Hello on Deployment looking for some motivation and tips!

GIJaidie Posts: 2 Member
Just trying to chisel and mold, need help it gets sort of repetitive out here, meals and gym equipment are limited.
Im always open to tips/ advice
Add Me :)


  • manwaffles
    manwaffles Posts: 24 Member
    I'm right there with you. I'm used to meal prepping and the DFAC food has proved to be less than quality. However, I have made efforts to still meal prep as best I can. The chicken breast offered here is dryer than I have ever had so I'm already burnt out on it. However, since the menu is a weekly rotation there are days that they serve edible proteins that fit my macros. So I will take a LOT of a specific meat/veggie and portion it out in my room in small gladware containers I got at the exchange. I don't have a food scale so my accuracy isn't 100% but I still feel better with pre-portioned meals that have exactly what I NEED to eat rather than dealing with the temptations of the chow hall and eating what I WANT.
    What are you having difficulty with?