UK - Best Scales?

Hi everyone, I've noticed that a lot of my Friends on here can measure their weight in point something of a pound (i.e. lost 7.6lbs). My scales don't show this and I just wondered what scales everyone has.




  • Ilovedrinkingtea
    Ilovedrinkingtea Posts: 597 Member
    I have some from weight watchers, I bought them in a tesco xx
  • aslm
    aslm Posts: 71
    I just got a new scale from argos and its really good. It measures a few things check the link below:|category_root|Health+and+personal+care|14418350/Trail/searchtext>SCALE.htm
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    I have a great Salter digital set. Not only do they measure to 0.2 of a lb, but they also give %fat, musscle, and water, plus an estimated BMR. I love them, and I don't think they were too expensive. I bought them from Argos.
  • aslm
    aslm Posts: 71|category_root%7

    didn't post the whole thing
  • kalcide
    kalcide Posts: 120 Member
    i think if you record weights of .25 , .50 & .75 mfp turns it into a .6 etc if you get what i mean.
  • TomorrowNeverKnows
    TomorrowNeverKnows Posts: 12 Member
    Do not buy this Weight Watchers one (Argos).
    It's doesn't work correctly... it's not accurate!
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member>SALTER+BATHROOM+SCALES.htm

    This is the one I have. I really like that it lights up and the numbers are pretty big. Helps when I'm a bit bleary eyed first thing in the morning! It can weigh in stones, kg or lbs.
  • JoceyyySmall
    JoceyyySmall Posts: 155 Member
    I believe I have a salter- that I got from argos for about 15 pounds. It does the weight in the way you want and gives body fat and water percentage.>SCALES.htm
  • Zolita
    Zolita Posts: 34 Member
    Tanita scales from John Lewis, £32 but they do profiles for different family members, bmi and body fat. I love them :) And the battery lasts ages.
  • bex879165
    bex879165 Posts: 121 Member
    Mine are glass top ones from Tesco & they were about £10. They were the cheapest ones they had and work great!! I've had them probably 3 years and have only just changed the battery. They also measure in stones/kg/lbs and have the decimal point!! x
  • anberlingasm
    anberlingasm Posts: 177
    Mine was really cheap, I got it from Wilkinsons years ago and it measures to the point of a pound. I think most digital scales do so you don't have to spend a lot of money.
  • JannineOwen
    JannineOwen Posts: 92 Member
    i use this one, i didn't pay this much for them, think i paid £17 in the argos sale but i think they are very accurate, i love them|category_root|Health+and+personal+care|14418350/c_2/2|14418350|Health+monitors+and+aids|14418375/c_3/3|cat_14418375|Body+fat+monitors+and+body+fat+scales|14418378.htm
  • freckles88
    freckles88 Posts: 44 Member
    I would not waste your time with electronic scales. I have brought two sets now (a cheaper set and an expensive set thinking the expensive ones might be better!) and they have both been rubbish. The weight watchers ones I've had would always weigh me different each time I stepped on (even if I stepped on twice within a couple of minutes). The last straw came when they weighed me a difference of 7lbs within seconds of stepping on and off! I went on amazon and read loads of reviews and pretty much everyone said that electronic scales are useless.

    I brought the salter mechanical ones about 3 days ago (the ones they use in the doctors surgery) for about £30 and they've been great! Me and my partner have both been weiging ourselves numerous times over the 3 days we've had them and each day it has given us the same weight, so I know they are consistent.

    They might not be the most 'fashionable' scales around and don't measure in 0.1 of a lb but at least they will give you an accurate reading. And if they're good enough for doctors they're good enough for me! It always said alot to me that doctors don't use electronic scales!

    These are them if you're interested:
  • clarech
    clarech Posts: 157 Member
    I've got weight watchers ones from argos on sale they work so much better than the basic ones I got from sainsburys where the dial never moved
  • jetsec
    jetsec Posts: 79
    Thanks everyone. The ones I have are Weight Watchers ones and digital but I've had them about 10 years! I think I need to invest in some new ones.

  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    I use two different scales - mechanical ones we have lying around at work, and the digital ones at home. They read quite differently, and the digital ones can fluctuate by about 4lbs within a few minutes.

    One thing I don't get is a 0.2 or something on the digital scale. That's not 2 ounces, that's 2 tenths of a lb. That's the problem with digital scales - they don't do imperial so well.......
  • livi_cowgirl
    livi_cowgirl Posts: 198 Member
    I use the ones in Boots every week (digital). I also check myself on the ones at the gym and the nurse weighs me every month too (all dial). The ones in boots seem to be the most consistent so I go by them and use the others as a rough guide throughout the week.
  • dsreilly
    dsreilly Posts: 47 Member
    I'm with everyone on the weightwatchers scales!!! I paid about 18 quid from a catalogue.....mine too give a reading that is different every second to the next!!! I do check every month or so on the ones in tesco, which do body fat and height etc. (although i half expect them to start shouting out how fat i am, they are so loud!!!!!)
  • emmalene1984
    emmalene1984 Posts: 137 Member>SALTER+BATHROOM+SCALES.htm

    This is the one I have. I really like that it lights up and the numbers are pretty big. Helps when I'm a bit bleary eyed first thing in the morning! It can weigh in stones, kg or lbs.

    this is the one i have too. you can measure in pounds, kilos or stone and it measures body fat %, muscle mass % water % BMI and BMR, you can also save different profiles in it too, so i have one in pounds and my other half has his in stone, you enter your age and height for these profiles which is how you get your %'s and BMI/BMR's :-)
  • TomorrowNeverKnows
    TomorrowNeverKnows Posts: 12 Member
    I forgot the link!>WEIGHT+WATCHERS.htm

    (This is the one I don't like AT ALL. It's not accurate).