Scared to go to the gym tonight...



  • I plainly hate the GYM. I work out at home. I've been doing home workout since April and I've lost about 10 to 12 pounds. I do watch what I eat all the time. Work out 6 times a day! Love it! I have a complete schedule set up with Turbo Fire and I was doing Turbo Jam before that and works awesome for me! and I don't pay GYM fees!! lol
  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,095 Member
    Please don't be afraid to go to the gym. In order to lose weight you have to make all sorts of changes and getting over the fear of being judged is one of them. Take your mp3 player full of music that you love and that makes you want to dance, put in your earbuds, get on a stationary bike, elliptical or treadmill and get lost in your workout. Enjoy it. It's for you and nobody else. I go to Spunk Fitness (formerly Planet Fitness) it's somewhat like a 24 Hour Fitness. Everyone is in thier own zone. You most likely will see people of all levels of fitness. Find your zone, have fun and don't forget to go back tomorrow. :wink: My son wasn't too keen on going to the gym either, but now after only one month, I think he actually gets a little depressed if he doesn't go. I call him my GM. (gym mouse)

    Okay, now it's time for me to hit the gym! Have a great workout tonight!
  • 1nsands
    1nsands Posts: 27
    Hmm, I'm not too into gyms myself. But, I can tell you FOR SURE, that people are not judging you at the gym for being overweight. If anything, they are proud of you for being there. IF someone actually throws you a look that isn't pleasant, it's probably because you're using the machine they want to use. And, IF someone actually throws you a look that isn't pleasant, tell them off.

    There ARE gyms where the average person there is some giant body builder, and those places might be different... but 24 hour fitness (where I do have my gym membership) is NOT like that! It's for completely regular people like you and me. When I go to the gym, I see about 15% girls/women who look in shape... and about 40% of men who are in shape... everyone else there is like me, trying to get into shape. A huge % of the people at the gym by my house, are much older...

    And for those people who are in good shape, like my husband who works out at 24 hour fitness, they are in their own little world. He does a lot of running on the treadmills, and lifting with the free weights and machines. He isn't paying attention to anyone else there. His mind is on his workout. He doesn't look particularly friendly when he's working out, because he keeps himself going at a grueling pace. And there are lots of people like him. It's not that they are giving YOU the look, that's just the expression they wear as they workout.

    Anyway, my advice to you is to do what is right for you. Before you actually use the guest pass, ask to be given a tour. You should hopefully find the staff friendly and helpful. And you'll be able to determine your comfort level before you actually start working out. Also... find a machine, like a bike or treadmill, that you're comfortable working out on... and start there. Bring something to read (much easier on a bike), and just try to tune everyone else out.

    I love working out, it makes me feel so good about myself, and so cheerful every time I finish... that it keeps me going back.

    Good luck! =D
  • Kolohe71
    Kolohe71 Posts: 613 Member
    You're gonna be surpised at how many overweight people you will see at the gym.

    Plus, who are you there for? YOURSELF! Who cares what people you will most likely never see out side of the gym think. Plus, most of them will be thinking "at least she is doing something about her weight".
  • Oh hell no..dont let anyone discourage you or degrade u in anyway..the fact that ur in the gym says a lot about you..i see overweight people in the gym all the time..the only thought in my mind is "Good for her/him for being in here and changing their life"..of course u will see those overlyconfident and cocky people in there but u keep ur chin up and remeber y ur in there and nothing else matters..
  • karenkwalker
    karenkwalker Posts: 155 Member
    Amen to that! What a great way to look at it!:bigsmile:
  • SayLiLIG
    SayLiLIG Posts: 197 Member
    Thanks for all the positive feedback! Really took some of my nerves away. I love the elliptical so much...So hopefully im able to tune everything out like I am at my friends apartment gym...
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    Put some headphones on and close your eyes, and you won't even know what's going on around you.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    If you have an Ipod.. bring that along or at least some headphones to plug into the TV(if the cardio machines have them).

    I know that when I first started going I was terrified to even set foot in the weight section unless I had a session with my personal trainer that day. Now thats slowly getting better and it's mainly do to my ipod, because I can just zone out and not worry about what every joe schmoe is thinking about me.
  • Alison_84
    Alison_84 Posts: 86
    I agree with others that most people are too involved with their own workouts to worry about what you like it. I also get nervous sometimes (but not so much at the gym - for me it's going jogging outside where drivers can see me!) but I think to myself... what's the worst they could think? I'm overweight? I'm exercising! At least I'm DOING something about it! I'd rather someone watch me exercise than down a huge ice cream (for example))