Calculating Calorie Intake, BMR, and Macronutrients



  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member

    Is there anyway to put some scotch tape or glue on this please or do we just need to keep bumping? ;)
  • kje2011
    kje2011 Posts: 502 Member
    lot of informaiton, thx
  • sl1mmy
    sl1mmy Posts: 185
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member

    Is there anyway to put some scotch tape or glue on this please or do we just need to keep bumping? ;)

    at present, no. It's crazy?
  • DanaSD
    DanaSD Posts: 5 Member
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Bumping for people to read, re-read and read it again until it sinks. :)
  • ladybug2020
    ladybug2020 Posts: 83 Member
  • blueillusion3
    blueillusion3 Posts: 151 Member
    tons of information!!! thanks :)
  • donnaeve8
    donnaeve8 Posts: 113 Member
    Way toooo complicated for me. Thought it was supposed to be a simple "more calories out then in"? Now the rules are different. I don't pay much attention to my protein, carbs, etc except to try not to over them.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Way toooo complicated for me. Thought it was supposed to be a simple "more calories out then in"? Now the rules are different. I don't pay much attention to my protein, carbs, etc except to try not to over them.

    1. Calories in versus Calories out is FIRST priority.

    2. Hitting your macros is SECOND.


    Lets pretend you burn 2000 calories in a 24 hour period. You are eating 1500 calories in a 24 hour period.

    You are slated to lose 1lb a week if you continue you at this pace.

    Let's also pretend that your macros are like this:

    200g carbs
    10g fat
    50g protein

    This may not be exact, just using as an example. The high carb count and extremely low fat carb are going to most likely cause your weight to drop but also flucuate back and forth until you hit a plateau and come to a screeching halt. Not only that but you'll bloat so bad with water weight that it will frustrate you to no end.

    Your macros are off and need to be corrected.

    This is why you have people on this board that will swear by eating at a caloric deficit but then stop losing and plateau. Their macros aren't correct. Then they change their eating habits (maybe they start eating a little more food), and their macros suddenly change and they start losing weight again.

    Bottom line is this:

    If you start with a 500 calorie deficit below your maintenance in a 24 hour period, and you "hit" your macros every single day CORRECTLY, unless you have a thyroid problem or maybe diabetes, I will guarantee you weight loss over the long term. You MUST find your maintenance and be atleast 90% accurate with it.
  • donnaeve8
    donnaeve8 Posts: 113 Member
    I appreciate your explanation, but it is way too complicated for me to figure out what to eat during the day that will give me x amount of protein and x amount of fat and so on. I have tried zig-zagging before and that was too hard so this is way over the top for me.
    I'm sure it will be helpful for others though!

  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Bump because it's a new week. :)
  • spinaddict4life
    spinaddict4life Posts: 93 Member
    What website do you reccommend to find your calorie burn daily ? I am 5'5 199 pounds work at a desk but workout for 70 minutes including weights 6 days a week. Three days of that week are spin
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    What website do you reccommend to find your calorie burn daily ? I am 5'5 199 pounds work at a desk but workout for 70 minutes including weights 6 days a week. Three days of that week are spin

    Well not so much websites themselves, but formulas.

    This formula is probably the most accurate:

    BMR = 370 + (21.6 x LBM)
    Where LBM = [total weight (kg) x (100 - bodyfat %)]/100

    LBM is Lean Body Mass, and in order to get this you really need a good estimation of what your bodyfat % is. This can be tough to find to be honest. If you go into a decent gym like Gold's they have a tool that is about 93-94% accurate.

    There are a few other tools or ways to get it as well. You can make the investment and buy either a Bodybugg or a Bodymedia FIT. They run roughly $200 or so. You can order one online and walk into Best Buy and buy one. These tools are about 90-92% accurate and the longer you wear it the more it gets accustomed to your body....hence the more accurate it is.

    Another way is to eat normally and track everything (calorie wise) for about 3-4 weeks and attempt to eat the same amount of calories for those 3-4 weeks. If your weight remains the same after 3-4 weeks then you have found your maintenance level.

    Finding out your maintenance (calorie burn) everyday in a 24 hour period is probably THE most important aspect of starting your weight loss or CONTINUING your weigh loss journey. You must get this if you want to have long term success.
  • rocky282
    rocky282 Posts: 47 Member
    This post is super educational, very well written and super friendly. I would feel alot better if you would be willing to help me with my math so here are some stats...

    Height 5'2" (girl)
    Weight 223.8

    My lowest weight was 125, and then I was doing 6 hours of cardio type stuff (playing percussion with marching band, dancing, weight lifting, running, martial arts etc...) I can honestly say that aside from my chest I was pretty rock hard at that point. :)

    Lifestyle - disabled mom of 3 so mostly sitting walking but it is never very graceful. I do play with the kids during the day getting up and down off the floor and dancing while sitting. Early to rise about 5:45am kinda late to bed about 10pm. On tons of meds, and just 4 weeks ago a major 3 day dose of steroids which reaked havoc. I have to watch my carb intake as the doctor feels I am insullin resistant and working my way to diabetic. Let me know if any other info would help. I try to do 20 min of Wii 3 days a week, mostly the hula hoop, yoga or zumba (yes very ungracefully)

    I greatly appriciate any help you can lend!
  • ActiveTami
    ActiveTami Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks for the info! Now you've got me curious about my MICROS too. Where does fiber and sugars fit into all of this? Are they considered micronutrients?
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    This post is super educational, very well written and super friendly. I would feel alot better if you would be willing to help me with my math so here are some stats...

    Height 5'2" (girl)
    Weight 223.8

    My lowest weight was 125, and then I was doing 6 hours of cardio type stuff (playing percussion with marching band, dancing, weight lifting, running, martial arts etc...) I can honestly say that aside from my chest I was pretty rock hard at that point. :)

    Lifestyle - disabled mom of 3 so mostly sitting walking but it is never very graceful. I do play with the kids during the day getting up and down off the floor and dancing while sitting. Early to rise about 5:45am kinda late to bed about 10pm. On tons of meds, and just 4 weeks ago a major 3 day dose of steroids which reaked havoc. I have to watch my carb intake as the doctor feels I am insullin resistant and working my way to diabetic. Let me know if any other info would help. I try to do 20 min of Wii 3 days a week, mostly the hula hoop, yoga or zumba (yes very ungracefully)

    I greatly appriciate any help you can lend!


    This may be more difficult than you realize, especially being borderline diabetic. Another problem is the meds you are currently on. I was going to suggest to you a keto diet but that may end up bringing in more health problems.

    I could come up with some numbers for you, but with the health issues it might do more harm then good. Let me work on it.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Thanks for the info! Now you've got me curious about my MICROS too. Where does fiber and sugars fit into all of this? Are they considered micronutrients?

    Fiber is considered a macronutrient.

    Micronutrients are your vitamins and minerals.

    Macronutrients are your proteins, carbs, fats, fatty acids, fiber.

    Regarding directly with weight loss, carbs, fats, and proteins are what you have to balance along with a calorie deficit under your maintenance to achieve weight loss depending on your goals, etc.
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 983 Member