How did I get here.....

I look at myself and I think, how did I get here? How did I get to 300lbs at only 5'4"? What was I thinking? Or rather why wasn't I thinking? I wasn't an overweight kid, though my mom made me feel like I was. She wanted me to be the perfect pretty little skinny princess. Instead I was a tomboy. I was muscular and tan and totally not interested in the beauty pageants she forced me to be in. I didn't start gaining weight until my early twenties. Slow at first. But now I am at my highest weight ever and I am so ashamed of myself for allowing it to happen. I thought I could do it all myself but it seems need some support and I'm hoping to find it here. I tried to lose weight before and it went really well. I lost 33lbs and now I've gained it back and more. There are so many things I want to do but I can't because of my weight. I don't want to live my life with regret anymore. I recently got married and after waiting so long to find the right person and want to have as much time with them and do as much with them as I possibly can.


  • Imeeh_Pang
    Imeeh_Pang Posts: 8 Member
    Keep clam ...
    The first thing that you have to do it's to fix your "metabolism". (You can search in google about fail metabolism)

    Your metabolism are fail. They have many way to make them fail such as you eat too low calorie and work out too much.
    Fix them first and control your diet and add more some work out.

    Good luck
  • graydreams
    graydreams Posts: 89 Member
    happy for your marriage x
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    @jessiegunnes Congratulations on your marriage. Since you've got this far, maybe you can try some health and fitness activities together as a couple. Support each other and you should see results.
  • mamabear1114
    mamabear1114 Posts: 140 Member
    I hear you. My weight has yo-yoed a lot of my life. I fell into all the fad diets and other stupid crap motivated by self loathing and misinformation. The best piece of advice I can give (the only piece that has actually sustained me through this journey) is to be kind to yourself. Do not make your motivation to lose weight about shame or embarrassment or self loathing. This tactic will not sustain you long term and is not the foundation you want to build on. Love yourself first. Find the desire to take care of your body because you love it, not because you hate it. Don't obsess about your weight. Yes, it is important to be accountable in that way, but the main priority is to feel better and be healthier, and if you make it your first priority the weight will follow accordingly. Count your calories, educate yourself on nutrition, find support, exercise if it makes you feel good, and be happy with yourself for deciding to make a positive change! Good luck on your journey. :)
  • jessiegunnes
    jessiegunnes Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you for the support everyone. I really appreciate it...
  • yoherbs421
    yoherbs421 Posts: 160 Member
    Imeeh_Pang wrote: »
    Keep clam...
    The first thing that you have to do it's to fix your "metabolism". (You can search in google about fail metabolism)

    Your metabolism are fail. They have many way to make them fail such as you eat too low calorie and work out too much.
    Fix them first and control your diet and add more some work out.

    Good luck

    Keep clam and pearl on lol.

    OP you lost a significant amount before, you can do it again. Congrats on tying the knot!
  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    My advice? Stop beating yourself up about it. Yes, it's unfortunate and yes, you made bad choices that led you to this point, but you're choosing to do something about it now. Focus on that. Don't focus on how much you weigh or how far you have to go or how you let yourself get to this point. Focus on the fact you are doing something about it and actually do something about it.

    You have a one up on a lot of people. If you lost 33 lbs and regained it then what you were doing before wasn't working for you long term. Maybe you got complacent, maybe you were too strict on yourself, or maybe you just got overwhelmed. Whatever happened figure out why you regained the weight you lost and adjust your efforts this time accordingly. I've been a yo-yo dieter for most of my life. At some point, I finally realized the reason I couldn't stick to any changes is because I was being too strict on myself. It has made a world of difference this go around.

    Lastly, just be kind to yourself. We all have bad meals or bad days or bad weeks. Just keep going. It's not over until you stop trying.
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,868 Member
    Think of the years you took to gain this weight 5?,8?,10? You have the rest of your life to lose it AND keep it off! Take it slow and steady. Get before pictures so in a year or two or three you can post your success story. Also get measurements, as your eyes can sometimes trick you. You can do this!!
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,522 Member
    Welcome to weight loss, a process that saved my life and gave me freedom to live the life I wanted.

    Not easy, but try not to dwell on the past. In fact, the past no longer exists, the only thing remaining are your current ideas about the past. Also, the past does not control the future.

    What you need is a plan to create a calorie deficit. Probably need a food journal. You also need to be able to live with your plan. You will know you have a working plan when you get a sustainable downward trend on the scale.

    Then you need the thing where most WL efforts crash- time. You have to be willing to give the process time to work.

    Try to wring emotion out of the process. Weight loss is problem solving, planning and concentration, over and over and over. Good luck.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Imeeh_Pang wrote: »
    Keep clam ...
    The first thing that you have to do it's to fix your "metabolism". (You can search in google about fail metabolism)

    Your metabolism are fail. They have many way to make them fail such as you eat too low calorie and work out too much.
    Fix them first and control your diet and add more some work out.

    Good luck

    OP, your metabolism is not broken or failed. You can do this - it sounds like you've got to the point where your reason to lose weight is greater than the reason to ignore the rising number. It will take lifelong commitment, but it will give you the opportunity to experience the things you want to do that you say you can't due to weight.