Relationships = Fat Gain?



  • McHeather
    McHeather Posts: 105 Member
    I gained quite a bit when I met my husband 11 years ago. I moved in with him and his (now mine too=)) five year old daughter and I 'treated' us too much. Garlic bread or yummy buns, lots of cheesy dishes and baking and desserts almost every night. We spent a lot of non-active time together too - watching movies and playing card games. Our outings were going to Tims or DQ and then a 'drive'. My husband gained some but mostly he just lost quite a bit of muscle tone because before meeting me and having 2 more children with me, he worked out a lot on his own. Now we are 'clean eating' - low or no preservatives as much as possible. Treats are a lot less frequent. We aren't really active but I try to get us all out for walks and hikes when I can. It was definitely a conscious decision to change to a healthier lifestyle.
  • Kohadre
    Kohadre Posts: 316
    ]Also if she is that needy or clingy make it a point to go something active together or just ask if she wants to go with ya! All I know is don't let someone else determine your fate and fat..cause it is much harder to lose than to gain ;)

    Well she was clingy/needy to the point that I was getting texts about every other minute, if I didn't respond in 30 seconds or less something was wrong, and she never wanted to do anything together other than watching a movie, even though I begged her to try going to the gym with me at least once (never happened).

    Needless to say we aren't together anymore.
  • tropicalicyicy
    tropicalicyicy Posts: 83 Member
    I definitely agree. I was in pretty good shape and had decent eating habits before i started dating my boyfriend. I'm not saying he's the reason i started eating bad and not exercising which led to weight gain because i didn't really exercise too much before we started dating and my eating habits were alright but there are some bad habits that i picked up from him. For example, going to fast food places he would get 2 sandwiches, a large fry, and large drink- i would have never done that before i met him, i barely ate fast food and when i did it was always 1 sandwich, a small fry, and if i got a drink it would be small. So yeah i would say i started eating bigger portions since we started dating & more fast food. It was hard because we both lived with our parents and we couldn't always cook meals plus he worked 2nd shift so by the time we hung out it was late and fast food was just convenient. We've been living together for about 2 years now and in the beginning we were still eating bad but now we've realized that we have both gained a lot of weight and have a very unhealthy lifestyle and decided together that we wanted to change that. Now we make a lot of food at home and try to make better choices and barely eat any fast food. We weren't really paying attention to what we were eating before because at the time it didn't seem like a big deal and we were happy, but after 3 years and about 40 lbs of gained weight for each of us we realized we gotta do something now before it gets worse. I think being in a relationship you kind of let yourself go because 1. you're happy and going out to eat and getting food is fun to do when you're with someone and 2. you've found someone so you aren't really looking anymore and don't need to impress anyone. It's just sometimes it can get out of hand and it's just going to have a negative impact if you keep going down that road.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Nope. It totally depends on the person you're dating and if you allow yourself to get suckered into loosing your fitness. The man I'm dating right now is a health nut, marathon runner, and a gym junky. No way in the world would I slack off when he's around...he keeps me motivated to keep in shape. My ex husband on the other hand was a total slob and didn't care one iota about health and fitness....and yet I didn't let myself go. I gained a total of 5 pounds while being with him (11 years) and that was left over pregnancy weight. Don't allow a relationship to change who you are....if the person you're dating truly likes you they will accept your fitness/health obession.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I was curious as to what the opinions of the MFP community might be, but personally I think there is a direct correlation between being in a relationship (short term, long term, committed - doesn't matter) and a decrease in Physical Fitness.

    I only say this because the last girl I was with was in constant need of attention, advocated that I "didn't need to work out" and encouraged eating of obviously unhealthy foods on a frequent basis.

    I don't doubt that being in a relationship obviously has its advantages as well but once again im just curious as to some of your opinions.

    found this interesting because I was thin and very active until I hit about 30...then spent 4 years in a relationship with a guy who was just like the girl you mentioned above ;) I don't "blame" the relationship for my weight gain, exactly, but I stopped spending time on my own doing things I loved (like working out) and that ultimately hurt my physical fitness...
  • twotfluty
    twotfluty Posts: 51
    This has been a very interesting thread to read! My boyfriend of 4 years and I joined MFP together a month ago, but it was the OPPOSITE of what most of you have been saying. We are at such a level of comfort with each other that we discussed our goals and encourage each other to reach them...including our personal weight insecurities. It took me years of being with him to come to a level of feeling "ok" talking with him about my weight and how I've never been able to shed my weight, or that I have never been small and don't even know what to expect. I have never gained weight in any of my relationships, but I hope that in this one, I will be losing and we will be cheering each other on the whole time (with all of your help!) :happy:
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member

    My last bf was seriously limited physically and I gained about 30 lbs. in 9 months mimicking his lifestyle.

    this sounds much like my last serious relationship (a LONG time ago)--I gained about 60 pounds over a couple of years...

    I refuse to compromise my activity/nutrition goals for a man ever again. Lesson learned. :)

  • sejunco
    sejunco Posts: 16
    I definitely eat a lot more when my boyfriend is around! He eats whatever he wants and it's difficult to not indulge as well!
  • laurad8911
    laurad8911 Posts: 99
    I think it completely depends on the people. My boyfriend now thinks health is very important and eats well and exercises and we try to make healthy decisions when together too always. Obviously there are times we treat ourselves, but I think I eat better with him than I would on my own and vice versa because our individual desires to be healthy and fit feed off of each other's and are stronger than before.
  • marcusisntfunny
    I had a weird occurrence happen that's related to your topic, Kohadre,

    A relationship I was in ended rather badly and abruptly, on account of her being a lying, cheating... well, you can guess the words I'm looking for.

    Anyway, very beautiful girl, and very fit.

    One year later to the day, I've lost about 70 pounds and am in the best shape of my life, and I find out randomly from a friend that she's gained close to 40lbs and is a generally miserable person now.

    Sad? Yes.

    Do I think she deserves it? Yes.

    So, I'm sorta on the fence about your idea, but could definitely see where you're coming from.
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    I succombed to Happy Fat Syndrome when we moved in together. I had too much fun cooking for my new little family to the exclusion of almost all exercise. Then BAM! 50 pounds on in a year.


    Thankfully he's also not happy with the pudge and we've taken up running together.
  • Kohadre
    Kohadre Posts: 316
    I had a weird occurrence happen that's related to your topic, Kohadre,

    A relationship I was in ended rather badly and abruptly, on account of her being a lying, cheating... well, you can guess the words I'm looking for.

    Anyway, very beautiful girl, and very fit.

    One year later to the day, I've lost about 70 pounds and am in the best shape of my life, and I find out randomly from a friend that she's gained close to 40lbs and is a generally miserable person now.

    Sad? Yes.

    Do I think she deserves it? Yes.

    So, I'm sorta on the fence about your idea, but could definitely see where you're coming from.

    LOL, Karma is definitely a lady you don't want to **** off, and im glad to hear she favored you in that situation. This has definitely been an interesting thread to read.
  • DorkothyParker
    DorkothyParker Posts: 618 Member
    It's not just relaxing, it's having a partner in crime. Walk by an ice cream shop on a Saturday afternoon by yourself and you probably won't head inside to eat a sundae. But with a partner, there is a certain shared naughtiness involved. Not to mention, many romantic activities involve food. Food is lovely, really.

    I gained 20 lbs in the first 6 months of my marriage. But now (7 years after that dreadful weigh-in), I weigh less than I have since puberty, so that's something.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    i gained weight in my last relationship because he practically force fed me (for instance, I would have already ate and he would cook a meal), and I was depressed. :/

    For me unhappy=fat gain

    I'm a bit happier now, and losing weight.
  • sgv0918
    sgv0918 Posts: 851 Member
    It happens for me when i'm with my boyfriend on the weekends we eat a lot more than usually but during the week we both get back on track

    This, but also on the other hand now that i am in a happy and respectful relationship, overall my weight loss and fitness has improved. Along with my confidence :)
  • erinkeely4
    erinkeely4 Posts: 408 Member
    I gained weight during my last relationship, but in my current relationship (of 3 and a half years) I work out and eat less calories overall. I think that is partly because I used to cook and eat meals with my ex, and we both ended up eating more than we would otherwise, and we both loved ice cream so we'd share while watching tv... And also, I think a big thing is that I am happier in this relationship, so I have less comfort eating going on, and more physical/mental/emotional energy to put towards health and exercise.
  • JustBreathSB
    JustBreathSB Posts: 103 Member
    Yup...when my husband is around we eat out a lot and I have a lot more "ah **** it" moments. But when he's deployed or at drill or work it's much easier for me to stay focused.
  • Andra01
    Andra01 Posts: 90 Member
    haha not me ! when i'm not in a relationship I go to clubs and bars 3 times a week and gain ALOTT of weight lol!
  • nawlinsned
    nawlinsned Posts: 15
    I know when I moved to another town and started dating a certain someone, between the lack of home cooked meals and her lack of social motivation, I gained about 60 pounds. After we broke up and I moved back to my hometown... I kept the poor eating habits and gained another 40.

    No way am I doing that again. I will be active and I will be fit (eventually) and I will be with someone who takes care of herself and cares about what she puts in her body, or I will be single. Just the way it's gotta be. I don't want to look back 20 years from now in poor health and have regrets about the way I took care of myself.

    Dropped 57 pounds so far, 72 to go. Then I'll weight train until I'm in the 260 range, and maintain after that.
  • ACowboyKid
    ACowboyKid Posts: 142
    It depends. My last relationship was really stressful and I went from 160lbs to almost 215lbs! After we broke up I dropped down to around 179lbs. Then got into another relationship and gained back to 203lbs but I'm blaming that on our completely different eating styles. Shes super skinny and needs to eat every hour where I can go all day without food and never feel hungry but will eat because its super yummy =]

    Now her and I both are going to the gym and we both work out every day. I have to say I really enjoy going to the gym with my 'mate' and its totally awesome that we work on it together. I feel like its a bonding experience and that we are working on becoming healthier and better people together.