Low Carbing It!

raytamtay3 Posts: 18 Member
Hello. I'm fairly new to this site. I am doing the low carb things and would love to have some people who are doing the same to help keep me motivated! I would like to lose about 15 lbs.


  • delboy757
    delboy757 Posts: 41 Member
    I would find low carbs very hard to do I think?!?!
  • StacyChrz
    StacyChrz Posts: 865 Member
    One very important thing I have learned is to focus on all of the tasty and satisfying foods you CAN eat and try not to worry about the things you can't. Check under Groups for the Low Carber Daily Forum, it's a terrific place to talk to people following all sorts of low carb/no carb/keto/meativore and more ways of eating. There are a lot of people with a great deal of knowledge to share and lots of support.
  • Rufftimes
    Rufftimes Posts: 349 Member
    It's not for everyone, I'll admit to that. But my GF and I love it and have had way better results than anything else we tried. We're under 25g carbs a day, and that includes our daily shake that actually has 12 net carbs.
  • delboy757
    delboy757 Posts: 41 Member
    I love my bread n potatoes!!
  • Rufftimes
    Rufftimes Posts: 349 Member
    bread and potatoes are evil lol
  • delboy757
    delboy757 Posts: 41 Member
    I know but taste great Lol.
  • raytamtay3
    raytamtay3 Posts: 18 Member
    edited May 2017
    It's the only thing that works for me. I have a problem with portion control, so I need to do strict plans where I have to cut out things completely and be able to eat as much permitted food I want and be satisified. Plus I love how flat my stomach gets ftom simply cutting out sugar and white flowers. Truly amazing.
  • raytamtay3
    raytamtay3 Posts: 18 Member
    Rufftimes wrote: »
    I'm beyond low carb lol, extreme Keto here! But I'd love to share tips!

    Have you tried SmartCakes yet? omg amazing! I bought some off of Netrition.com the other day and had my first one today. Definently will keep me on track when the dreaded sweet tooth surfaces. 0 net carbs, and you would never guess it!

  • JenZ1181
    JenZ1181 Posts: 2 Member
    I started keto diet Monday. I was so pumped when I went into ketosis within 24 hrs. I think once people educate themselves on exactly what keto is, it's not that hard. I'm sure to keep my macro ratio at 70%Fat 20%Protein 10%Carbs. I didn't realize until recently that too much protein converts to glucose. Bizarre. I'm always trying to come up with creative, satisfying foods so please share if you have any! I'm trying to lose prob about 30ish. How's it going?!
  • ladipoet
    ladipoet Posts: 4,180 Member
    Hello and welcome! I suggest you check out the main low carber daily forum group herein MFP. It's where most of Ketophiles (LCHF'ers) tend to hang out:

  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Rufftimes wrote: »
    bread and potatoes are evil lol

    If you're not joking with this comment here, I find that extremely sad. There is no such thing as "good" or bad" foods. That kind of attitude toward food can easily lead you down the path to disordered eating and an unhealthy relationship with food.

    For the record, I earned


    body eating bread and potatoes regularly. it's just a question of moderation and keeping macronutrients balanced.

    Food stuff is not not "evil" but medically speaking there good and bad foods for some to consume.

    Three years ago I accidently went LCHF at the age of 63 but it was a hellish two weeks when I realized my carb craving was an addiction that had lead me down the path of disordered eating and unhealthy relationship with food.

    After the first two weeks the cravings just faded and have not returned. Being able to eat AND get full so I never have to go hungry is OK but getting my health back is AWESOME.

    @raytamtay3 best of success and watch out for statements on the subject not coming from experience or science.
  • evantfunk
    evantfunk Posts: 15 Member
    Hello, I'm also looking for friends who are doing the low carb thing. Specifically keto, but anything's good.
  • ESinc1118
    ESinc1118 Posts: 19 Member
    Hello! I am also doing low carb/keto and loving it, though not seeing the weight loss results I want yet (3 months in so far). Always looking for additional friends to add to get real life feedback and examples to learn from!
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    edited July 2017
    It was 45 days before I lost my first pound after I cut out sugar and all forms of all grains Oct 2014 at the age of 63. My risk of failure was very high for the first two weeks due to the very strong carb cravings but they started to fade week three and have not returned. The weight loss has not been huge because I eat high calorie but my health markers and pain levels are much improved these few years later. My kids kept after me to set up a blog which I did a few weeks ago but am behind on posting more update and info on Keto. I do have a list with some research on vitamins and supplements that I take. I do not sell anything but they are not just a list that I found on the web but are items that I have purchased off Amazon and personally tested on myself for safety before giving them to others in our house. The few things that I found to maybe do more harm than good I did not list.

    I am low tech in that I just eat under 50 grams of carbs most daily and weigh myself each morning. I do order lab tests from time to time to track those kinds of factors. I will work to get my last round of lab test summary posted soon. Since cholesterol numbers can go high I gave blood yesterday for a detailed report of LDL-R and HDL-R.

    [post edited by MFP mods]

    Much of what I knew has come from others posting on MFP about Keto and then drilling down on that info. I just learned about CAC scoring test and had it done last week and got the results this week that I can blog about in the future. Locally it is a $100 private pay fee. I do wish I had gotten more baseline health data when I started Keto back in 2014 but at that time I had no idea keto would turn my health around physically and mentally and actually give me renewed hope to make it to 110 walking and talking the entire way.