Looking for friends who have 100+ pounds to lose....

Hello - I am restarting MFP after losing 70-ish pounds a few years ago, only gaining it back plus way more. I am looking for like-minded people who are wanting to get their lives back but have 100 pounds or more to lose!!! I lead a pretty sedentary lifestyle right now and I'm ready to change that. We were blessed by a free gym membership from my hubby's employer and I'm ready to finally start utilizing it....we have 2 tweens who also need to lose weight and both of us work full time away from home; the gym is 1/2 hour away. If we can't get there to swim/workout, I will be doing a lot of walking around my little town and just making sure that I am logging everything that I eat/drink!!


  • thewindandthework
    thewindandthework Posts: 531 Member
    My starting weight and goal weight are 120 pounds apart! I'm about 40 pounds down and 80 to go.

    I like having friends with similar goals, and I'm also a member of a great group for people with 100+ pounds to lose!
  • ssshhhaaarrrooonnn
    ssshhhaaarrrooonnn Posts: 3 Member
    Hello, I wish to loose 80 pounds, trying pl1000 drops, suppose to help and i just started today. 1050 calories were counte
  • ssshhhaaarrrooonnn
    ssshhhaaarrrooonnn Posts: 3 Member
    never used this part of myfitpals, first time. But I am semi retired, travel with my husband, and I have no excuses.
  • fuscal2013
    fuscal2013 Posts: 2 Member
    1st week down, weigh in tomorrow! Goal to lose 100lbs.
  • yolandamable411
    yolandamable411 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I'm trying to lose about 70 pounds
  • tiffanyhj1
    tiffanyhj1 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm trying to go for 90.
  • aec709
    aec709 Posts: 32 Member
    Starting new again, I have lost 40 but gained it all back but 11. I want to finally break this yo-yo cycle. I am determined and looking for support.
  • kristikitter
    kristikitter Posts: 602 Member
    Welcome back to MFP!

    That free gym membership is a total gift - I bet you'll have fun using it too :) good luck on your journey; I have under 100lbs to lose but if you want another friend feel free to add me!
  • lottie670
    lottie670 Posts: 1 Member
    edited May 2017

    I have 81 lose which seems daunting. Im starting today and going to break it down into smaller goals of 10% of my body weight. I feel it's more positive for me. This app is all new to me. But really looks helpful. Can't wait to do a week and see a few pounds drop off. Would love some friends on here so please feel free to send me a friend request and maybe we can help each other along.
  • PackPariah
    PackPariah Posts: 75 Member
    Started about a monthish ago with 158 to lose, now at 128 to lose. Anybody is more than welcome to friend me.
  • AdelaDz
    AdelaDz Posts: 2 Member
    Have lost 20 pounds many times but inched upward. Now, I have to lose as much as possible for medical reasons. Today is Day 2. First goal is 80 pounds. Will then hope for another 70. I'm not even sure if that is possible, but I keep telling myself every pound counts. Just checked out about 5 other trackers but decided to return to and upgrade MFP. Good luck to you - and to all of us!
  • Theo166
    Theo166 Posts: 2,564 Member
    I'm on the 100+ journey, down 45 so far this year by focusing on diet.
  • predcoach17
    predcoach17 Posts: 4 Member
    Going for 105 myself. You all Rock!! Keep going!!
  • Trealini18
    Trealini18 Posts: 1 Member
    I am new too. Got about 120 pounds to lose. First week lost 5.
  • janetjanetbobanet
    janetjanetbobanet Posts: 1 Member
    I need to lose around 100, too, and it's going to take longer than I like, I'm afraid. I started a program through my doctor's office to help with motivation a couple of weeks ago, and it helps me not to cheat since I have to weigh in once in awhile.
  • Aarjono
    Aarjono Posts: 228 Member
    I had 93# to lose. I'm 11# down. I'm focusing on 10# at a time, so I don't get disheartened or overwhelmed. But I didn't put it on overnight, and I won't lose it overnight.
  • cjryan1231
    cjryan1231 Posts: 1 Member
    My cureent goal is to lose 100 pounds. So far I have lost approximately 35 pounds and have 65 to go. I graduate college in December at the heaviest I have ever been and I am determined to reverse that. I made my New Year's resolution to lise 100 pounds this year and so far I have stuck to it and have no intentions of turning back. I know we all can do this. You all have my support in your own journeys. Feel free to add me as a friend here! Good luck everyone!
  • cordney
    cordney Posts: 73 Member
    I am looking to lose 150+lbs. I have lost 50 since January.
  • askmeagain311
    askmeagain311 Posts: 139 Member
    I hope to lose 130 pounds. It seems like a far off dream.