Dadbod :(

Single dad here. Just turned 35. 6 ft and 215 ish. Ppl say i don't look like i weigh that much. I was avout 185 but after a bad back injury and constant pain...all the meds i was given i gained roughly 30 pounds. I can't seem to be disciplined enough to stay on atkins or weight watchers or a combo of both. Today i started a keto lifestyle change. Day 1 was ok. It's mid may and I'm still wearing a light wind breaker jacket to keep my dadbelly hidden. Just joined a gym. Just tired of back pain and weight gain. My daughter is 7, and I'm a single dad. Trying hard to find ms right as well. She lost her mommy in 2013. So that's abt it. I'm giving it to God and letting go. I am tired of not having any motovation and feeling lethargic. Today on my 1st keto day, i felt good all day long and didn't feel the need to nap :) i did use 7-keto suppliments aka exogenous ketones (sp?) To start off to keep from getting keto flu. Any advice would be awesome. I want to get motivated and get out of this depressing funk I've been in. I need friends. I have a 1000 on fb and it seems like none in real life :( God bless.


  • bgonzalez_2016
    bgonzalez_2016 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi, Im also thinking about starting the keto diet but i feel like i will starve myself since its only 3 meals! I was used to having 2500 a day now im down to 1200 and I'm having sugar withdrawals!!!! ahhhhhh!!!! Feel free to add me. Good luck!!!
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Hi, Im also thinking about starting the keto diet but i feel like i will starve myself since its only 3 meals! I was used to having 2500 a day now im down to 1200 and I'm having sugar withdrawals!!!! ahhhhhh!!!! Feel free to add me. Good luck!!!

    Keto has nothing to do with the number of meals you eat... You can eat as often as you like. If the food doesn't suit you, or make you feel satisfied, perhaps the way of eating isn't for you. Weight loss is about eating less than you burn... However you get there is up to you!
  • laineysdaddy
    laineysdaddy Posts: 8 Member
    I had it explained to me by my brother. Low carbs with high fats and moderate protein? But he didn't say anything abt how many times to eat. I just tried today with adjusting macros to what google said is the right amount for my size and keto. My brother said he stops eating by 8 pm. And will fast for like 12 hours? Idk why?
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    edited May 2017
    I had it explained to me by my brother. Low carbs with high fats and moderate protein? But he didn't say anything abt how many times to eat. I just tried today with adjusting macros to what google said is the right amount for my size and keto. My brother said he stops eating by 8 pm. And will fast for like 12 hours? Idk why?

    Again, fasting is personal preference... Your brother is pretty much just sleeping though, and eating at 8am.

    Intermittent fasting is another way of eating- a common split is 16 hours fasting, and eating your meals within 8 hours (so 12-8,or 1-9 for example).
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    have you just tried eating the foods you like in portion sizes that put you in a deficit?
  • major112714
    major112714 Posts: 3 Member
    I just joined within the last week. If you need a friend, I'm offering. I have 3 friends total on here and all 3 are Aussies. One of them I just quit smoking with and she pulled me in on this app and apparently I'm now in a weight loss gig. Which is not a bad thing cause I'm about 30 lb over. just a short intro, I'm married and have 3 kids. 2 are adults now 20 and 22 daughters from a different mother. I now have a son 2 years old. Funny huh 20 year spread. Oh and I turn 45 next month. Anyhow, I'll send u a friend request.
  • mpacuan
    mpacuan Posts: 18 Member
    Hey sorry to hear about your misfortunes, my best advice is find the most important reason why you want to change your lifestyle whether it it be for health, your kids etc. Its always good to have a reason as for why its important for you to lose weight, cause sometimes those are the things motivate you to get to your goal. Well at least thats what I believe. As for back pain maybe try getting some physical therapy or acupucture. Also try to avoid workouts that will put too much pressure on your back. How did you injure your back if you dont mind me asking?
  • Rufftimes
    Rufftimes Posts: 349 Member
    I've been doing Keto for about three months now and it's been a godsend! It is definitely the method that works best for me! But basically don't overthink it. There is no limit to how often you eat, how many meals you eat, or what time of day to eat. Find the keto calculators online, figure out your calories and macros and eat food that fits it. Right now I'm shooting for 70% fat, 25% protein and 5% carbs. During the week I eat a lot of quick finger foods like pepperettes and cheese, basically because I work 10hr shifts and the GF works 12's. You do have to keep an eye on everything though for hidden carbs. At the grocery store you can find pepperettes that have 1g carb, and others that have 8g carbs for example. if anyone wants to add me, feel free!
  • cbl40
    cbl40 Posts: 281 Member
    Welcome! You can do this! I'm sorry about your daughter's mother. Peace to you...