Has anyone offered you junk food out of concern for your health?



  • cookiemonster_ashley
    cookiemonster_ashley Posts: 27 Member
    Several "friends" I know haven't offered me junk but have said I'm fine the way I am (I'm like 100+lbs heavier than them but yup okay I'm fine being morbidly obese) /eyeroll.
    Or they try to get me to have cheat days "oh let's go to dairy Queen. One day isn't going to hurt". I'm sure it won't but still no thank you.
  • RelCanonical
    RelCanonical Posts: 3,882 Member
    I get the concern food pushing, but most of the time it's related to portion sizes rather than the type of food. Lots of "did you get enough to eat?" in a way that implies they think I didn't. I've never been told that I should stop losing weight.
  • janjunie
    janjunie Posts: 1,200 Member
    @incisron why are they worried about you to begin with?
  • Rebecca0224
    Rebecca0224 Posts: 810 Member
    I get the concern food pushing, but most of the time it's related to portion sizes rather than the type of food. Lots of "did you get enough to eat?" in a way that implies they think I didn't. I've never been told that I should stop losing weight.

    My partner does this except it's "is that all your eating?"
  • crazyycatladyy1
    crazyycatladyy1 Posts: 156 Member
    edited May 2017
    No one has ever offered me food out of concern. If that's happening then I'd evaluate why. Are you at a healthy bmi? Underweight? Have a history with EDs? People trying to get you to eat is a bit concerning.
  • inertiastrength
    inertiastrength Posts: 2,343 Member
    No, but when my bf was cutting aggressively and was moody af I demanded that he go binge on Popeyes and not to speak to me until he had lol (more as a joke but he legit needed to up his cals!)
  • RelCanonical
    RelCanonical Posts: 3,882 Member
    I get the concern food pushing, but most of the time it's related to portion sizes rather than the type of food. Lots of "did you get enough to eat?" in a way that implies they think I didn't. I've never been told that I should stop losing weight.

    My partner does this except it's "is that all your eating?"

    Oh god my mom does this too when I come over. I learned it was an insecurity for her projecting onto me because she always thinks she's eating too much. Therefore, if I'm eating less than her, I'm not eating enough.
  • Rebecca0224
    Rebecca0224 Posts: 810 Member
    I get the concern food pushing, but most of the time it's related to portion sizes rather than the type of food. Lots of "did you get enough to eat?" in a way that implies they think I didn't. I've never been told that I should stop losing weight.

    My partner does this except it's "is that all your eating?"

    Oh god my mom does this too when I come over. I learned it was an insecurity for her projecting onto me because she always thinks she's eating too much. Therefore, if I'm eating less than her, I'm not eating enough.

    I don't eat a big dinner and then I snack later so he worries unnecessarily that I'm not eating enough.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    I've had people offer me cookies out of concern for my mental health.

    I accept them gratefully.
  • lauracups
    lauracups Posts: 533 Member
    LAWoman72 wrote: »
    lauracups wrote: »
    Yup, but it wasn't out of concern, it was from an uglier place. Many years ago when I was at a mid range healthy bmi, I was at a beach picnic, chocolate covered strawberries were being passed around in a container, (chocolate can be a trigger, so if I feel I need to avoid I do) I was walking away toward water when my mother yells out to the person with the strawberries "she wants one!". I was furious, as my mother lectures me "it's rude to turn down food that someone made special ". The irony, my mother is anorexic, but would either call me a whale (when i was heavy ) or (when I was fit) say things "what you trying to prove looking like that."
    If someone is truly concerned for you, they'll show compassion for your wants and needs without ulterior motive.

    Oh my gosh, Laura, this is terrible and I can relate on the dysfunctional, competitive mom.

    My mother would cal me lard-A or fat-A (at 110 lbs.) And then when I lost weight she would giggle and literally snort about how I had no boobs and point at them and squeal "They're almost real!", usually in front of my friends but especially in front of my boyfriends.

    Sorry you experienced that! The way I look at experiences like that though, it gives us a clear cut example of what not to do or act.
  • incisron
    incisron Posts: 550 Member
    Thanks for all the insight, everybody. To those pf you who have had crappy exoeriences, I'm sorry. <3