LargeEricS Posts: 109 Member
edited May 2017 in Motivation and Support
Hey guy/girls lol, Im currently doing Insanity(week 2, day 2) and looking for someone to keep motivated with. The workouts are gruelling, but people tell me if I stick with it the rewards are huge.


  • moonstroller
    moonstroller Posts: 210 Member
    I did Insanity for about a month, and I was seeing results, however my knees could not take all of the squatting and jumping, the price I'm paying for my youth. Stick with it, and push yourself, the program does work.
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    I completed it and yes the cardio is great. Agree with @moonstroller with the joint issues. I still feel like I walk on a rock first thing in the morning from subluxation of a foot joint that began while doing Insanity. I lost weight, but still didn't look like the people in the video (lol). Diet is key (even though the one they promote I don't agree with). Stick to a reasonable calorie deficit and you will lose. If I had known more about weight training then I probably would have skipped Insanity and started lifting with only a few days of cardio throughout the week. Good luck!
  • eileenyun
    eileenyun Posts: 6 Member
    I just did plyometric cardio this morning... well, I did about 25 minutes and then hit a wall. If I can get out of bed tomorrow, then on to the next video :)
  • LargeEricS
    LargeEricS Posts: 109 Member
    eileenyun wrote: »
    I just did plyometric cardio this morning... well, I did about 25 minutes and then hit a wall. If I can get out of bed tomorrow, then on to the next video :)

    Oh for sure they are tough, especially plyo that's my least favorite workout followed by every disk except cardio recovery far in are you?
  • LargeEricS
    LargeEricS Posts: 109 Member
    Here's what 10 months of Insanity and Insanity Max30 did for me. Insanity plus food logging.

    I'm on repeat mode for Month 2 of Max 30 for the next 60 days to see what else I can do.

    I'm 47 years old.

    How many times did you do each workout? Twice a piece?
  • stopherprouty
    stopherprouty Posts: 3 Member
    LargeEricS wrote: »
    How many times did you do each workout? Twice a piece?

    Yes. Twice through Insanity (regular) then switched to Max30 full schedule until last month. Now I'm keeping with the second month of Max30 on repeat. I go all out when I do these things.

    Oh. No rest days. I run when there's nothing on the calendar.

  • Leenizi129
    Leenizi129 Posts: 133 Member
    Luv them great workouts! Just stick with it they get easier as you learn the moves. Go at your own.pace but do not get discouraged, it is hard until it becomes easy!
  • knempress
    knempress Posts: 62 Member
    I did the first day of month 2 today. I'm loving the challenge so far and seeing some results after completing the first half. The first Month 2 workout definitely took some more mental energy.