I love apples but...



  • jwilk241
    jwilk241 Posts: 43 Member
    I looooove apples but I find that about 30 minutes after eating an apple I am absolutely starving! I even Googled it to see if I was the only one. Apparently it happens to quite a few people and it might be due to the sugar content but I couldn't find a definitive answer. So now I won't eat apples as a snack but I will eat them with breakfast.
  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Lourdesong wrote: »
    Apples are pretty nutritionally void. They're tasty when in season and smell wonderful, but even their fiber isn't that great. Sugary cereals per serving have the same or more fiber, and less sugar, than an apple of the same calories. (yes I've really compared the supposed nutritional virtues of an apple to fruit loops)

    Apples are actually a really good source of pectin which is a soluble fiber which is more difficult to come by than insoluble fiber and can help with cholesterol issues. In general an apple has about 4.4 grams of fiber which is nothing to shake a stick at and apples carry a variety of antioxidants which are essential to good health. Despite the sugar content, apples are relatively low on the glycemic index and are rich in phytonutrients.

    I think you have to look beyond just a couple of basic nutritional markers like sugar or fiber...but again, I also see 4.4 grams of fiber being pretty solid...some cereals might have more but that's because grains are typically high in fiber...but again, I think you have to look beyond just a couple of nutrients.

    You and a pp (who I can't include here to quote for some reason) do make some interesting points here I didn't consider. I'll be thinking this over for sure.

  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,780 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Let's be honest though... an apple is more filling than chocolate.

    I keep wondering why I bother having Greek yogurt instead of, let's say, a cup of chocolate or rice pudding... but again... it's more filling and has better macros for the calories. If my diet consisted of chocolate and pudding, I'd be hungry all the time and would probably gain weight (and man do I have a sweet tooth).

    But if you mix some Greek Yogurt with some sugar free chocolate pudding and an apple and maybe even some all bran buds.... which I maybe often do :blush:
  • 3rdof7sisters
    3rdof7sisters Posts: 486 Member
    Totally your choice how you spend your calories
  • ladyreva78
    ladyreva78 Posts: 4,080 Member
    dfwesq wrote: »
    ladyreva78 wrote: »
    An apple alone is not at all filling for me. I'll be ravenous not 5 minutes later. I need to add some kind of a protein and fat to it for it to do anything for me.
    I usually pair them with nuts or sunflower seeds, or have them after a meal.

    I'm developing a taste for peanut butter. I realized that my problem was usually consistency more than taste though. I haven't yet tried it with apples. But I suspect that might be rather yummy :smile: