Jogging in place



  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    The calorie burn for jogging in place should be close to what you would experience by jogging outside on flat land. The difference is that you won't have inclines to deal with or wind pushing against you.

    The MET value for jogging in place is significantly lower than running. Largely because you're not moving your body mass forward.

    In terms of CV effect, it's about the same as going for a walk.
  • amtyrell
    amtyrell Posts: 1,449 Member
    Walk outside. Walking outside will get you outside and you will gain the confidence to run outside. So start walking outside then brisk walk outside then short bursts of running then solid runs then hey running habit
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    There is no reason to not just get outside. If you don't feel confident running then walk.
    Download the couch to five k app and really power walk the run bits.
    After the nine weeks start it again but run them.
    Don't let anything stop you. No one is thinking bad of you. There thinking great, she's moving.
    You'll find all the runners will smile and nod as they pass.

    As for not running outside in UK winters, I don't get that.
    I,'ve missed one training run in two years due to thick ice and I'm in the North of England. We don't get bad weather really.
  • hcolligan
    hcolligan Posts: 75 Member
    I would suggest walking outside is better than jogging in place. I began my fitness journey by walking then adding short bursts of running ( didn't know then about c25k!).
    I understand how you feel because I used to go out early in the morning so no one would see me!
    Now, I couldn't give a toss what people think, I'm running and they aren't!
  • PinkamenaD8
    PinkamenaD8 Posts: 99 Member
    edited May 2017
    Jogging in place doesn't have to be boring, you can do it while watching tv or if you prefer a mobile device and you can try apps like bitgym, just be aware of your jog pace.
    The motion is also quite different because you're not pushing backward. Even a treadmill has that same effect - you are not propelling yourself forward -

    I'm not sure of it. I haven't seen a difference jogging on threadmill than outside.

    You're propelling yourself foward (not just jumping) on a threadmill otherwise you fall, altought you're running at steady pace, so you don't deal with inclination, obstacles and wind resistance (wich is important if you run at +10m/h). Research has shown that threadmill and outdoor running has minimal differences, and can be compensated setting the threadmill at 1% of inclination.

    About jogging in place and the force applied to jogging outdoors compared seems negligible, your legs don't have the same range of motion but you're still pushing your body upward and the aerobic process is almost the same so you'll burn similar calories, you won't know your distance but your heart rate is proof that you your body is going in the cardiovascular process that builds up aerobic excercise resistance.

  • 1LonelyRose
    1LonelyRose Posts: 48 Member
    High knees are pretty effective, it's almost like jogging in place but you raise your knees higher. I would imagine in can be effective if your heart rate is increased and steady. I would say go for it.
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    The calorie burn for jogging in place should be close to what you would experience by jogging outside on flat land. The difference is that you won't have inclines to deal with or wind pushing against you.

    The MET value for jogging in place is significantly lower than running. Largely because you're not moving your body mass forward.

    In terms of CV effect, it's about the same as going for a walk.

    That is probably because the person who selected the MET number didn't expect someone to jog in place vigorously. Moving your body mass forward is a very small part of the calorie burn experienced during jogging. It is about what you would burn if you were on a bicycle pushing yourself forward at jogging speed. The majority of calorie burn from jogging is because you are leaping with one leg and landing on the other. If one were to do this in place at the same cadence as a jogger, their burn would be similar to the jogger.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    The calorie burn for jogging in place should be close to what you would experience by jogging outside on flat land. The difference is that you won't have inclines to deal with or wind pushing against you.

    The MET value for jogging in place is significantly lower than running. Largely because you're not moving your body mass forward.

    In terms of CV effect, it's about the same as going for a walk.

    That is probably because the person who selected the MET number didn't expect someone to jog in place vigorously. Moving your body mass forward is a very small part of the calorie burn experienced during jogging. It is about what you would burn if you were on a bicycle pushing yourself forward at jogging speed. The majority of calorie burn from jogging is because you are leaping with one leg and landing on the other. If one were to do this in place at the same cadence as a jogger, their burn would be similar to the jogger.

    You do appreciate that the METs are from research at Stanford?
  • futuresize8
    futuresize8 Posts: 476 Member
    I don't have anything to back it up but I feel like I'm getting more of a workout when I actually walk, versus jogging in place. Like, the striding seems to be a greater workout. But I think any moving in general is a good thing!!

    However...I just wanted to say...please don't feel self conscious about running outside! Think of it this way - the other runners who see you? They're gonna be like, "You go, girl! Get your run on! YEAH!" and those who don't run who see you? They can't say a damn thing! Because they don't RUN.

    No matter where you are in your fitness goals, you're awesome. You're doing something. Be proud and run outside!
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    When I jog in place I mix it up so sometimes I'll do some high knees, sometimes some heel flicks and sometimes some star jumps. Squats and lunges are also great whilst watching telly, and the situp/pressups during ads is a great idea. Remember to stretch afterwards though :) Good luck x
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I would first address the reasons why you lack the confidence to jog outside. Solving that issue would help you along in everything you do, not just exercise
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    The calorie burn for jogging in place should be close to what you would experience by jogging outside on flat land. The difference is that you won't have inclines to deal with or wind pushing against you.

    The MET value for jogging in place is significantly lower than running. Largely because you're not moving your body mass forward.

    In terms of CV effect, it's about the same as going for a walk.

    That is probably because the person who selected the MET number didn't expect someone to jog in place vigorously. Moving your body mass forward is a very small part of the calorie burn experienced during jogging. It is about what you would burn if you were on a bicycle pushing yourself forward at jogging speed. The majority of calorie burn from jogging is because you are leaping with one leg and landing on the other. If one were to do this in place at the same cadence as a jogger, their burn would be similar to the jogger.

    You do appreciate that the METs are from research at Stanford?

    You do realize that that means most of those numbers were probably dreamed up by graduate students?
  • Fit4evrGRL
    Fit4evrGRL Posts: 7 Member
    I used to like walking outside. But I could not really challenge myself. I now walk on a treadmill in my apartment fitness center. The temperature is controlled. I can also challenge myself with adjusting the incline and mph. I love it. When I get a little stronger, I'm going to take on that elliptical trainer. It stares at me saying " Come on know you want to"
  • Msjournie
    Msjournie Posts: 16 Member
    Leslie Sansone Walk away the pounds! I do the 5 mile to help me before I go start running
  • carolineb81
    carolineb81 Posts: 459 Member
    How about Nell McAndrew DVDs (peak energy recharged is great) Its essentially running on the spot with lunges, squats, high knees etc thrown in. Its the class she does to train for marathon running so builds up a great base for running and a bit more interesting than just jogging on the spot.
  • aliciamariaq
    aliciamariaq Posts: 272 Member
    If you just start by walking outside, this will definitely give you a boost in confidence and in any case you are doing some kind of exercise. Also I just find it just helps my mood to be outside, especially in the springtime. If you bring your phone and headphones you can listen to music, a podcast, an audible book.

    There are tons of stories on the MFP forums of people that lost weight just by walking and maintaining a calorie deficit.

    As @rybo said, I think you need to address why you lack confidence to run outside and how it affects other things you do.
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    sazzle1983 wrote: »
    Morning all, I'm wanting to start running but too self conscious to run outside. Thinking of jogging on the spot inside. I notice that MFP has an option to log exercise for this but wondered if anyone else does it instead of running inside and how they get on with it? I would like to progress with running outside eventually but right now i just don't have the confidence. I'll use my Fitbit to log the calories but presume they wouldn't be as high as physically running outside? Also, do you think I would gain weight when I start due to my body holding onto water? Thanks x

    Firstly. Don't exercise to burn calories. Exercise to get stronger and improve fitness. 30mins jogging on the spot may burn around 150 kCal. Just being alive (sitting on the couch and sleeping) you will burn around 1500 kCal per day. You cannot out exercise a bad diet.

    Second. Most people do not care what you look like (or even give you a second look). Most of those who do recognise that you are doing some form of exercise will think "Good on you. Maybe I should do some more".

    Doing something, anything is beneficial. Jog on spot, walk, jog, run, exercise video, anything that gets you moving.

    Use diet to control the calories. Use exercise to keep you healthy enough to enjoy life.

    (I do not count exercise calories in my daily budget. Today's 30 min walk in hills of 258 kCal recorded by MapMyWalk I do not count as coming off my daily budget).
  • 76Crane76
    76Crane76 Posts: 133 Member
    This is inspiring me...I too want to run so bad but so self-conscious to do it outside!! It makes me feel better that I'm not the only one!