When did YOU notice a difference...?



  • Mahdi22
    Mahdi22 Posts: 229 Member
    mrspett323 wrote: »
    It took around 5 months for a 20 lbs loss. It's slow but the more natural you do it, the longer it takes and stays off. My friend at the gym started noticing it as well as my husband. I didn't believe my husband but did once my friend said something. I take pics,its a must because that scale will fluctuate and discourage you as well. I always kept a small pair of jeans and an outfit to try on which I now can fit. It takes hard work and dedication honey! It's a lifestyle at this point

    I hate my scale lol. It's very old and I think it might even be broken so I can't even properly weigh myself so I try not to
  • imabhealthy
    imabhealthy Posts: 74 Member
    @OP: Inoticed on myself after about 7 pounds - I was also really working out so clothes started fitting better pretty quickly.Now that I'm at 10 pounds lost I've had others start noticing. It's funny because some people say they don't notice or have clothes fit differently until a much bigger loss. Shows how different all of our bodies are!! I'm not losing as fast as I had wanted, but so far this is totally doable so as long as I'm going down slowly, I'll keep at it. Good luck on your journey!!
  • gettingskinnymeg
    gettingskinnymeg Posts: 5 Member
    I have been doing Chalean Extreme from beach body for about three months now. I take measurements after every month. I am hyper aware about my weight but i did not really notice a difference until 8-12 weeks later. I have lost inches all around my body. I have a small and short frame but have lost 8 pounds and i would ideally like to lose another five! my ultimate goal is just to be able to wear shorts in the summer without the dreaded "chub rub" effect. If any other ladies have overcome that obstacle let me know I could use some motivation!
  • aliciamariaq
    aliciamariaq Posts: 272 Member
    nichell88 wrote: »
    nichell88 wrote: »
    Honestly, I didn't really and truly notice a difference until I made a before and after shot after about 4 months. I had lost 39 pounds by then and my clothes had started to fit differently but I didn't really capture the work I had done until I put the pictures up. Others had been noticing my weight loss and many had acknowledged it, but I had trouble really seeing the progress. It was very emotional for me to see it once i did. The picture that did it is below. So i strongly recommend taking progress pics throughout. Had I done it sooner, I'm sure I would have noticed a difference

    Dang, that's only a 40 pound difference? You look totally different! Good work

    Thank you! And yes, that's 39 pounds, I'm down 44 total now. But I agree, it's definitely a transformation

    I can't believe you didn't notice the difference! You look great! Funny how your mind doesn't always catch up with what your eyes can plainly see
  • jpoehls9025
    jpoehls9025 Posts: 471 Member
    OP, the first indicator should be performance. I feel this is always going to be the first thing you notice. Then you might notice clothing fitting differently. After several months you might start seeing physical changes in the mirror. Albeit you could have probably noticed changes via measurements sooner, I feel when you see your body everyday you wont notice the "difference" until you have made significant change outwardly (photos / mirros) / inwardly how you also view yourself.
  • Mahdi22
    Mahdi22 Posts: 229 Member
    OP, the first indicator should be performance. I feel this is always going to be the first thing you notice. Then you might notice clothing fitting differently. After several months you might start seeing physical changes in the mirror. Albeit you could have probably noticed changes via measurements sooner, I feel when you see your body everyday you wont notice the "difference" until you have made significant change outwardly (photos / mirros) / inwardly how you also view yourself.

    I agree with performance being the first indicator....Can't wait till I see a real physical difference tho. I'm not very patient lol. One more week and it'll be 1 month.
  • mca90guitar
    mca90guitar Posts: 289 Member
    I notice in my arms and chest pretty fast, but need to lose alot before the gut and legs look better to me.

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