Macro help

I would like to start counting my macros I vaguely understand it but would like some more help with meal ideas.


  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Planning meals helps, so you can see how your macros are being spread across the day. Start by adding a source of the macro you struggle with to each meal first - that seems to be protein for many people. Add your other ingredients around it to make a meal. Fiddle with portion sizes and adjust foods until you get the numbers you want
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    It almost always better to start with first things first.

    First - decide your calorie goal. Setup MFP with your stats, and if you want to lose weight, pick the weight loss goal per week closest to 1% of your total body weight. MFP gives you a calorie goal you're supposed to hit. If you do that, for real, as in picking correct entries and logging the actual amount you eat, and hit your goal, every day, over time, you lose weight.

    Second - understand what macros is for. It's to ensure a balanced diet. There are lots of ways to balance one's diet, but they are all based on needs and preferences. Most people need an amount of protein of no less than 0.5 grams and fat no less than 0.4 grams per pound of body weight at goal/normal weight. Most people like to decide for themselves what to eat and when. You can eat anything you want. Google is a good resource if you need inspiration and recipes.

    Third - this is where it becomes interesting. Use your food diary to compose meals and menus that align with your 1) calorie goal 2) protein and fat goals 3) tastebuds 4) daily schedule.
  • beckydyer27
    beckydyer27 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you both will try all this this morning I've had banana pancakes with seeds and raspberries with little yoghurt