Need 2 lose 40lbs

sk8chick183 Posts: 1 Member
Help me lol :):)


  • ShaunPPatterson
    ShaunPPatterson Posts: 4 Member
    edited May 2017
    Try the ketogenic diet. Ive lost 44 since january 1st 2017 and going to lose 30 more in the next few months. Not sure if links work on this forum but here are a few links with videos to watch:

    The Ketogenic Diet:

    The Ketogenic diet (how-to):

    Ketogenic Foods:
  • ShaunPPatterson
    ShaunPPatterson Posts: 4 Member
    Geuss that answers that question
  • ohgeeque
    ohgeeque Posts: 224 Member
    Tracking what you eat and eating at a calorie deficit is the easiest way to lose weight. I know people who have lost a lot of weight on the Ketogenic diet but it requires a great deal of commitment and very strict adherence to extremely low carbohydrates. Start using the MFP tools. You will lose weight. You will be able to make room for most foods that you love and not feel deprived. It is easier to achieve success while you are happy on the journey.
  • kuksabs
    kuksabs Posts: 55 Member
    Lost my motivation after returning back from holidays. Gained 15 lbs back on, had lost 20 lbs last year and remember feeling really good. Now I have to lose all that gained weight again. I've been trying portion control and exercise like I did last year for the past month, sadly I don't see much weight loss. Must be my age, who knows.

    This morning I was looking at Keto diet plans and it does look interesting. Hope this Keto diet helps me achieve my goal weight.

  • ShaunPPatterson
    ShaunPPatterson Posts: 4 Member
    edited May 2017
    Its not that difficult . I love the Ketogenic diet because what other diet lets me eat bacon and eggs for breakfast, then eat a lettuce wrapped triple cheeseburger for lunch AND dinner and lose 1-2 lbs that night. Some people try too hard or dont do it right and make it seem difficult

    The hardest part is not eating bread or sugar then making sure carbs are under 20g/day a
    While eating 150-200g of fat from different sources.

    Anyways just figured I'd try to help
  • kuksabs
    kuksabs Posts: 55 Member
    Its not that difficult . I love the Ketogenic diet because what other diet lets me eat bacon and eggs for breakfast, then eat a lettuce wrapped triple cheeseburger for lunch AND dinner and lose 1-2 lbs that night. Some people try too hard or dont do it right and make it seem difficult

    The hardest part is not eating bread or sugar then making sure carbs are under 20g/day a
    While eating 150-200g of fat from different sources.

    Anyways just figured I'd try to help

    Very much appreciate your support. Thank you!

    Hope the original poster sees your post.
  • ShaunPPatterson
    ShaunPPatterson Posts: 4 Member
    I have posted the youtube links to my profile but not sure if others can see my posts.

    If someone could click on my name and let me know i would appreciate it.
  • kuksabs
    kuksabs Posts: 55 Member
    No, I cannot see any links under your name.
    I have posted the youtube links to my profile but not sure if others can see my posts.

    If someone could click on my name and let me know i would appreciate it.