positive thoughts - like other people deal with this too and succeed every day!
  • mohamedahmed07
    mohamedahmed07 Posts: 161 Member
    Look here, plateaus mostly happen from too much carbs, some people are sensitive to it

    It's good you are doing IF, fasting is great to fix the carb problem and hunger issues.

    Look, if you have no support, and you have hunger issues and cant stop eating once you do. I got 4 tips for you

    1- lower your carbs to 10%, up your fat to 65% protein keep it at 25% (you can adjust this based on your diet, just idea is to lower carbs and up the fats) fats make you feel full much faster and longer than carbs, and high fat low carbs eliminate cravings.
    2-eat 2 meals a day with IF, it really boosts the fasting's benifits.
    3-reduce sugar to almost zero
    4-Know what you are going to eat, plan it before, once you know, it's like, I will eat those 2 plates and that's it, im done. avoid eating anything else, and your mind will trick you into feeling fuller. because you ate what you only wanted to.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    edited May 2017
    Carbs don't make you fat or plateau, too many calories do and OP admits to eating over regularly. That's the issue, not carbs.

    Nothing wrong with sugar unless sugary things are the culprit for making you go over goal.

    Not everyone feels fuller higher fat.

    IF doesn't work for everyone. I do it on non-workout days but it's not necessary or a preferred way of eating for many people.

    OP, I think this is largely psychological and I do think playing with your macros may help. I need some starchy carbs with most meals to feel satisfied mentally and psychologically. I also need daily treats, whether it's a sub 100 calorie Fibre One brownie or bar or chocolate or chips or whatever.

    Also, how long have you been trying for a deficit? You may just need to take a break and eat at maintenance for a while.

    The reason weight is apparently harder to lose when close to goal is the margins are smaller and you shouldn't be creating a large deficit (250 a day is ideal). When losing half a pound a week, particularly as women, the scale can mask small losses for weeks. Using other metrics of progress can take the focus off scale weight. So setting fitness goals, taking measurements, taking side by side photos and overall just relaxing about getting to goal. Ease the pressure on yourself and it can be a lot easier to be more compliant.
  • Niki_Fitz
    Niki_Fitz Posts: 951 Member
    Look here, plateaus mostly happen from too much carbs, some people are sensitive to it

    It's good you are doing IF, fasting is great to fix the carb problem and hunger issues.

    Look, if you have no support, and you have hunger issues and cant stop eating once you do. I got 4 tips for you

    1- lower your carbs to 10%, up your fat to 65% protein keep it at 25% (you can adjust this based on your diet, just idea is to lower carbs and up the fats) fats make you feel full much faster and longer than carbs, and high fat low carbs eliminate cravings.
    2-eat 2 meals a day with IF, it really boosts the fasting's benifits.
    3-reduce sugar to almost zero
    4-Know what you are going to eat, plan it before, once you know, it's like, I will eat those 2 plates and that's it, im done. avoid eating anything else, and your mind will trick you into feeling fuller. because you ate what you only wanted to.

    I like these thoughts because I'm hearing you say I have to plan, and I have to stick with it, and the cravings will get better. I might play with that kind of carb intake but...
  • Niki_Fitz
    Niki_Fitz Posts: 951 Member
    Carbs don't make you fat or plateau, too many calories do and OP admits to eating over regularly. That's the issue, not carbs.

    Nothing wrong with sugar unless sugary things are the culprit for making you go over goal.

    Not everyone feels fuller higher fat.

    IF doesn't work for everyone. I do it on non-workout days but it's not necessary or a preferred way of eating for many people.

    OP, I think this is largely psychological and I do think playing with your macros may help. I need some starchy carbs with most meals to feel satisfied mentally and psychologically. I also need daily treats, whether it's a sub 100 calorie Fibre One brownie or bar or chocolate or chips or whatever.

    Also, how long have you been trying for a deficit? You may just need to take a break and eat at maintenance for a while.

    The reason weight is apparently harder to lose when close to goal is the margins are smaller and you shouldn't be creating a large deficit (250 a day is ideal). When losing half a pound a week, particularly as women, the scale can mask small losses for weeks. Using other metrics of progress can take the focus off scale weight. So setting fitness goals, taking measurements, taking side by side photos and overall just relaxing about getting to goal. Ease the pressure on yourself and it can be a lot easier to be more compliant.

    Yes it's the over eating and the sugar leading me into it. And yes it's a lot of psychological and what you replied to the low carb suggestion rings truer for me. Sweet potato or starchy veg makes me feel best. I've been trying for a small deficit for one week now. Aiming for 1400 calories for a 500 cal deficit and decided to eat 1/2 exercise calories back if I am hungry.

    Thank you so much for your thoughts on taking the scale pressure off. I might consider slower loss now. I'll think it over. Maybe once the first five comes off I will make the deficit a little smaller.
  • mohamedahmed07
    mohamedahmed07 Posts: 161 Member
    Look here, plateaus mostly happen from too much carbs, some people are sensitive to it

    It's good you are doing IF, fasting is great to fix the carb problem and hunger issues.

    Look, if you have no support, and you have hunger issues and cant stop eating once you do. I got 4 tips for you

    1- lower your carbs to 10%, up your fat to 65% protein keep it at 25% (you can adjust this based on your diet, just idea is to lower carbs and up the fats) fats make you feel full much faster and longer than carbs, and high fat low carbs eliminate cravings.
    2-eat 2 meals a day with IF, it really boosts the fasting's benifits.
    3-reduce sugar to almost zero
    4-Know what you are going to eat, plan it before, once you know, it's like, I will eat those 2 plates and that's it, im done. avoid eating anything else, and your mind will trick you into feeling fuller. because you ate what you only wanted to.

    I like these thoughts because I'm hearing you say I have to plan, and I have to stick with it, and the cravings will get better. I might play with that kind of carb intake but...

    You don't have to do the carbs thing to a very low amount, just reduce it a bit and place it with fat instead,

    btw, carbs are not so much different from sugars, both turn into glucose in the body, that's why I said reduce them, they cause cravings.
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    that last 10lbs is going to be the hardest - a 500cal deficit might be too much (normally recommend switch to a .5lb loss a week for that last little push)

    also consider looking at a structured lifting program and maybe doing some recomp vs. just focusing on losing weight
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    If you're feeling scared to eat you need to see a doctor
  • Niki_Fitz
    Niki_Fitz Posts: 951 Member
    If you're feeling scared to eat you need to see a doctor

    I thought food anxiety was normal!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    If you're feeling scared to eat you need to see a doctor

    I thought food anxiety was normal!

  • Niki_Fitz
    Niki_Fitz Posts: 951 Member
    that last 10lbs is going to be the hardest - a 500cal deficit might be too much (normally recommend switch to a .5lb loss a week for that last little push)

    also consider looking at a structured lifting program and maybe doing some recomp vs. just focusing on losing weight

    This sounds like good advice. I will consider both thank you. This is all new to me as I mentioned!
  • Niki_Fitz
    Niki_Fitz Posts: 951 Member
    Look here, plateaus mostly happen from too much carbs, some people are sensitive to it

    It's good you are doing IF, fasting is great to fix the carb problem and hunger issues.

    Look, if you have no support, and you have hunger issues and cant stop eating once you do. I got 4 tips for you

    1- lower your carbs to 10%, up your fat to 65% protein keep it at 25% (you can adjust this based on your diet, just idea is to lower carbs and up the fats) fats make you feel full much faster and longer than carbs, and high fat low carbs eliminate cravings.
    2-eat 2 meals a day with IF, it really boosts the fasting's benifits.
    3-reduce sugar to almost zero
    4-Know what you are going to eat, plan it before, once you know, it's like, I will eat those 2 plates and that's it, im done. avoid eating anything else, and your mind will trick you into feeling fuller. because you ate what you only wanted to.

    I like these thoughts because I'm hearing you say I have to plan, and I have to stick with it, and the cravings will get better. I might play with that kind of carb intake but...

    You don't have to do the carbs thing to a very low amount, just reduce it a bit and place it with fat instead,

    btw, carbs are not so much different from sugars, both turn into glucose in the body, that's why I said reduce them, they cause cravings.

    Your last statement lines up completely with what I learned from Whole30 and how I respond to sugar!
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    that's cause carbs are sugar...complex or simple...
  • Niki_Fitz
    Niki_Fitz Posts: 951 Member
    If you're feeling scared to eat you need to see a doctor

    I thought food anxiety was normal!


    Well I see my doctor. And I see someone for my anxiety. I am hoping for support here. I'm not sure if you're trying to help or making me feel like a crazy person. I'm just trying to make a workable plan and learn how to stick with it, like a lot of people on this app.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    If you're feeling scared to eat you need to see a doctor

    I thought food anxiety was normal!


    Well I see my doctor. And I see someone for my anxiety. I am hoping for support here. I'm not sure if you're trying to help or making me feel like a crazy person. I'm just trying to make a workable plan and learn how to stick with it, like a lot of people on this app.

    Why would suggesting you see a doctor not be helpful?
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    maybe mention to the person you see about anxiety these issues - the transition from losing weight to maintenance can be hard and if you are already feeling anxious then it might be worthwhile
  • Niki_Fitz
    Niki_Fitz Posts: 951 Member
    Thanks for those suggestions! This is definitely a mind/body process.
    If you're feeling scared to eat you need to see a doctor

    I thought food anxiety was normal!


    Well I see my doctor. And I see someone for my anxiety. I am hoping for support here. I'm not sure if you're trying to help or making me feel like a crazy person. I'm just trying to make a workable plan and learn how to stick with it, like a lot of people on this app.

    Why would suggesting you see a doctor not be helpful?
    Just to answer your question it just made an anxious gal a little more anxious to hear that put bluntly! Thank you, though.
  • GMatoR
    GMatoR Posts: 1 Member
    Have you tried drinking more?
    Since I've made a point of drinking more (sugar free cordial or cucumber/mint water) I've found it much easier to curb my appetite. So much so that I really feel stupid for not having done this straight away.

    When I say more, I mean a 750ml sports bottle at breakfast, mug of coffee, another couple of sports bottles if I've been exercising, and then at least one sports bottle before any meal. Sure you have to pee a lot, but headaches don't really happen and the mid-afternoon slump has disappeared too. Oh, I get fewer muscle cramp. Its awesome.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    I would switch your goal to .5 lb a week, eat some of your exercise calories and eat more of the food you enjoy.
    You might benefit from eating at maintenance for a month or two while logging though until you do not feel as anxious over food and then start a small deficit. Realize with a small deficit you might only need to make small changes to lose those 10 lbs comfortably. Weigh out your portions. Put more lower calorie vegetables on your plate. Eat a serving less of bread, skip cheese sometimes, use less oil or butter, drink more no calorie drinks. You'll see where you can cut back here and there when you log for awhile.

    You might plan out your day so you have more calories set aside for your shared evening meal so you don't need to change what your family typically would eat.

    Realize your dh or children have different calorie needs to you. Their plate doesn't have to look identical to yours. They might be able to include more rice or bread to round out their meal for example while you have a salad with your meal.