Restaurant with no nutritional info

Tomorrow I will be eating lunch at a restaurant that does not have their nutritional information posted anywhere. I'm discouraged to think I can't honestly and accurately track my calorie intake for the day! Not to mention is a bar food type of place! Any suggestions? I can't change the location of the lunch (it's for work) and I don't want to make a scene asking the waiter for it (doubting they even have it anyway!). What do you do in these situations? How do you stay accountable and accurate when you just don't know?


  • mrogers52
    mrogers52 Posts: 378 Member
    Check the menu for grilled chicken. Raw vegetables would also work. Hummus is another great choice with raw vegetables. Good luck!:glasses:
  • JustBill
    JustBill Posts: 93 Member
    Yeah, most places these days have a lighter side menu or are capable of grilled chicken and broccoli.
  • CraftyGirl4
    CraftyGirl4 Posts: 571 Member
    I don't know where you are going, but just think of the things that are good for you. Lean meats, beans, whole grains, fruits and veggies... and make good choices. There probably won't be anything that is just screaming at you to order it because it's healthy, but with the principles of healthy foods and portion control in mind, you can make a good choice. Try ordering an appetizer instead of an entree for a smaller portion. Or, if you go the entree route, try getting a to-go box from the start of the meal and putting half of the dish in there so you don't overindulge. People might ask what you're doing and why, but that's a great opportunity to tell them about your committment to a healthier lifestyle (and maybe next time they'll keep that in mind when choosing a restaurant).
  • ekburnet
    ekburnet Posts: 44 Member
    Is there any chance you can eat before you go? Watch out for the drinks too - They can really pack on the calories. Good luck!
  • mystic2girl
    Do they have a menu online? If so, check it out ahead of time and run some of the menu items through the database. I was recently at a hometown bar and found someone entered much of the info which was a pleasant surprise. Anything that is not fried should be easy to calculate. A salad or soup is usually a safe option. As a last option, call the restaurant tonight or tomorrow morning and ask if they have any low calorie options and what the ingredients are. Then type them into the recipe database to get an accurate count.
  • Kar05g
    Kar05g Posts: 12
    This was my first time posting (I've been lurking the threads for a while now) and am so happy to have the support! I checked out the menu online- I'm thinking a grilled chicken salad, no croutons, dressing on the side. As for dressing... fat free ranch, light Italian, or citrus ginger vinaigrette?
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    Get a box and put away half the meal right away, portion size is a huge issue at restaurants.
  • beefball85
    Check the database on myfitnesspal. They have nutrition facts for almost everything. If you just type in the name of the restaurant, it should give you a list of their menu items. Good luck!
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    look for wordslike seared, blackened, grilled, steamed, poached, broiled. Stay away from words like cream sauce, fried, breaded, golden.
  • sistertransister
    sistertransister Posts: 56 Member
    that sounds like a good choice with the grilled chicken salad! you can also ask them too if they use any butter or oil to baste when they grill the chicken. i have found that some places do!
    the GV dressing sounds like a good choice--but having the dressing on the side will help alot regardless of which one you choose! GOOD LUCK...and drink LOTS OF water!!! :smile:
  • veggiepug
    veggiepug Posts: 82
    I'm discouraged to think I can't honestly and accurately track my calorie intake for the day!

    You can't let something like this discourage you. Eating out on occasion is a part of life, and you can't put life on hold while you're losing weight. In order to make this a lifestyle change you have to learn how to overcome these obstacles. Does the restaurant have a menu online? Preplan your food and find similar foods in the MFP online tracker. You can probably get pretty close. If you're worried about your tracking not being 100% accurate, do some exercise at some point during the day.

    Just remember that you're going to have a lifetime of temptations and you have to figure out how to treat yourself from time to time without going overboard. It's OK if you have a day where you might not be completely accurate with your calorie intake. Persistence, not perfection, will get you to your goal weight. Good luck!
  • Kar05g
    Kar05g Posts: 12
    "Persistence, not perfection"... that might be the best advice yet! I have become anal with my calorie counting and second guess my accuracy all the time. Thanks for the wise words!