

  • summalovaable
    summalovaable Posts: 287 Member
  • barbs2fat
    barbs2fat Posts: 8
    I am a food addict and miserable. I try so hard to control my eating but most times find myself eating all the wrong foods. i wish I had a stronger will power. My life is controlled by food. I am going to attemp something different by placing a colourful rubber band on my left wrist so each time i put something in my mouth I will pull at it to remind myself either about portion size or what i am actually putting into my mouth. I need to do this for me my health depends on it.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I have started a plant diet. and it is working. not eating meat. and lots of veggies lots of them and fruits thru out the day. For breakfast I do eat greek yogurt and fruit. a sliced of whole wheat toast. but other wise its veggies and fruit the rest of the day..Seems to be working for me... Oh and lots of water LOTS! i am giving this a week. till next thursday and see how I fare out.
    Good luck on all of you who are fighting this battle. For I am a food addict, and it is not going to rule my life

    :heart: .:drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart: Lets love ourself more than food.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I am trying to beat my food addictions with slow carbs. No white stuff like white flour potaoes, white bread. sugar etc.So far its doing pretty good. Lots of dry beans whole grains
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    im not a food addict. good luck to you though in kicking your addiction.
  • Hi everyone. I'm new to the site but food addiction is something that is all too familiar to me. Two things I can tell you from experience. Most of us food addicts are addicted to carbs & sugar. #1 Stay away from grains, starches, and sugar, period. I know, "whole grains are good for you", right. Potatoes have a lot of vitamins, right? Horse pookey! They convert almost instantly to glucose in your system. They do things to your blood sugar (can you spell INSULIN SPIKE?) that just make you want more. Beans? Not so good either. #2. Plan your daily menu, calculate it within your daily calorie goal, and then DON'T DEVIATE FROM IT!. We need structure in our new WOE (way of eating). And when you fall off the wagon, get back on. Just because you ate one Oreo doesn't mean that just because slipped you are now allowed to finish the bag. "I already blew it today, so why not?" If you're like me you have found an empty bag of cookies or chips in your lap while you watched TV and had no idea how it got there, right? Plan each day. The plan works --- follow the plan. Good luck to all of us.
  • makemehot
    makemehot Posts: 1
    I love this idea. I'm going to do it also. I consider myself a food addict. I can do alright for a few weeks when everything in life is running smooth but as soon as something jumps in and shakes up my routine I am off the rocker. I say I only eat when I'm hungry but I am hungry ALL the time which makes me feel like my body has taken over my mind. But I refuse to give up. Some day it will all make sense and I will accept myself no matter what my size and stop harping on the "what could be" and start living today. Best of luck to you!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I am trying to follow the 18/6 way of eating/ this past week. I fast for 18 hours and my eating window is open 6 hours/ I sart at 6 PM at night and eat until I am full but not stuff I do not eat again till 12:00: PM [ 18 hours] the next day I Its working out pretty good. I Eat a nice lunch till I am full but not stuff. I eat a varity of foods.Will check in next Saturday on my weight. I do not eat any white stuff. I have beans, whole grains lots of veggies and fruit. no white potatoes. I do have sweet potatoes.. I also have plain non fat greek yogurtwith fruit/ That is my deserts. Pretty happy with it.

    Here is a thread here on
    MFP is where I am getting my information from
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