Milk alternatives for children



  • kms234
    kms234 Posts: 132 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    Just so people don't keep repeating it-we have already seen and discussed it with pediatrician as well as pediatric allergist. Was looking for brand recommendations.

    My son loves Silk unsweetened vanilla cashew milk. He also likes the new Silk nut protein milk (I think it's a blend of cashew, almond and pea protein) but it has a lot of sugar so I didn't buy it again.
  • UsaJewels05
    UsaJewels05 Posts: 229 Member
    My 2 yr old was on Soy milk from age 1 -2 and then I read an article that said something about the Soy not being good for girls (i.e., messing with their hormones), so we switched her to Lactaid Milk. She seems to like it! I tasted it and it was okay just a bit sweeter than regular milk. We get the Generic 2% Lactaid.

    She is not allergic to milk but regular milk and cheeses upset her tummy and give her gas so I just assume she might be lactose intolerant.
  • dutchandkiwi
    dutchandkiwi Posts: 1,389 Member
    edited May 2017
    When it comes to milk allergies - there are two types - the lactose intolerance - Goat has less of it but still has it.
    The other one is a protein allergy - I think it is called A2 from ancient memory - There is cow's milk that is free of it and it is not in goat's milk.
    So it greatly depends.

    My cousins with cow's milk allergy did well on soy milk
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    CatchMom13 wrote: »
    If your child isn't allergic to cow's milk, why substitute it? If you're allergic to foods, then you need to have her tested. Find a good ENT and have her put through the battery of tests. It's worth it to know for sure.

    My daughter is very allergic to cow's milk! It actually triggers allergic asthma. She loves milk though! I literally have to monitor her but she's 19 so... kind of difficult. She's tried soy milk, but doesn't like it. Will use unsweetened vanilla almond milk on cereal.

    You obviously didn't read. She is diagnosed already with the allergy by a pediatric allergist.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    elphie754 wrote: »
    Just so people don't keep repeating it-we have already seen and discussed it with pediatrician as well as pediatric allergist. Was looking for brand recommendations.

    They didn't suggest anything themselves?

    Seriously? Even if they did, does that sudddenly mean I can't ask other people for suggestions?

    I was just asking for a jumping point... No one said you couldn't ask for suggestions.

    ETA- I personally like almond milk but if there is a nut allergy that's out, so that is why I asked did the doctors say anything else.

    Thankfully no nut allergy (at least according to the blood work). They suggest soy milk when we first give her milk. Right now she has been changed to a specialized formula..
    My 2 yr old was on Soy milk from age 1 -2 and then I read an article that said something about the Soy not being good for girls (i.e., messing with their hormones), so we switched her to Lactaid Milk. She seems to like it! I tasted it and it was okay just a bit sweeter than regular milk. We get the Generic 2% Lactaid.

    She is not allergic to milk but regular milk and cheeses upset her tummy and give her gas so I just assume she might be lactose intolerant.

    Lactaid I believe just gets rid of the lactose (I could be wrong) so would not be a suitable alternative.

  • crazyycatladyy1
    crazyycatladyy1 Posts: 156 Member
    edited May 2017
    I have one kid who's lactose intolerant, and she tried all the alternatives before declaring that almond milk was the best flavored. She uses the original version on cereal and such and then she drinks chocolate almond milk as well.
  • Treece68
    Treece68 Posts: 780 Member
    @janejellyroll goats milk does not have lactose in it, so the lactose intolerant can drink it.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Treece68 wrote: »
    @janejellyroll goats milk does not have lactose in it, so the lactose intolerant can drink it.

    Goat milk does have lactose in it, it just has less of it than milk from a cow. This is why people with lactose issues can sometimes handle it better.
  • janjunie
    janjunie Posts: 1,200 Member
    I would honestly just try everything. My kids don't have a milk allergy, but they've had almond milk, soy milk, cashew milk, rice milk, goat milk, quinoa milk.....if you can milk it they have drunk it. FWIW they're favourite has been almond milk.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    My 2-year-old niece has the same allergy and is drinking almond milk
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    Anyone have an suggestions for milk substitutes for kids when they are old enough to start drinking milk?

    Soy milk, almond milk, rice milk, cashew milk, flax milk. If this is for an allergy I'd ask the allergist for a recommendation.
  • annacole94
    annacole94 Posts: 997 Member
    Generally for kids, you want to serve a mix of milks, as none of them really fill the gaps that we like to use dairy milk to fill (fat and protein, calcium, vitamin D). Rice milk is pretty much useless. A mix of hemp, almond, coconut, etc. will all supply different nutrients. I wouldn't mix them together into one glass, just rotate what you serve and see what she likes.

  • ronjsteele1
    ronjsteele1 Posts: 1,064 Member
    edited May 2017
    Ideally, goats milk would be best. It is the closest to human milk and has a better blend of protein/carbs then nuts milks, etc. Sheeps milk would be an option as well, if you can find it. I do not like goats milk, but my kids tolerated it because we gave it to them so young. That said, my one child that had a severe milk allergy also showed up allergic to goats milk. As with all allergies, there are no guarantees. But in order of what we liked for nutrition - raw goats milk (taste depends on what kind of goat you get it from), So Delicious Coconut Milk, Pacific Hemp milk. We finally settled on the coconut milk. We use unsweetened. My kids actually hate the Silk brand milks. They can actually have raw cows milk now but they were dairy free for so many years that now they can't stand the taste of regular milk so we have just stuck with coconut milk. We don't eat cereal or drink it so I basically just cook with it. If for some reason they have cereal as a bedtime snack or something they said the coconut milk tastes fine. Hemp has a much better fat content overall but the taste is pretty strong. Ultimately though, she is going to adjust to whatever you give her because she'll be starting it so young she won't know the difference. I would look for which has the best balanced nutrition and start her on that one to see how she does allergy wise and then move on from there. You may have to mix her formula with the milk a little bit at a time to ease her into the transition when you do get to that point.

    If you have access to a good health food store, sheep cheese and yogurt tastes better to me then goat yogurt and cheese (when she gets to that point). Less gamey to me. It's expensive though, and can be hard to find. The overall protein/carb mix is better with sheep milk products as well. I still have a fairly strong whey allergy so I stay away from milk.

    Don't worry too much about people telling you to ask your doc. You've been around long enough most of us know you already do that. ;) It always helps to ask other moms and honestly, you'll learn more from other moms then your doctor is ever going to tell you. :) You're a mom now. Your mommy instincts will tell you when to talk to your doctor and when you can probably trust other mom's advice. ;)

    Hope you're enjoying being a mom. :) They grow so fast (I know you've already discovered this)! Enjoy every minute with her. :)<3
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    Thank you everyone
  • Candelario86
    Candelario86 Posts: 10 Member
    Almond milk in our house
  • Heather4448
    Heather4448 Posts: 908 Member
    My youngest son is allergic to cow's milk, but he can easily tolerate goat milk. He drinks a lot of Almond milk -- specifically Almond Breeze dark chocolate. He loves it!
  • allisonl6
    allisonl6 Posts: 37 Member
    We do almond in our house. I have 3 that are allergic to cow milk. I avoid soy milk as soy is an estrogen mimicer and too much of it messes with developing hormones.
  • ronjsteele1
    ronjsteele1 Posts: 1,064 Member
    allisonl6 wrote: »
    We do almond in our house. I have 3 that are allergic to cow milk. I avoid soy milk as soy is an estrogen mimicer and too much of it messes with developing hormones.

    So much this! :s
  • Luna3386
    Luna3386 Posts: 888 Member
    I'd just try different brands and see what your child likes. I avoid soy because of hormonal reasons. I'd try coconut or almond. My store doesn't have many options so I don't have much experience with brands. Lol.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    edited May 2017
    I couldn't have milk as a kid, so I used to drink soy. I didn't really like it though, and there were no real alternatives then (goats was out because of lactose), so I ended up just not having it. To this day I eat cereal with orange juice.