Newbie here. Looking for friends who are going through this with me and to hear other stories

I'm starting at 433 I'll be 33 aug 10th I'm 5"1 my goal weight is a healthy BMI I'm starting a lifestyle change and it's hard very hard I'm guess you can call it ~ mentally frail~ lol but I don't take medicine for that anymore. After struggling to find one since I was 14 years old I have a long way to go for the RNY due to my Insurance has to be switched in aug then I get to meet the surgeon, sleep study, psych dr, with all this needing to be done I'm looking at November before surgery. This is my 3rd time starting over in the last 4 years. I'm on a meal plan of 1800 that requires 2 meal replacements (protein shakes) calories a day eating 5 or 6 times a day it's been going on 3 weeks with the meal plan last time I got on a scale it was 433 I am anxious to get back on it because I feel a little different. But I have cheated a few times but I get myself back on track. For the first time I don't want to give up no matter how long it takes me I'm going to over come this eating disorder and become healthy inside and out I have a almost 15 year old daughter that is an athlete. I'm so proud of her in everything she does, her grades, her choices, her religion her faith, her heart, her passion for cheerleading and softball <3 her plans and dreams NOW is my turn to make her proud!!
Tell me your story :)


  • 419waitamin
    419waitamin Posts: 4 Member
  • heatherlroberts5
    heatherlroberts5 Posts: 3 Member
    You can do it, your daughter will be so proud of you ! I'm Heather from Liverpool, England. I'm 35 and have just had a baby boy who is 12 weeks old. I ended up with an emergency C section so it's taken me a while to get over that but now I'm ready to try to shift the baby weight. I'll add you :smile: