Something I NEVER though I would say! And I still have a pro

kim_mc Posts: 321 Member

I NEVER thought I would say it. EVER!

I never used to workout out at all and always dreaded it. I have now been working out on a regular basis since October 2010 and I can finally say that I'm mad and stressed if I can't get a workout in! I find it so hard to believe that I have made it a part of my life that I enjoy but I REALLY do....I always thought those people saying they get a 'high' from working out were NUTS! But when I'm done with a workout I feel great!! It still sucks for me in the beginning of a workout, but when I'm done, I LOVE IT!!!

Now I think my true problem still lies in the food. I am able to do well most days but usually once or twice a week I go CRAZY and eat, eat, eat.....This is the part that I don't know how to change and I truly think that if I could get a handle on my diet I would be able to meet my fitness goals!


When will the cravings for all things bad for me go away? What are ways to be strong enough to stay on track ALL THE TIME??


  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,100 Member
    I still eat things that are "bad" for me... I never have and never will have restrictions. Restrictions lead to resentment and the actions that you describe.

    It is ok to eat "bad" things... in moderation. With my work out schedule and the amount of calories I consume, I have room for "bad" foods here and there but I do not consistently eat them because it just doesn't jive with my lifestyle now.

    I'd rather fuel my body with wholesome nutritious foods but when I want to eat crap- I eat it and move on.
  • CardiacNP
    CardiacNP Posts: 554 Member
    I am the same way I love to work out . It has become part of my life. I try and live and eat a healthy lifestyle when i can, but I still drink beer and enjoy myself from time to time.

    Loving it!!!
  • JThomas61
    JThomas61 Posts: 892
    It's a great feeling to go from being a couch potato to being a fitness fanatic. I feel the same way you do! Way to go!
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Congrats on your workout success! Feels great, doesn't it??

    As far as the eating, I don't think it's possible to be on track ALL THE TIME. It's important (IMO) to balance the good with the bad. Treats and splurges and yummy decadent foods are important.. you don't want to deprive yourself birthday cake or a special celebration drink, etc. I think if you are eating good calories and watching your intake 80-85% of the time, the other 15-20% will not hurt you.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Eat every few hours.

    Eat as cleanly as possible, avoid over processed foods.

    Eat plenty of fruit and veggies (this is easier this time of year--support your local farmer's market and get to know your food growers)

    Get some sort of activity in on those days you don't workout (even a walk during lunch is fine!). :) Also, don't let yourself get super hungry--that's when you're likely to make poor choices!

    Good luck!
  • vickylee26
    vickylee26 Posts: 35 Member
    remember its a life change, if you deny yourself thing you love you will just crave them more, try and add them as little treats when you work out really hard
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Happy for you. But this is never something I'm gonna say. I had a personal trainer once who claimed he could get me to love working out. Gawd, he was annoying. He just didn't get it, just like I don't get why he loves it. But I'm an adult. There are a lot of things I don't like to do. But I make myself do it, kinda like you would a child eating her vegetables. But I don't love to workout and never will. (Main reason is I hate to sweat. Hate it.)
  • NickAmrine
    NickAmrine Posts: 34
    When you see some food that's bad for you, think to yourself, "Short term pleasure, or long term gain"...I got this from leanbodylifestyle on youtube... it helps me, and I hope it helps you!
  • sexyharleymama
    I get mad too now when I can't get my workouts in. I just feel so much better when I eat healthy and workout. But I don't deprive myself. Everything in moderation. But I have struggled with emotional eating. I think the trick is finding other things to help you deal with the emotional triggers that make you want to eat a bag full of chips and a candy bar and a pop. These things do solve the problem and make me feel icky later. But if I want a cheese burger or a some pizza once and awhile, I will have it. I just try to plan my day accordingly to make room for those calories and really watch it the next day. I have also started chewing extra gum when I think it might just be bordome eating and then find something to do :o)