NSV, scale victory, and all around good day

adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
So last Wednesday, I had this Colonoscopy. I weighed around 308 at that point, did a TWO day fast because the VA hospital is like that, and on thursday actually weighed 310. Amazed that all I had in two days was around 600 calories from gatorade and I gained weight. (I know it was fluids, just want people who get angry when they gain a pound to see how much water retention F's with us).

So I wait the weekend, have a nice relaxing Sunday, and walk into the gym this Monday morning fully hydrated and relaxed. First, one of the trainers I don't know tells me I look like my gut had shrank. I said a little, but he kept on it, saying he could really tell a difference.

So I walk on up to the scale, and at this point I am hoping for a solid 306-307 lbs. I get on. Put the 300 lb balance on. 310, 309, 308, 307, 306, 305, 304 (Yay!), 303, 302 (WTF!) 301, 300 HOLY S*&#!. I check it, check it again, check if I'm 299, and I'm not, but it's a solid 300.

Now this is the scale I use everyday, but as luck would have it, I have a doctor appointment today. So after working out, I grab a bite to eat (Grilled Cedar Talapia with Asparagus) and head to the VA hospital. Nurse confirms it. 300 pounds. Now I was planning to be under 300 by September, but I just crushed that. So on we go. I weighed 344 in January, lost about 14 by June by just not eating out as often, but June 6th is when I began my efforts in earnest with a stating weight of 330. So in about 49 days, I've lost 30 lbs.

And just for the record, I haven't done any crazy fad diet. All I have done is stick to the MFP plan laid out for me, ate 5 times a day for about 2000 calories with a lean protein source at every meal, 5 servings of fruit or veggie through out the day, 6 days of cardio, split into two different sessions daily, and 3 days of circuit training mixed in.

Another 60 lbs, and I will take my first after pic, can't wait.


  • Degator
    Degator Posts: 92 Member
    That's Awesome! Keep it up!
  • livingfitwithlori
    livingfitwithlori Posts: 28 Member
    Fanfreakingtastic!!! Congratulations on your success!!!
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    So excited for you! That is awesome and your description of the weigh in cracked me up!
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