How many people log every fruit and vegetable they eat?



  • DietPrada
    DietPrada Posts: 1,171 Member
    Are fruits and vegetables good for you? Sure. Are they calorie free? No. Also fruit is high in sugar and the calories add up really quickly. A banana has 130 calories for example (depending on size). You should absolutely log it. If it's not water, or ice, it should go in your diary.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,884 Member
    I log them all. I eat hundreds of calories of fruit and veg daily, most of them relatively low-cal individually. On another thread, I mentioned recently having a 692 calorie dinner that had 18 logged items, only one of them over 70 calories, and only 4 over 50 calories.

    I also like knowing - as best as one can within labeling limitations - how my nutrition is shaping up. Plus a fair amount of macros I want to track (chiefly protein) come from veggies and fruit.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    but I remember years ago when I was in Weight Watchers my instructor said "nobody has even become overweight by eating too many apples"

    This kinda makes sense if you follow this:

    But you should eat the fruit and vegies before filling your cals up with other things, not the other way around.

    If I've hit my calories for the day and then eat unlimited fruit and veggies then yeah, i would gain weight. It really depends which way you look at it. If the only things i ate day in day out were fruit and veggies, then no i probably wouldn't put on weight because of them.
  • cmtigger
    cmtigger Posts: 1,450 Member
    I do. But I'm more worried about sodium than calories.
  • happyauntie2015
    happyauntie2015 Posts: 282 Member
    Yup I do. I weigh it and log it
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    Is it worth the stress or time? I mean in a way you should probably eat those fruits and veggies even if you don't have the cals left for the day.. right?

    When I am trying to be as accurate as possible (ie cutting/losing weight), I count every vegetable and fruit. Since calories are king, it is beneficial for me to know where I'm at. Whether you should or shouldn't eat the fruit/vegetables is a whole other question. To answer, if I am out of calories for the day, no, I won't eat them. Although, normally, I would be choosing a cupcake or something if still have calories for the day. Definitely not fruit or vegetables... I try to get those in before I am "deciding" on whether to eat something or not.

    This. If I have room to decide what to eat with some extra calories, I've already eaten enough vegetables for 4 people for the day. Fruit on the other hand kind of pisses me off because it's high calorie for me. I should probably choose an apple.
  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member
    Yes, especially fruit. Some bananas could be close to 100 calories, depending on how big the banana is. I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables throughout the day. If I didn't log them, some days I could easily be missing 300 - 500 calories from my day. That's enough to wipe out my deficit.
  • youdoyou2016
    youdoyou2016 Posts: 393 Member
    I ate 300 calories worth of fruits and veggies today. For me, that would be a lot to not record and would undo my deficit. It all has calories -- even if it also has fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and all sorts of other goodies.
  • atjays
    atjays Posts: 798 Member
    Depends really what it is. Some vegetables have almost no calorie content, like lettuce. Even for a big salad you're only talking 5 or 10 cals. More dense things like most apples, bananas and such can't just be over looked. That's 100+ calories each. A couple of those could be the difference between a calorie deficit or a surplus. I do generally log all my fruits and vegetables, but I do it as part of my meal prep process. The extra few seconds to toss them on the scale prior to cooking isn't very stressful and now that they are logged I can just copy my meals forward as I use them during the week. Makes it all very easy in my opinion.
  • endlessfall16
    endlessfall16 Posts: 932 Member
    but I remember years ago when I was in Weight Watchers my instructor said "nobody has even become overweight by eating too many apples"

    This kinda makes sense if you follow this:

    But you should eat the fruit and vegies before filling your cals up with other things, not the other way around.

    If I've hit my calories for the day and then eat unlimited fruit and veggies then yeah, i would gain weight. It really depends which way you look at it. If the only things i ate day in day out were fruit and veggies, then no i probably wouldn't put on weight because of them.

    If you've hit your calories for the day and then (try to) eat unlimited celery and cucumber, would you still gain weight? :)

    Point is, it depends on the kind of veggies. Use common sense.

  • annegegg
    annegegg Posts: 3 Member
    Anything that crosses my lips gets logged. Unfortunately for me.
  • janjunie
    janjunie Posts: 1,200 Member
    I log everything, vitamins, salt, spinach...everything.
  • endlessfall16
    endlessfall16 Posts: 932 Member
    edited May 2017
    bbell1985 wrote: »
    but I remember years ago when I was in Weight Watchers my instructor said "nobody has even become overweight by eating too many apples"

    This kinda makes sense if you follow this:

    But you should eat the fruit and vegies before filling your cals up with other things, not the other way around.

    If I've hit my calories for the day and then eat unlimited fruit and veggies then yeah, i would gain weight. It really depends which way you look at it. If the only things i ate day in day out were fruit and veggies, then no i probably wouldn't put on weight because of them.

    If you've hit your calories for the day and then (try to) eat unlimited celery and cucumber, would you still gain weight? :)

    Point is, it depends on the kind of veggies. Use common sense.

    100 calories is a surplus. It's not hard to eat 100-250 calories worth of veggies. Use common sense.

    A 301 gram cucumber is 47 calories. Do most people eat more than 5 to get over 250? That's assuming you know exactly the amount you burn that day to consider it "surplus".

    Just eat 2 cucumbers and walk a pet. :)
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    edited May 2017
    I log them, but I'll admit that if I'm using them in a recipe and entering the ingredients ahead of time, if it's a non-starchy vegetable or a fruit that isn't an avocado, I'll use the generic "1 medium onion, 2 large carrots" as a placeholder and not necessarily go back and fill in the actual weights at the time of cooking. I will do so with stuff like corn and potatoes, though.

    If I'm throwing a salad together for lunch, I weigh and log as I go.

    *Keep in mind also that when I do a recipe, I live on it for part of the week. So, if an apple is 90 for a "medium" but 140 for 175 grams (I am making up numbers without checking the database for this example) but the recipe yields six servings... my inaccurate logging means I'm off by under 10 calories. I'm not really that worried about it. Still, little things add up and should I hit a plateau, it's something I'll look at.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    but I remember years ago when I was in Weight Watchers my instructor said "nobody has even become overweight by eating too many apples"

    This kinda makes sense if you follow this:

    But you should eat the fruit and vegies before filling your cals up with other things, not the other way around.

    If I've hit my calories for the day and then eat unlimited fruit and veggies then yeah, i would gain weight. It really depends which way you look at it. If the only things i ate day in day out were fruit and veggies, then no i probably wouldn't put on weight because of them.

    If you've hit your calories for the day and then (try to) eat unlimited celery and cucumber, would you still gain weight? :)

    Point is, it depends on the kind of veggies. Use common sense.

    I didn't think about it this in-depth :wink:
  • jnpyles
    jnpyles Posts: 2 Member
    I used to, but no longer. My go to snacks are now raw broccoli florets, green or snap peas, tomatoes. They are relatively low in calories but full of fiber and healthy nutrients and do a great job of preventing cravings by filling your body with the good stuff.
  • RedheadedPrincess14
    RedheadedPrincess14 Posts: 415 Member
    I always log them but I'm less accurate with weighing them. For example, I know that the romaine hearts I buy come up to about 35 calories each (I've weighed them and checked and their between 30-42) so I just log them at about 35. Also, I weigh out my tomatoes I'll usually just round it. Sometimes if I nibble a couple extra cherry tomatoes or brocolli as I cook and I won't log that but I'm also at very close to my goal weight and lost weight (20 pounds in about 5 months?) so I'm not too concerned. I'd say if you're not losing at your desired rate, then tighten the screws on logging but it's important to include veg and fruit into your diet because they will fill you up for a lot less calories and keep you healthy :)
  • endlessfall16
    endlessfall16 Posts: 932 Member
    but I remember years ago when I was in Weight Watchers my instructor said "nobody has even become overweight by eating too many apples"

    This kinda makes sense if you follow this:

    But you should eat the fruit and vegies before filling your cals up with other things, not the other way around.

    If I've hit my calories for the day and then eat unlimited fruit and veggies then yeah, i would gain weight. It really depends which way you look at it. If the only things i ate day in day out were fruit and veggies, then no i probably wouldn't put on weight because of them.

    If you've hit your calories for the day and then (try to) eat unlimited celery and cucumber, would you still gain weight? :)

    Point is, it depends on the kind of veggies. Use common sense.

    I didn't think about it this in-depth :wink:

    :) I always like your style of posting. Easy breezy.

    When I was counting I made my life easy by counting only the protein, the starchy carbs and the sweets. I ignored green veggies. I counted all dressings as 50 calories. Made things quick and importantly consistent. Worked well losing 15+ lbs in couple months. :)