Standing Up For Myself

jzim719 Posts: 3 Member
The other day my mother asked me why I have such trouble committing myself to anything for my own well being. I have no problem dedicating myself to my job, my friends, my family - but when it comes to taking care of myself? I can honestly say that I do not take time for myself. I have concluded that there are a mixture of reasons for this lack of commitment, but I'll keep things simple and solely state that I am scared - very scared. Although I have known this for years, I have simply avoided the fact.

Today I have finally decided that I will no longer avoid or hide in the corner, hoping that the scary shadows will go away. I will stand up to these shadows. I will stand my ground. I will put myself first.

Who's going to join me?


  • ISparkyI
    ISparkyI Posts: 158 Member
    This is awesome, sounds like you have the right attitude and nothing is going to stop you! There is a great support system here so you'll be in great hands.
  • GeriBeck19
    GeriBeck19 Posts: 5 Member
    Most of us are scared of something...the key is to do what you need to do in spite of being scared. Go get 'em girl!
  • beanz744
    beanz744 Posts: 221 Member
    Welcome to a brand new start, heres my 2 cents.

    1. buy a food scale (the most important tool u'll need.)
    2. set up a profile with an easy goal at first (start with .5 or 1lbs a week for the first 2 weeks to ease ur body into it). MFP will give u a daily allowance so u dont need to figure it out yourself.
    3. log EVERYTHING u eat EVERYDAY
    4. Only eat back half the calories that u burned at most if u decide to exercise (the MFP numbers r too optimistic for exercises)
    5. join an online challenge (optional)
    6. ditch any non supportive friends
    7. donate all junk foods (ASAP)
    8. dont tell people that u r trying to lose weight coz most will tell u to EAT MORE (smile n ignore them if they do but do not give in coz u have a goal n they dont)
    9. google search for recipes if needed

    Hope that ull find the above useful. GOOD LUCK!!!
  • MarvinsAMartian
    MarvinsAMartian Posts: 236 Member
    Good for you. Standing up for yourself and believing in yourself is the first step to a better you. Don't let anyone (not even momma!), dictate what's best for you. Only you truly understand what that is.

    Being a selfless person is always an admirable thing, but how many times have you heard, "how can you take care of others if you cant even take care of yourself?" As someone whos struggled with that myself, I say, way to take control and put yourself first. There's no shame in loving yourself and doing what's right for you for a change.

    Good luck with your journey and know that it is possible to overcome what ever fear, whatever obstacle comes your way!