I'm allergic to fruits and most vegetables.



  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Ha! Captured by a necro thread.
  • kayeroze
    kayeroze Posts: 146 Member
    Personally allergic to bananas and kiwi. Because bananas are great in smoothies and mine is more of a mild reaction, I experimented with raw bananas in different ways until I found that I react specifically to the rough outside part of the banana, and if that is shaved off, I won't have a reaction.

    For snacks, try:
    Boiled eggs
    Greek yogurt (try vanilla, chocolate, Or honey if you can't add fruit) + granola for parfait
    Fruit and nut free protein bars
    Turkey jerky + string cheese
    Cheese wedge and crackers
    Protein shake
    Tuna or salmon packets

    Eating in a calorie deficit.
  • cmtigger
    cmtigger Posts: 1,450 Member
    monty619 wrote: »
    allergic to fruits and vegetables?? you mean u have some sort of anxiety issue with them right? don't think the human body would reject some blueberries and break out in rashes or throat closing up.

    My body breaks out in hives from apples and my tongue goes numb from celery. It's very possible to be allergic to fruits and veggies.

    To the OP, could you get a referral to a registered dietitian? It's possible, but hard to eat well with food limitations, and a dietician should be able to help.
  • cmtigger
    cmtigger Posts: 1,450 Member
    edited May 2017
    seattle_hd wrote: »

    OAS produces symptoms when an affected person eats certain fruits, vegetables and nuts. Some individuals may only show allergy to only one particular food, and others may show an allergic response to many foods.[8]
    Individuals with an allergy to tree pollen may develop OAS to a variety of foods. While the tree pollen allergy has been worked out, the grass pollen is not well understood. Furthermore, some individuals have severe reactions to certain fruits and vegetables that do not fall into any particular allergy category. In recent years, it has also become apparent that when tropical foods initiate OAS, allergy to latex may be the underlying cause.[9]
    Because the allergenic proteins associated with OAS are usually destroyed by cooking, most reactions are caused by eating raw foods. The main exceptions to this are celery and nuts, which may cause reactions even after being cooked.
    Cross reactions[edit]
    Allergies to a specific pollen are usually associated with OAS reactions to other certain foods. For instance, an allergy to ragweed is associated with OAS reactions to banana, watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew, zucchini, and cucumber. This does not mean that all sufferers of an allergy to ragweed will experience adverse effects from all or even any of these foods. Reactions may be associated with one type of food, with new reactions to other foods developing later. However, reaction to one or more foods in any given category does not necessarily mean a person is allergic to all foods in that group.
    Alder pollen: almonds, apples, celery, cherries, hazel nuts, peaches, pears, parsley, strawberry, raspberry
    Birch pollen: almonds, apples, apricots, avocados, bananas,[10] carrots, celery, cherries, chicory,[11] coriander, fennel, fig,[12] hazel nuts, kiwifruit, nectarines, parsley, parsnips, peaches, pears, peppers, plums, potatoes, prunes, soy, strawberries, wheat; Potential: walnuts
    Grass pollen: fig,[12] melons, tomatoes, oranges
    Mugwort pollen : carrots, celery, coriander, fennel, parsley, peppers, sunflower
    Ragweed pollen : banana, cantaloupe, cucumber, green pepper, paprika, sunflower seeds/oil, honeydew, watermelon, zucchini, echinacea, artichoke, dandelions, honey (if bees pollinate from wild flowers), hibiscus or chamomile tea
    Possible cross-reactions (to any of the above): berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, etc), citrus (oranges, lemons, etc), grapes, mango, figs, peanut, pineapple, pomegranates, watermelon

    Oh, that's my apple and celery issue. Luckily I haven't reacted to any other birch related foods yet.

    The good news is that usually you can eat the cooked forms. Have you reacted to them cooked?
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    OP you should see an allergist and find out exactly where you stand. My daughter has an extremely bad birch OAS response. She can not eat even cooked apples and must read ingredients very carefully because even "natural flavors" can cause a reaction. There are still plenty of fruits she can eat like citrus fruits and she is fine with green leafy vegetables (spinach, kale) and broccoli.
  • Dabbadooey
    Dabbadooey Posts: 10 Member
    Are you allergic to calorie deficits? If not, I think you'll make it.
    I'm new here, and snarky answers like this to a person who is genuinely seeking help, make me not want to return.
  • ChrisNels1
    ChrisNels1 Posts: 16,638 Member
    Dabbadooey wrote: »
    Are you allergic to calorie deficits? If not, I think you'll make it.
    I'm new here, and snarky answers like this to a person who is genuinely seeking help, make me not want to return.

    I agree the poster was adding humor but it's a valid response. Regardless of what you can or can't eat you just need to eat within a calorie limit.
  • tmb5673
    tmb5673 Posts: 1 Member
    monty619 wrote: »
    allergic to fruits and vegetables?? you mean u have some sort of anxiety issue with them right? don't think the human body would reject some blueberries and break out in rashes or throat closing up.

    Actually people can be allergic to fruits and vegetables. I myself and deathly allergic to most fruits. I have to carry an epi pen due to the severity of my allergy.
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    monty619 wrote: »
    allergic to fruits and vegetables?? you mean u have some sort of anxiety issue with them right? don't think the human body would reject some blueberries and break out in rashes or throat closing up.

    You're kidding right? I am allergic to a lot of fruits. My mom is very allergic to strawberries. Fruit allergies are actually fairly common.
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    edited May 2017
    You can't eat apples but you can eat applesauce? :huh:

    I can't eat fresh bananas or my throat itches burns mouth swells etc but I can eat processed products with banana like pies cakes etc even frozen ones with chocolate aren't too bad just a little reaction. It's something about the peel and the pollen that both cause my reaction and preservatives that are used seem to somehow tame the reaction.
  • seekingdaintiness
    seekingdaintiness Posts: 137 Member
    You don't need to snack. Count your calories and keep them low enough to lose weight. Have some self control. It isn't what you eat, it's how much.
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    edited May 2017
    Dabbadooey wrote: »
    Are you allergic to calorie deficits? If not, I think you'll make it.
    I'm new here, and snarky answers like this to a person who is genuinely seeking help, make me not want to return.

    I didn't find that snarky. I found it funny. Not everyone knows you can eat only donuts and lose weight.
  • lisasmiley47
    lisasmiley47 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm allergic to all fruits and vegetables! This is something that recently came about, which means it's the pollen in the air. I've just been given the epi-pin. I've had to turn up the exercising and watch the calorie intake until my allergy doctors figures this mess out! They've ordered me to take 1 allergy pill per day to control the hives. This sucks!!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Dabbadooey wrote: »
    Are you allergic to calorie deficits? If not, I think you'll make it.
    I'm new here, and snarky answers like this to a person who is genuinely seeking help, make me not want to return.

    Well, the comment is from three years ago...
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    There are plenty of things you can eat and staying in a deficit is all you need to lose weight. Beans, whole grains, quality protein (salmon, chicken, beef), dairy.... the list goes on. try eating full meals like chicken breast, brown rice and black beans rather than trying to fill up on snacks.
  • goldcoastgirl78
    goldcoastgirl78 Posts: 7 Member
    Sounds like you could have a salycilate allergy. I think you will find keto heaps better for you. Basically green verges, oils and protein
  • Daddy78230
    Daddy78230 Posts: 125 Member
    JNettie73 wrote: »
    allergic to fruits and vegetables?? you mean u have some sort of anxiety issue with them right? don't think the human body would reject some blueberries and break out in rashes or throat closing up.

    It's actually possible. Rare, I think though. I am actually allergic to honey dew mellon. If I eat too much my throat burns and becomes red and itchy.

    I have the same reaction to melons and bananas. My allergist calls it a cross reaction since I'm severely allergic to ragweed. Those fruits are a close cousin to ragweed and my body can not distinguish between the two.

  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    I've known several people with Oral Allergy Syndrome, so that was my first thought when I read the OP. I'd see a dietician for advice and eat protein, veggies you're not allergic to, and applesauce too if you can eat that. You might try out a low carb/high fat/adequate protein diet to see if that suits you, since that tends to be little to no fruit and not necessarily a ton of veggies, and can be done with or without nuts. (That way of eating is not for everyone but might be worth trying, especially if fruit/veg are really limited for you anyway.)
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,228 Member
    Has Op been here in the last 3 years since starting this thread?
  • libbyleebing
    libbyleebing Posts: 1 Member
    I am also allergic to many fruits, pineapple, apples oranges lemons strawberries, any kind of melon, some veggies raw cucumbers tomatoes as well as fish, I saw in this thread that it's rare but I don't think it is, it is just incomprehensible to some. My allergies started about about age nine and became more and more severe with age, I used to just be allergic to shell fish and pine apples, tomatoes, strawberries, but now I can't even eat tuna fish, and how did I discover this? Trial and error. I am currently trying to get my body back into shape, and it is exceedingly difficult when most diet foods are things I am allergic to. I have to keep it very very very boring and have succeeded for the past 17 days, not sure how I'm going to manage it for the rest of my life. Much like the original post, I can eat some of these toxic things when they are cooked. Apples for example or tomato sauce. Still it gets very discouraging because no one believes you can even be allergic to fruit and yet it is the case. Currently my breakfast is Vanilla Yogurt and a cup of coffee, my lunch a cereal. Dinner is really basic One portion of meat, one portion of a veggie that I can eat, broccoli or something along those lines. and one portion of yam or potato. I do snack. mostly because with the allergies I am very depleted of salt most of the time. So pepperoni as a snack helps and watching my calorie count, another snack of the same foods. Taking bread and sugar out of my diet has left very little and it's' tough to even get 1200 calories in. I don't feel like I am starving but it is really boring. I've never been fond of meat. I am however very grateful that at least there are some foods I can eat. Hopeful and trying hard not to get depressed about all the stuff I can't eat when I can't eat the stuff everyone else eats when they are eating well.