Official Friends Post

zach_duden Posts: 30 Member
Hi everyone! My name is Zach Duden and I joined MyFitnessPal back in March of 2015. I successfully lost a significant amount of weight when I started but have put most of it back on since. During that time I never imagined I'd be "one of those people" that lost a bunch of weight only to gain it back. I just thought "Wow! This is great! I'll NEVER go back to my old lifestyle." and oh man was I wrong. Between stress and anxiety - and general life stuff - it was very easy for me to drown out my feelings & emotions with food. I've made a lot of poor choices with food and exercise the last year or so but I am here to change that. I have goals in place and a vision of how I want to live my life. I am here to make a lifestyle change and will stick to it for good this time.

One of the things that helped me the most last time was all of you -- my MFP friends. The support/advice/suggestions/tips I received from all of you helped more than anything else I read or watched. I may have been friends with a few of you on my previous account, but had to create a new one because of some issues with the old account.

Too Long; Didn't Read version:
If you'd like to be friends again or for the first time, please add me! And comment below if you'd like for other people to add you!


  • cahubbard6421
    cahubbard6421 Posts: 769 Member
    Hey man, I read your thread twice. Once because there was a clifs notes section and the second time because I wanted to see what the rest said. Welcome back!
  • inkedandfancy
    inkedandfancy Posts: 12 Member
    "It doesn't matter how slow you go as long as you don't stop". I love that quote. Add me if you'd like, I love to encourage and share successes! Good luck on your goals!
  • xandra47
    xandra47 Posts: 121 Member
    Same boat here!
  • PackPariah
    PackPariah Posts: 75 Member
    Anybody, feel free to add me
  • mammahawk25
    mammahawk25 Posts: 39 Member
    Sounds like a page out of my book! Starting over myself!
  • drmckellar
    drmckellar Posts: 3 Member
    Starting over again here too! Long way to go, but taking it a day at a time! Feel free to add me :smile:
  • matina_vinieratou
    matina_vinieratou Posts: 1 Member
    I would love to make new friends to share my progress with!It is the second time i'm using this app.Hopefully,I won't give up this time!
  • zach_duden
    zach_duden Posts: 30 Member
    Added you all!
  • tobyhasissues
    tobyhasissues Posts: 5 Member
    Feel free to add me. I've been up and down with my weight for years and I'm determined to keep it off this time.
  • lindsayrozynek
    lindsayrozynek Posts: 10 Member
    Also starting over! Good luck with your new beginning and let the fun begin lol!
  • Melgal2
    Melgal2 Posts: 16 Member
    Also starting over again! You sound so determined so goodluck hope all goes well im sure it will x
  • rdgfit
    rdgfit Posts: 98 Member
    Few months in but can always use friends to motivate and be motivated by - feel free to add
  • breann1979
    breann1979 Posts: 1 Member
    I've been at a job where I was bullied ... so I pretty much eat at my desk to keep from crying. Anyway I finally came forward to head office and I quit. I could really use some positive friends at the moment as I need to drop the 30 pounds I gained and mentally get healthy.
  • stefkg1699
    stefkg1699 Posts: 2 Member
    edited May 2017
    I need motivation and accountability. I lost 85 lbs 4 years ago and have gained 25lb back. I have got to get it in check before I gain it all back! Help!
  • zach_duden
    zach_duden Posts: 30 Member
    Still adding!
  • Donniedoit
    Donniedoit Posts: 13 Member
    6th or 7th time 'here again'. Lost 6lbs before I could even log back into mfp. I couldn't bring myself to add back all the lbs on my counter. Instead of giving up then and there, I started a new profile and set my counter to the 19lbs I've got left to get back to where I was. Putting on 25lbs when you are already big is so easy to do. It's easy to go up a size or two and convince yourself it's because you just want your clothes to feel a bit more roomy, or you've not been on the scales for a few weeks... months, heck it was probably a year but you'll be the same weight because you eat well all the time anyway.... My loving fiancee has been with me for nearly 7 years, he's loved me at my thinnest and he's loved me at my biggest, all he wants is for me to be happy. Well I'm not happy, yet, but I will be. I want to lose this weight, keep it off and feel fitter, healthier and happier! I would appreciate any adds for the additional motivation!
  • meggie1418
    meggie1418 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi!! Feel free to add
  • theycallmearth
    theycallmearth Posts: 196 Member
    Hey zach. Feel free to add me!
  • fitnessjess_
    fitnessjess_ Posts: 29 Member
    Added :)
  • zach_duden
    zach_duden Posts: 30 Member
    Still adding!