Trying to quit added sugar



  • Jessemelcher
    Jessemelcher Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks for all the responses. I think that it will all help me.
  • Goodheavens2
    Goodheavens2 Posts: 8 Member
    edited May 2017
  • rishathakrar964
    rishathakrar964 Posts: 4 Member
    I chew a piece of cinnamon bark everytime I get a sugar craving. It tastes sweet and has the added bonus of regulating blood sugar so reduces the craving
  • krazy1sbk
    krazy1sbk Posts: 128 Member
    I cut all added sugar for about a week (during spring break as a teacher was the only way I could do it). It was horrible at first, but by the end of the week I thought I could handle it. (Unfortunately, I had a "reward" the next day of several cookies, and it was downhill from there).

    One thing that I've noticed for me is that I can resist sugar if I haven't had any that day. So if I start out my day with a donut that someone brought in, I'll crave sugar all day and eat way too much of it. However, if I can avoid sugar until I get home, I won't eat very much and it'll be a much better day for me overall. (I also don't count things like fruit as sugar because it doesn't seem to cause cravings like added sugar does)
  • idabest777
    idabest777 Posts: 97 Member
    I was having this same issue...I went on vacation where I had a delicious dessert after every meal and after that I just wanted to eat everything sugary all the time. It definitely stalled my weight and I suspected it was making my face break out.

    I used the same strategy as some others here where I decided to just stop eating any time of candy/dessert for at least 2 weeks. The first week was definitely a huge struggle but I made it through the 2nd week was a lot easier. After that it seemed like my cravings had been reset and I stopped wanting it.

    Now I'll have a dessert as a treat every so often (maybe once/week) but I think I'm going to avoid going back to my daily after dinner chocolate because I don't want that super sugar craving to come back.