1 pound a week & 60 min a day workout (CLOSED)



  • niebla
    niebla Posts: 71
    Hello again!
    How are things going?

    Today's exercise:

    Walking, 3.0 mph, mod. pace, walking dog 22min
    Walking, 3.5 mph, uphill 10 min
    Running (jogging), 6 mph (10 min mile) 20min
    Gardening, general 30 min
    Aerobics, high impact 30min
    Mild stretching 10min

    122 minutes
    787 calories in total

    I started the Turbofire DVD today, it was quite intense but I managed it!
    I feel supermotivated with this lifestyle change, I am finally doing it right and I am getting addicted to exercising :)

    I love how calories add up so I can eat quite a lot guilt free, knowing what I am doing, being in control. I always associated food with losing control.

    I feel quite tired now and now is time to rest, although I might have a relaxing swim a bit later.
    I hope I won't ache all over tomorrow from the Turbofire aerobics!

    I love how we are such a varied group, I hope everyone fitted the 60 min in :)
  • alisonbank
    alisonbank Posts: 43 Member
    Hi guys! Sorry I haven't introduced myself yet, but my name is Alison. I'll be turning 21 on Aug 21 so this challenge is right in time for my birthday :) I'm a senior at Pitt studying Biological Sciences. I've been overweight for years, all through middle and high school and college. But it's time to kick that to the curb and get healthy. I work as an undergraduate research assistant so I'm sitting at a computer all day, so this hour of exercise is just what I need.

    Today's weight: 148

    My plan for today is to continue with 30DS (D4 of L2), start the C25K plan, and run up the 36 flights of stairs of the Cathedral of Learning.

  • lval82
    lval82 Posts: 21 Member
    It was a long day: work at 7:30, doctor's appointment at 3:30, back to work til 5:30, frantically looked for prescription card (does that count as a workout?), called to replace prescription card, etc... I almost didn't work out at all, but forced myself to hit the elliptical for 20 minutes. Not 60, but more than I would have done without this challenge. It's now after 9 and I haven't even eaten dinner yet. Hope everyone else was able to meet their goals today!
  • vjhanson5
    vjhanson5 Posts: 42 Member
    Sorry I haven't logged in to introduce myself yet. My name is Vicki and I'm a bookkeeper in Iowa so I spend most of my days sitting down. When I turned 50 last year I decided to give myself a gift and loose 50 pounds. It's been a slow process but I've lost 35 pounds so far and am working on the other 15. Once I make that goal then I'll re-evaluation and set a new goal to continue on this journey.

    My reasons for wanting to loose weight, besides the health benefits, is that I've also got 5 grandsons (yes, all boys!) that I love spending time with. The better shape I'm in the easier it is to keep up with them!

    My starting weight for Week 1: 162 lbs

    My exercise plans for today were 30 minutes of elliptical in the morning, 40 minutes of walking during lunch, and biking with my husband after work.

    Good luck to everyone on their weight loss journey! I look forward to reading how everyone doing each week!
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 904 Member
    60min workout done!!

    C25k, W1D1

    I'm exhausted, and hungry!!!
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Hope everyone had a good first day!

    - What type of exercise did I do today? I did some running and treadmill work (35 min), the bike for a cooldown (15 min) and 30 minutes of calisthenics for a total of 120 minutes!
    - For how long?
    - How many calories did I burn? I believe I burned about 600 calories
    - How was it? any difficulties? What did I like about today's workout? Pretty good. The running is rough but I'm doing pretty well! I should be ready for my 5k in October!
    - Did I stay within the net calorie intake limits recommended by MyFitnessPal? Yes I did.
    - How did it go generally? Did I learn anything? I found it really hard to eat all my calories today. I had 800 left over after dinner! So I treated myself a bit and still stayed within my limit!!

    Talk to you all tomorrow!!
  • peariel
    peariel Posts: 91 Member
    Good work everyone! Mondays are often very stressful, so congrats to those of you who managed the challenge today!

    I only managed 45 minutes of dedicated exercise -- walked a few miles on my lunch break in the rain. :( Disappointed that I didn't meet the challenge, but it's finals this week so I won't be too hard on myself.

    <3 Good luck tomorrow everyone!
  • Alacey88
    Alacey88 Posts: 486 Member
    Day 1 Workout: Done!!!

    30 min walking (speed 2.0)
    15 min walking (speed 3.5 uphill)
    5 min walking (speed 3.5)
    10 min cleaning/ dishes
    10 min leg work outs ( Lower, upper legs and butt)
  • Day 1 workout

    Treadmill 4.0 -20mins
    jogging- 30mins
    housework- 20mins
    abs and lunges

    starting weight 260 :-(
  • brenott
    brenott Posts: 117 Member
    Did not start off well. Starting weight 220.5 (up from Friday)

    Planned on doing 30 Day Shred in the mornings and Cardio (running or bike) in the evenings. Major sinus headache this morning, so I did not get up in time to do it. But I still plan on 60 minutes tonight...

    Day 1 workout done!!!

    I didn't get to my 30 Day Shred but I did do a treadmill hill program for 60 minutes. No running, but walked the whole thing at a 3.5. I burned 501 calories, and boy did I sweat - walking!!!!

    Oh, and I NEVER blister when I run, but doing inclines did give me a blister on my heel. That sucks!!!
  • niebla
    niebla Posts: 71
    Hello all!

    It looks like we did pretty well yesterday :) It is difficult sometimes with everything going on in our lives.

    i've put away the scales because I was getting addicted to weighing myself everyday, and getting discouraged when I saw the number go up, if only a fraction.

    From now on Monday is the only day I will weigh myself.

    Today I will have a nice swim, do Turbofire and have a long walk with my partner.

    Have a great day!!!!!!!!!!
  • aLatz13
    aLatz13 Posts: 60 Member
    Today I did a 4 mile run with my coworker! I know that's only 40 minutes, but we burned 400 calories so I'm saying I'm good for today. I may do a yoga tape or something tonight when I get home to help stretch my muscles and get those extra 20 minutes in!
  • niebla
    niebla Posts: 71
    Yes, that was a good workout! Yoga later sounds perfect too :)
  • aLatz13
    aLatz13 Posts: 60 Member
    I know what you mean about being addicted to weighing yourself - I need to stop using the scale whenever i go to the gym and just start using it on Monday mornings when we do our weigh ins. I also feel like I'm addicted to this site! I feel like I check it 20x a day!!
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 904 Member
    i've put away the scales because I was getting addicted to weighing myself everyday, and getting discouraged when I saw the number go up, if only a fraction.
    From now on Monday is the only day I will weigh myself.

    I also have a scale addiction which can be pretty frustrating. Although my common sense tells me that it's normal to see fluctuations, I still expect to see a drop every time.
    I think I'll put away my scale for the week and weigh only on Monday's too!
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 904 Member
    My exercise plan for today will be a 7 mile bike ride around a neighborhood lake, which should take about 25 min, then tennis with the hub.
  • NicLiving
    NicLiving Posts: 261 Member
    Good morning losers and I mean that affectionately lol.
    My starting weight is......211.5 lbs.
    Already got 10 min of stairs and Mountain climbs done .:happy:
    Plus the weather in Michigan has finally cool'd down a bit so I hope to get outside at lunch.

    Had an awesome workout:
    Mountain Climbers (mini-challenge) 10 min
    Treadmill 45 min
    Bike 15 min
    60 push-up
    60 second sit-ups
    and running up the stairs at work when I normally take the elevator :flowerforyou: #nsv
  • acarter86
    acarter86 Posts: 34 Member
    Monday I only fit in 20 min of exercise but I did stay below my calorie goal!! Today I am hoping to make it to the Zumba class and stay within my calorie goal.
  • niebla
    niebla Posts: 71
    It's nice to see how we are all making an effort, let's stay motivated! it will be well worth it!

    My workout today:

    Walking, 3.0 mph, mod. pace, walking dog 30min 113 cal
    Aerobics, high impact 12 min 96 cal
    Mild stretching 12min 34 cal
    Swimming laps, freestyle, light/moderate effort 15min 140 cal
    Swimming, treading water, moderate effort 15min 69 cal

    Total: 84 minutes
    452 calories

    I am finding Turbofire quite strenuous but it'll get better. I walk the dogs everyday first thing in the morning, and I just love swimming and playing around in the pool.

    Today I learnt to hide the scales ;)

    I am pretty sure I will stay within my calories :)
    I am finding MFP very addictive too! I hope I will stop checking it so often when the novelty wears off, it is so great to get and give support , isn't it? It makes a world of difference. I am so glad I found this site :)
  • Evercia
    Evercia Posts: 13
    Today 1 hour on the elliptical +stretching. I'm sure to blow my calorie goal out of the water with birthday cake.... I'm ok with it. :)