Plant Based



  • Nelli820
    Nelli820 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm glad I found this board. I'm just gathering more information to make sure I'm fully prepared to jump into whole foods, plant based eating. Looking forward to sharing recipes and ideas!
  • orochiwarrior
    orochiwarrior Posts: 97 Member
    Hi I'm vegetarian at the moment, I have been making the change to vegan for the last 3 weeks. Feel free to add me people
  • Jmatievich
    Jmatievich Posts: 38 Member
    Me too. I've been eating plant based consciously for 4 months and MFP again for just a week. I find protein difficult to meet unless I use processed meat soy alternatives or protein powder. I use .8 times my weight in kilograms as my minimum goal for protein. Those of you who find hitting protein easy, what are you eating? No way can I eat enough legumes, veggies and whole grains to hit my goal of 55 grams or so. I found I was very tired eating less than this.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    edited May 2017
    Noella2017 wrote: »
    Hello everyone! I've been on here on-off for a while and finally making the effort to stay on.
    Anyone here plant based and need new friends? Vegan, vegetarian, and whole foods plant based are welcome.
    I'm vegan myself on the journey to WFPB. I lack motivation to stay on track with whole foods and also need to lose weight.
    Comment and send a friend request if you want me as your new vegan friend. :)

    @Noella2017 staying on MFP seems to be helpful for every WOE (Way Of Eating) out there.

    I just wanted to share my experience of the past few years as an old arrogant white male meat and potato eating type of guy. At the age of 63 my health was totally crashing hard and fast. I needed help getting in and especially getting out of cars and other daily stuff. In Aug of 2014 when the doctors wanted me to start injections in 90 days that would suppress my weak immune system even more so the alarm finally went off in my old brain. That was my wake up call if I wanted to live to see any potential grandkids since the kids were just 16 at the time that I had to make concrete rapid changes in my WOE.

    After two months of failure at controlling my eating of highly processed carbs due to my overriding cravings and 30 days before I was to start Enbrel injections on a hunch I cut out all processed food that contained sugar and any form of any grain. 30 days later my 40 year pain level of 7-8 had dropped to 2-3 so I passed on starting Enbrel injections. Yes the first two weeks were hellish but then the controlling cravings just faded away and as of May 2017 have never returned and my health is much much improved today.

    To fast forward through a ton of health improvements the major surprise to this old man came recently when I realized for the most part I had moved to a plant based way of eating just eating intuitively after I accidentally wound up eat Low Carb High Fat with LC in my case being just < 50 grams of carbs. I still eat some meat as in fish, pork, eggs and some dairy cream products but they are plant base fed even.

    I took "weight loss" off of the table with my only objective be working to live to be 110 walking and talking the entire way. I have changed the way I eat, move and think and spin 20 hours most weeks researching longevity factors from around the world.

    It turns out long term body inflammation is about the only factor that leads to human diseased states. I now monitor my CRP (C-Reactive Protein) levels. I take a ton of plant based supplements trying to rebuild my mitochondria count and their health.

    As others have noted hitting the min required protein levels can require informed effort but other than that plant based diets seems to offer many pluses. When any way of eating turns into a Religion that must be crammed down the throats of others I call it a cult and tune it out.

    Key I have found with most diets is if they make us mindful of health concerns we will evolve over time into intuitive eating in the way that is best for our own body.

  • Honeybaby90
    Honeybaby90 Posts: 3 Member
    edited May 2017
    Long time plant based eater here! Would love to share healthy recipes with each other. I need to work on making healthier meals and cutting out junk snacks! Please add me :)
  • xoxoIrene
    xoxoIrene Posts: 3 Member
    Vegetarian here. I was vegan for about a year and then fell back into my old vegetarian ways. Looking to get back into being totally vegan again, I did feel much better when I was eating that way. Feel free to add me. I have never posted in the community so I'm new this portion of MFP.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    For those concerned with health risks from different ways of eating may be interested in the test below if you live in the USA. A lot of the same things are in the male panel I get each year but this Vegan-Vegetarian panel is relative inexpensive by comparison while it is on sale.
  • Harpin_Maddog
    Harpin_Maddog Posts: 52 Member
    it is vary nice to see so many people either living WFPB, or going to try. For simplicity sake, you can check out Dr. Greger's app "Daily Dozen". Very simple plan to help you meet you macros if that is a concern for you. For me, it is actually too much food. I have a hard time eating all that he recommends. You might want to check out his website also. Lots of tips on how to ensure you are getting all your nutrition and essential vitamins in. He has hundreds of youtube videos. Anyway, I find for me that eating WFPB has eliminated all my cravings and desire to eat anything processed. Not only that, but the amount of money I save eating WFPB is insane. I maybe spend $25 a week on food. And that is probably overstating it. A bag of beans and a bag of brown rice is about $1.50 each and lasts me 2 weeks. 1 week if I can convince my wife to eat the same way. Probably the most expensive thing I buy is the nuts. Well, congrats to all of you making a healthy lifestyle decision.
  • GoldenEye_
    GoldenEye_ Posts: 330 Member
    Vegan since 3 days here! Not entirely whole food as I do throw a scoop of vegan protein powder through my smoothie and I'm not sure tofu and tempeh count? BUT I'm not eating junk food.

    Add me if you like, I'd be glad to have more vegan and vegetarians on my news feed (:
  • louispatituccimfp
    louispatituccimfp Posts: 1 Member
    I had gained 50 lbs after a botched eye surgery which grounded me for a year. I was having a hard time trying to lose the extra pounds. Somebody suggested watching Forks over Knives. By eating WFPB I lost 50 lbs in 6 months.
    My daily diet always includes foods containing the essential aminoacids (e.g. quinoa, brown rice + lentils, hemp seeds or powder), and I take B12 and D3. I've never felt stronger in my life. My vital signs are back to normal including sugar levels and cholesterols.
  • EdinTx
    EdinTx Posts: 87 Member
    wow! still transitioning to wfpb - i'm about 90% there
  • Zinka61
    Zinka61 Posts: 563 Member
    Older vegan-leaning vegetarian here. Aiming for WFPB. I've been on MFP a couple of years so am mostly maintaining.
  • schaferelsa
    schaferelsa Posts: 27 Member
    edited July 2017
    I'm trying to get into plant based eating and looking for friends for advice and support. Anyone who knows what they are doing I'd love to meet some friends to go on this journey with!! <3
  • Kennedyvv
    Kennedyvv Posts: 2 Member
    I only ever eat meat outside of the house so I figured I might as well go full vegetarian and hopefully transition to vegan! Also working towards a zero waste lifestyle, loved to see if others are doing the same add me!(:
  • yasmine_ah
    yasmine_ah Posts: 26 Member
    Vegetarian for 12 years :smile: But I eat vegan quite often as my sister is vegan and we eat a lot of meals together. Anyone can feel free to add me for more veggie support :D About 50lbs to go for me.
  • clairegetshealthy
    clairegetshealthy Posts: 3 Member
    Hey I'm a vegan and have been for about a year and a half now. Looking to make some like-minded friends if there's anyone interested? I'm from New Zealand and am 27 years young. I want to be held accountable because I think it's very easy to get too comfortable and lazy or take short-cuts. Currently I sit at about 112kg and looking to get well and truly into the double-digits. Its my goal to become more plant based rather than indulging in vegan meat alternatives and vegan junk food. Is there anyone around in a similar situation???? I'd love some support on my weight loss journey?
  • UglyPlantBasedKitchen
    UglyPlantBasedKitchen Posts: 73 Member
    Hi there. I have been vegan for almost 2 years now. I am eating a whole foods plant based diet. I am struggling to lose I have been exercising like crazy, I lowered my calories even though everyone always says don't count calories. Nothing has been working so far but I keep plugging along hoping for the right things to click. I eat no oils, I gave up table salt for minimal half salt. No matter what I will never give up and I will always be vegan.
  • CeciliaBobilia
    CeciliaBobilia Posts: 246 Member
    Hi there! I've been pescatarian for 12yrs, eat mostly vegan, and plan to transition to a 100% vegan wfpb by the end of the year.

    I'd love to have more vegan, vegetarian, and pescatarian friends in my newsfeed, so anyone is welcome to add me. I may have also added a few of you :)
  • blackcatfitness
    blackcatfitness Posts: 57 Member
    I do!!!