Getting married and have a goal to lose 20lbs in 4 months

I'll be honest... although the wedding is good motivation it's not just for the wedding. I've gained 20lbs since we started dating and I don't feel good. I could give you 100 reasons why butbthe fact is I got caught up in the socializing and finally having a partner that I could entertain with friends with. I'm incredibly busy and have a ton on my plate so I'm looking for some accountability and motivation support.
Anyone interested or even just weekly checkins on here. I'm certainly willing to encourage and stay positive for you too


  • tinatremblay29
    tinatremblay29 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello. I also need to lose weight. My goal is 30 pounds. We can give each other support.
  • Knbeet
    Knbeet Posts: 19 Member
    That would be fantastic! What one thing did you do today that helps with you getting to your goal. I went over my food goal but I played 1 1/2 softball and took 10k steps according to my Fitbit. Have a great weekend. Remember at least one positive a day thing that will get you closer to your goal
  • mbloescher
    mbloescher Posts: 15 Member
    If you need any more accountability, I am here! I bet you will get into a routine soon! Plan out fun hikes with your fiancé, and have active dates, and I am sure those 20lbs will melt off.
  • RunYogaLife
    RunYogaLife Posts: 14 Member
    I am also getting married. Augustus 5th, I'd love to share ideas and get some accountability partners! Congrats btw!
  • DietPrada
    DietPrada Posts: 1,171 Member
    Ooooh me too. Getting married in October :D
  • Knbeet
    Knbeet Posts: 19 Member
    Wow look at us all getting married! Congrats to each of you. How's it going for you?
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    I'm getting married too! It's going slow :'( .

    I just ordered my dress, and my measurements were all over the place in terms of size (I.e. Somewhere between a 10-12 on bottom, a 16 at the bust, and humongous at the waist lol....truly not even mentionable). So of course as you all know they order at the largest measurement size. I was in between sizes at the waist so I ended up ordering the size down...I only need to lose a minimum 1" in the waist for it to fit there. I figured that wouldn't be too much pressure to lose by the time it's time for alterations at the end of the year. I'm hoping I'm down way more than 1" in the waist though by then!

    I started heavy lifting, so I feel like that's making the lbs come off slowly; but I'm finally starting to tell that I'm losing inches. And while yes I would love to see the scale go down, the inches is what I'm really after.

    How is everyone else doing?
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    The scale finally moved when I weighed in over the weekend! Woohoo....down 2.4 lbs! I checked my waist measurement and dare I say I'm down an inch! I don't trust myself doing my own measurements, so I'll probably need to see at least another 2" to really feel like ok there's no way I'm that far off and can safely say I'm down an inch.

    Finally feel like I'm making some progress! Hope y'all are doing well!
  • salj79
    salj79 Posts: 5 Member
    edited May 2017
    I'm getting married in October, have a long way to go but any that comes off by then is a bonus. So I'm in :)
  • Tamara4Joy
    Tamara4Joy Posts: 1 Member
    Congratulations to all of you! I'm getting married in September. Count me in!!
  • Spartan_Gingi
    Spartan_Gingi Posts: 194 Member
    I know what you mean! Two jobs, two kids, planning a wedding, and such. Best of luck!
  • db121215
    db121215 Posts: 60 Member
    Checking in. Getting married Oct 1. Started Mfp Feb 21. Down 33 pounds. Another 30 to go. Am pleased to say I exchanged my dress from the 18 I had to a 14! Hoping to exchange one more.time if I can banish the last 30. Good luck brides!
  • Knbeet
    Knbeet Posts: 19 Member
    That's great. You go girl!
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    Knbeet wrote: »
    I'll be honest... although the wedding is good motivation it's not just for the wedding. I've gained 20lbs since we started dating and I don't feel good. I could give you 100 reasons why butbthe fact is I got caught up in the socializing and finally having a partner that I could entertain with friends with. I'm incredibly busy and have a ton on my plate so I'm looking for some accountability and motivation support.
    Anyone interested or even just weekly checkins on here. I'm certainly willing to encourage and stay positive for you too

    if you only have 20lbs to lose you should be aiming to lose a 1/2 lb a week(2lbs a month). anything more than that with so little to lose wont be sustainable(and its not healthy to lose 5lbs a month at a lower weight) and the less weight you have to lose the slower its going to be.aim for half a lb a week and do some resistance/weight training,it will change how your body looks some and you wont be putting your body through heck trying to lose at that rate.
  • Knbeet
    Knbeet Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks for the comment. I weight train 3x per week as well am very active. I feel like I eat pretty healthy but I am definitely a volume eating and have my sweet craving when I'm stressed. Trying to be realistic shooting for a pound a week but will be happy with 1/2lb too. Thanks again for the input.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    edited May 2017
    Knbeet wrote: »
    Thanks for the comment. I weight train 3x per week as well am very active. I feel like I eat pretty healthy but I am definitely a volume eating and have my sweet craving when I'm stressed. Trying to be realistic shooting for a pound a week but will be happy with 1/2lb too. Thanks again for the input.

    healthy eating has nothing to do with it,its all about calories in vs calories out. healthy eating is for health. like everyone else says"calories are king".But keep lifting and eat in a deficit. its all you can can also take measurements as well. sometimes the inches will come off before it registers on the scale. good luck :)
  • CheekieM0nkey
    CheekieM0nkey Posts: 21 Member
    December 2017 bride here! Would love to connect with other brides to be for motivation!
  • Knbeet
    Knbeet Posts: 19 Member
    Congrats! I'm cheering you on!
  • steph81881
    steph81881 Posts: 50 Member
    Weddings are such great motivators!!! I lost so much getting ready for my wedding!! You will all do great!! And congratulations!!!
  • Murdroc
    Murdroc Posts: 6 Member
    edited May 2017
    I'm getting married as well! I need some support and motivation to lose 33lbs. I want to do that by end of September. I'd love weekly check ins and accountability partners so feel free to friend me!