Cardio Only?


Im not doing any weights at the moment, i just dont have the time after i have done my cardio. I use hand weights on the treadmill and when im walking but this doesnt count does it?
What im wanting to know is if there is anyone out there just doing cardio and losing weight? I will start weights once im in maintenance so its not like im never going to do them. Would be awesome if you could let me know :smile:


  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member

    Im not doing any weights at the moment, i just dont have the time after i have done my cardio. I use hand weights on the treadmill and when im walking but this doesnt count does it?
    What im wanting to know is if there is anyone out there just doing cardio and losing weight? I will start weights once im in maintenance so its not like im never going to do them. Would be awesome if you could let me know :smile:
    If you just do cardio only you will likely burn much more lean muscle tissue. That results in a lower resting metabolic rate. So to compensate for caloric burn, you'll end up doing longer and longer bouts of cardio, which just will burn more muscle and so on and so on.
    Why wait to lift? Is it because you're unknowledgeble on how to do it correctly or how to make a program? Lifting will ONLY encourage a better metabolic rate and encourage fat usage.
  • anna_lisa
    anna_lisa Posts: 486 Member
    I am. I recently also read an article by a personal trainer that talk about it being more beneficial to focus on one at a time. i.e 8 weeks of cardio - fat burn 8 weeks of muscle building. I don't have a link but I did copy and past the article and if you want to send me a message I will paste it to the message for you... It discusses the very topic you are talking about.
  • RosieGB33nz
    RosieGB33nz Posts: 142
    I am. I recently also read an article by a personal trainer that talk about it being more beneficial to focus on one at a time. i.e 8 weeks of cardio - fat burn 8 weeks of muscle building. I don't have a link but I did copy and past the article and if you want to send me a message I will paste it to the message for you... It discusses the very topic you are talking about.

    That would be really awesome!!
  • RosieGB33nz
    RosieGB33nz Posts: 142
    If you just do cardio only you will likely burn much more lean muscle tissue. That results in a lower resting metabolic rate. So to compensate for caloric burn, you'll end up doing longer and longer bouts of cardio, which just will burn more muscle and so on and so on.
    Why wait to lift? Is it because you're unknowledgeble on how to do it correctly or how to make a program? Lifting will ONLY encourage a better metabolic rate and encourage fat usage.

    I dont have the time to do both and honestly, i find weights boring. I did try and do 15-20 minutes every few days but stopped a few weeks ago because i was running out of time in the morning before work and i dont work out in the afternoon because this is a life style change for me and im not going to spend all my free time working out..... i have been there and its very lonely
  • maureendonahue
    maureendonahue Posts: 468 Member
    I met with a trainer the first week I started this, and she told me that while weight lifting is good (builds muscle, raises calorie burn) the cardio is where I needed to concentrate to really see weight loss results. 7 weeks later, I am down 18 lbs. I would say it is working for me!
  • I was weary of weight training at first, but I did Chalean Extreme, and I love it now. With resistance traing, the weight you lose is almost all fat. Also, it helps shape up your body and tighten your skin as you lose weight. It's actually good to build muscle in the beginning as it helps increase your blood flow and maintain fat loss over lean muscle tissue loss.
  • lizbanks
    lizbanks Posts: 31 Member
    Bigger muscles = more weight loss. This is why I started weight training the same week I started cardio and watching calories. I was able to get my hands on a couple P90X videos and it helps when I have something to follow. I also do a class at the community fitness center here and will go in the gym immediately following it and work on the machines.

    The more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism, the more fat you burn.
  • Pappabacon
    Pappabacon Posts: 104 Member
    A good combination of cardio and weight training is essential to the best overall health and weight loss. The more cardio you do, the more calories you are burning during your workout; the more lifting you do, the more calories are burned by you doing nothing. If you are lifting you also don't run the risk of losing as much muscle mass. You can also do body-weight (push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups, dips, etc) exercises to get in your lifting. Good circuit training incorporates both cardio and strength training.
  • dcgonz
    dcgonz Posts: 174 Member
    If you just do cardio only you will likely burn much more lean muscle tissue. That results in a lower resting metabolic rate. So to compensate for caloric burn, you'll end up doing longer and longer bouts of cardio, which just will burn more muscle and so on and so on.
    Why wait to lift? Is it because you're unknowledgeble on how to do it correctly or how to make a program? Lifting will ONLY encourage a better metabolic rate and encourage fat usage.

    I dont have the time to do both and honestly, i find weights boring. I did try and do 15-20 minutes every few days but stopped a few weeks ago because i was running out of time in the morning before work and i dont work out in the afternoon because this is a life style change for me and im not going to spend all my free time working out..... i have been there and its very lonely

    Like many others have said here already a good combination of both is necessary for quicker weight loss. If you don't have the time I suggest you do cardio every other day and on the other days do strength training. By doing only cardio you will burn calories but you are not toning your muscles. Lean muscle mass is necessary for weight loss.

  • nguyenedward
    nguyenedward Posts: 54 Member

    Im not doing any weights at the moment, i just dont have the time after i have done my cardio. I use hand weights on the treadmill and when im walking but this doesnt count does it?
    What im wanting to know is if there is anyone out there just doing cardio and losing weight? I will start weights once im in maintenance so its not like im never going to do them. Would be awesome if you could let me know :smile:

    Please, don't make the mistake that I have made. I recently lost 65 lbs from eating right and doing cardiovascular exercises everyday. Don't get me wrong, I love love running, bicycling, swimming and etc. However, weight training can be used as a tool to help you lose those extra pounds. If all you do is high intensity cardio like I did, you will eventually burn a lot of muscle mass. If you are doing a lot of cardiovascular exercises try to eat enough proteins so that you can maintain/rebuild your muscle mass. If you don't have time, try to have squeeze in a weight training session in one of your schedules. I am doing less cardio now and more weight training and I do notice that I have gotten very weak! Anyways, best of luck to you!
  • I am pretty new to all of this too and agree that it's a lifestyle change for me and not a "quick fix." I've only been doing cardi for the past 4 weeks and have lost 12 pounds. I've decided to not do weight training at the begining so that I could focus my time on cardio. I've not mew with a trainer and will be doing 4 days a week cardio and 2-3 days a week with her doing strength training. Now that i've been doing cardio for a few weeks I'm able to do a shorter and more intense cardio workout, which leaves me plenty of time for my weights!
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    I only do cardio I won't start lifting till I'm under 200lbs... Hard to lose weight and gain muscle at the same time not impossible just alot harder then cutting then bulking
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    I would recommend a healthy balance of both cardio and strength training. . . As you increase muscle you increase your bodies ability to burn fat. .. . Besides muscle takes up less space and will make you look slimmer. . . Just a thought. . . .

    And if time is an issue. . switch it up. . do weights on day and cardio the next or less cardio time to fit in some weights. . it can work. . . Besides you will notice if you like to run that in training your legs you will be able to go faster and further. . I used to go to the gym doing lower body one day, upper one day, switching them up and still doing cardio along with that. . .or do some weights and take some fun classes at the gym. .

    Anyways good luck to you.:smile:
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    I don't do just cardio now, but I used to, at certain points in my past. I lost weight, certainly, but I found that I was much more prone to injury from overuse than if I cross-trained with weights and resistance, plus I lost a lot of "shape", since the muscles got more efficient and I apparently needed less of them, so they disappeared.

    If you're just working out and doing cardio because you're aiming to lose weight, and you're not really that into fitness, than just cardio would work. If you're focusing on fitness, shape, AND weight-loss, I wouldn't cut out weight training, because it allows your muscles to have varied workouts, and keeps them toned.
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    I lost all of my weight doing pretty much only cardio - I'm well aware that I could use some muscle tone and strength training would help, but have just never gotten into it much.
  • flashisbk
    flashisbk Posts: 1
    I've been avoiding lifting and sticking to Cardio and so far I lost 8 lbs and keeping around a 1200 calorie diet. I understood that if I started lifting, I'd gain more weight in muscle that what I'd be losing. Does anyone know if this is true?
  • RosieGB33nz
    RosieGB33nz Posts: 142
    So i cant just start lifting when im in maintenance which is about 15 pounds away?
  • I did just cardio at one point and lost 5 pounds in about a month, so it definitely works. I've started doing strength training in addition to cardio though, and I find that even though the weight comes off more slowly (at least for me), I see more physical changes in my body than cardio alone. :)
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    I don't think you need to do hardcore weight lifting and training. I would just incorporate some circuit training exercises or program like a Jillian Michael dvd or look up online a circuit program where you would be doing resistance stuff like pullups, pushups, squats, etc. This would be the best of both worlds I think on top of your other cardio.
  • jenniferg83
    jenniferg83 Posts: 278 Member
    I've found that i lose more weight and my body is forming the way i want it to with adding weights to my life. just cardio isnt enough. weights make you strong and make everything tight! =) dont weight! i encourage you to add weights. cut cardio in half and do weights if you dont have time for both