how skinny is too skinny?



  • Katie3784
    Katie3784 Posts: 543
    At your height, I think you should be no less than 130lbs, but body types are so differing.
  • megskin15
    megskin15 Posts: 94
    I'm 5'6" and my boyfriend prefered that I didn't go under 120lbs. Although he may just be freaked that I might become unhealthy with it like his older sister did... she's well under 100lbs right now in treatment for anorexia.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I'm 5' 8.75". I was pretty darn happy with my body at 145, but I have a medium-large frame. That was a size 8. It all depends on frame though. I have a friend who is my height and looks and is healthy at a size 2.

    And yes, the women in your profile are very unhealthy and I hope that isn't you, or that you aren't aspiring towards that.
  • Jondi_Soper
    If you are 5'8 and you wear a loose size 2, you don't need to lose any weight. Can you see your ribs without inhaling? How about when you do inhale? If you can see them without even inhaling then you are already too skinny. But if you can wear a size 0, even if it is are skinny enough. Don't let pictures of those yardstick runway models make you think you need to be skinnier. That look is gross and unhealthy.
  • purnurple
    purnurple Posts: 102
    If you are 5'8 and you wear a loose size 2, you don't need to lose any weight. Can you see your ribs without inhaling? How about when you do inhale? If you can see them without even inhaling then you are already too skinny. But if you can wear a size 0, even if it is are skinny enough. Don't let pictures of those yardstick runway models make you think you need to be skinnier. That look is gross and unhealthy.

    without inhaling im not sure if i can see them or not but i can definaitly feel them. if i inhale i can see every one of them
  • mrschappet
    mrschappet Posts: 488 Member
    i am currently 125. i want to be 115. i wear a loose 2, tight 0.

    I would say you are too skinny for your size... but to be sure I think you should see your doctor.

    I am 5' 5 1/2and i weigh anywhere between 116-120 depending on the week... my pant size is 3-5 I have a very small frame and have always been known as the tiny one...knowing my history with just being small (when i was younger) I still wanted to consult my doctor since things change as you get older... he was actually pleased with my weight loss in the last year, although he said i wasn't over weight before ,he can just tell that I am healthier and is pleased that I am more active... long story short he said he has no concerns because i am eating HEALTHY and ENOUGH along with my daily exercise .. I took him my diary to help give him clear reference into a normal day for me.

    Anyways... just make sure you are doing everything to keep your body healthy, that is what your profile quote says.... "to be healthy" just remember skinny isn't always healthy!
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    honistly the people in your profile pics are distubing and wayyyy too skinny!!!!

  • purnurple
    purnurple Posts: 102
    i did the test on this link and got a 16% so im guessing im slightly under weight. i dont think these things are 100 percent correct so maybe ill just ask my doctor

    edit. i mean i have a smaller waist and a larger hips. the websight asked for my waist measurment and not my hip. i think you would need more then just weight age and wasit to determine such a thing. my hips are a good bit wider and so are my thighs.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Do we have trolls on these boards?....
  • Nurseangel
    Nurseangel Posts: 2 Member
    There are so many factors to take into consideration such as age, body type etc. I'm the same height & when I was a freshman in high school I was 88 lbs & terrible thin. I ate very healthy then. In my 20's and after my 1st child I was still physically active & weighed any where from 120 to 140 lb. In my 30's after my second child and very involved in my career as a nurse my weight started creeping up. I worked hard but didn't get regular exdercise & really didn't eat as heathy as I could have. This trend continued into my 40's & my weight averaged around 150 lbs. Now that I'm in my 50's my metabolism is way low and even though I'm watching my calories and exercising at least 5 days a week I still can't seem to get under 160 lbs. I try not to worry so much these days about my weight & just try to maintain a healthy lifestyle. I think we get way caught up in numbers & lose sight of health.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    it depends on your frame. Some people carry weight better than others. Im always hearing of people that weigh loads more than me being a similar or smaller size. You cant always go by numbers.

    What do your family and friends think
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    It depends on your frame and how much muscle you have. Are you actually a dancer, or just using that photo cause you like it?

    Assuming you really are a dancer, remember that dancing professionally is basically being a professional athlete, so you'll have higher muscle mass and lower fat than usual, and BMI and any calculator you find online won't be accurate.

    So it comes down to looking unhealthy. Not looking to skinny, but looking unhealthy. Is your hair dull and brittle no matter what kind of shampoo you use (malnutrition will do that). Is your skin saggy and maybe kinda grayish? Is your period normal? Are your fingernails strong and shiny and growing at their usual pace? If you're not eating enough, you're whole body will look like it, not just your weight.

    I think too skinny is hard to define. But I think people react similarly to too skinny and too big. So if you catch someone's gut-check reaction, and they grimaced when they first saw you and couldn't hide it- then you've probably crossed the line.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    The point where you stop menstruating. That is your body's way of telling you you are too thin for your health.

    For me at a small built 5'5", that's 115 lbs. At which point I had a 25 inch waist.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    if you stop menstruating, do you reckon youd stop getting PMT too?
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    if you stop menstruating, do you reckon youd stop getting PMT too?

    Sadly not. I just felt like I had PMT all the time.