Advice on my daily food intake



My name is Emily and I am trying to go from 10 stone 3 to 8 stone 6/7. Having suffered from anorexia (and recovered, yay!) I am constantly fighting old thoughts. I know that at 10 stone 3 I was too heavy for my small 5 foot 3 frame. I wanted to diet, but I find it difficult, because half of me loves the thrill of losing weight but the newer sensible me is totally paranoid about spiralling back into anorexic thoughts. I find it a battle to eat a sensible amount because half of my body is telling me to stop eating and the other half scared I'll eat too little. This is a typical day for me (although, not at weekends). I wondered if people could give me advice on if this is a healthy diet or not and what reasons why? My knowledge of calories and nutrition on individual items is phenomenal, having spent years researching, googling, going to Tesco to not buy but to read labels and packaging however I find it hard to use this knowledge on myself.

Thank you for your help and if anybody is struggling with any similar issues; I am more than happy to help and discuss and get through things together!



  • emilycmfp2017
    emilycmfp2017 Posts: 3 Member
    Currently I am on a 49 day streak and am down a stone at 9 stone 3!
  • Muscleflex79
    Muscleflex79 Posts: 1,917 Member
    you are way under your daily calories and your fat intake is super low at 19g day! not sure what kind of advice beyond that you are looking for? where did you get these goals??
  • emilycmfp2017
    emilycmfp2017 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey! I just plugged in my details and these were my goals... I didn't realise that there was a minimum fat goal I suppose? I know some fat is necessary but I just assumed that I was getting some. I do relax on weekends and so there is probably a lot more fat introduced then. Maybe that's an area on improvement for weekdays also? Thanks!
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    1209 seems really low - what is your activity level? are you working out and eating back exercise calories?
  • jlpdkp
    jlpdkp Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Emily, try to meat your daily goal of Protien, Healthy Fats, Sugar, Calories ect. You might need to adjust the type of foods you are eating. Eat less Fruit and more veggies, that will help control the sugar portion of your goal. Hope this helps. :smile:
  • aflane
    aflane Posts: 625 Member
    I'm not sure that you're food quantities are accurate, which may get you in trouble down the road. You've been logging using measuring cups. You need to get an inexpensive digital food scale that measures in grams. You can normally find one for about $20 on Amazon.

    I agree about your fat levels being too low. Your body needs healthy fats in order to function properly.
  • MsChucktowski
    MsChucktowski Posts: 121 Member
    If mfp gave you 1200 cals per day, you really should be trying to eat as close as possible to that. It is generally agreed that 1200 is a minimum daily intake for women.