Dandelion Root Tea.......BENEFITS????????



  • rawbertw
    rawbertw Posts: 1
    I just started drinking dandelion tea about a week ago. I have IBS-C and suffer through periods of mild-ever discomfort associated with IBS-C. I have tried many things from my doctor and others with little success. I ran across information about this tea and decided to try it for its reported benefits with digestion. Its a mild laxative and is suppose to help with gas and bloating.

    I am drinking three cups a day, morning, noon and before bed. I let it steep for a long time, 10-15 minutes. I do not add anything to it, to me it tastes a bit like drinking sunflower seeds, I actually like it. Now, my IBS sysmptoms do come and go, but since I started this drinking this tea, my symptoms have gone away. Hard to say if it is the tea or I am just in a natural remission of symptoms. Either way I like the tea and will continue to drink it. I had to give up coffee because of IBS and this is a nice replacement. I was using a coffee replacement called Teechinno, which is also good, but does not have the purported health benefits.
  • kerrrenee
    kerrrenee Posts: 2 Member
    Do you eat with this method or did you drink the tea as apart of your daily routine
  • kerrrenee
    kerrrenee Posts: 2 Member
    What brand of supplements did you buy
  • nishymitch89
    nishymitch89 Posts: 1 Member
    I've been drinking dandelion root tea for few weeks now after my sister suggested it to me for weightloss. She's lost a lot of weight in addition to healthy eating and exercise of course. My first reaction to brewing it with hot water was disgusting !! Hated the bitter taste. So I started brewing it in hot water with earl grey tea , steeping for exactly 6 min ands straining. Masked the taste with my fav earl grey tea. I drink it 3 times a day 30min before each meal. Then I came across an article about cold water brewing. Steeping the tea in cold water over night. And I have to tell you.. I LOVE IT. Draw all the nutrients out just as hot brewing and less time involved by brewing a bottle over night to last me the day. And the plus IT TASTE WAYYYY LESS BITTER on it's own. I don't use any sweetener in my tea ( personal preference) but I will brew mine with earl grey tea. But the cold brew technique is awesome and much more pleasant taste for all the same nutrients and less bitter taste. Hope this helps :) FYI was losing 1-2lbs a week, since drinking the tea lost an additionally 2lbs each week. So def keeping it part of my routine . Plus I love tea every day :drinker:
  • simmonsloretta90
    simmonsloretta90 Posts: 1 Member
    I do my dandelion tea with a teaspoon of honey, teaspoon of cinnamon, and a packet of stevia. Makes it tastes 10 times better. Hope this helps. :-)
  • GettingThere62
    GettingThere62 Posts: 83 Member
    Necro thread.....
  • kimothy38
    kimothy38 Posts: 840 Member
    I try to have a cup of dandy detox first thing in the morning before breakfast. Have got used to the taste over the months and now don't even have honey in it. I changed a number of things at the same time so don't know if the tea has specifically helped but I psychologically I feel it does.
  • BruinsGal_91
    BruinsGal_91 Posts: 1,400 Member
    I know it's a necro thread, but oh my, the woo. So. Much. Woo.

    Does dandelion and burdock have the same effect? I would do that diet in an instant.
  • extra_medium
    extra_medium Posts: 1,525 Member
    It is a natural diuretic so it makes you pee! Therefore, it helps you remove toxins, cleanse your body of water weight from sodium, and cleanses your kidneys.

    Try adding honey or some liquid Stevia.

    Best wishes :flowerforyou:

    Or you could just drink water.
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,753 Member
    I've been throwing the dandelion weeds in the green waste all weekend. I burned a kitten load of calories. The benefits? My yard looks a little bit better. Yay.