Phentermine and topamax



  • jlscherme
    jlscherme Posts: 157 Member
    My pdoc prescribed Topamax to me for weight loss/maintenance because of other meds I was on, mood and it helps a bit to decrease alcohol use. I took it for about 2.5 years. The dopiness went away after a while and I maintained my weight. I stopped taking it when I changed my other meds.
  • slaite1
    slaite1 Posts: 1,307 Member
    rakowskidp wrote: »
    slaite1 wrote: »
    Topamax is a preventative medication if migraines are occurring over a certain amount of times per month (for me-I literally had a migraine 7 days in a row, in addition to an average of 3-4 every two weeks). I also have sumatriptan, but was pretty uncomfortable with the idea of taking it daily (I did not). It was also becoming less effective after the 4th or 5th time in about 6 months. Their are numerous preventative medications for out of control migraines, and topamax (I believer) is considered one of the safer options.
    Yep... I don't know anyone who takes imitrex daily. I was at the same point (not quite 7 days a week, but at the beginning of treatment, it was 3-5 at least and practically living at the doctor's office, and then after I started propranolol, it went down to 3-5 per month, and now only once every 3-4 months, thank God). Losing weight helped a ton - I no longer have to take propranolol.

    I don't think weight loss will help (I'm not overweight). And I have had severe migraines at my lowest and highest weight, which have all been in the healthy range. I will look up propranolol if the topamax doesn't work out. I'd rather not be on anything, but I'd eat dirt if it stopped the migraines! Not to hijack the thread (sorry), but did you have side effects with the propranolol?
  • rakowskidp
    rakowskidp Posts: 231 Member
    slaite1 wrote: »
    I don't think weight loss will help (I'm not overweight). And I have had severe migraines at my lowest and highest weight, which have all been in the healthy range. I will look up propranolol if the topamax doesn't work out. I'd rather not be on anything, but I'd eat dirt if it stopped the migraines! Not to hijack the thread (sorry), but did you have side effects with the propranolol?

    First, I would like to apologize for contributing to hijacking the thread... mea culpa! Second, I understand regarding weight loss - I didn't mean to imply that it was a solution for everyone, and especially for those within a healthy range. Third, no, I didn't experience any side effects that I can recall. It's a generally well-tolerated medication in the beta blocker class, and I was on a very small dose and took it at bedtime. I've since learned that alcohol - ANY alcohol - is a trigger for me, so I'm done with it.

  • slaite1
    slaite1 Posts: 1,307 Member
    rakowskidp wrote: »
    slaite1 wrote: »
    I don't think weight loss will help (I'm not overweight). And I have had severe migraines at my lowest and highest weight, which have all been in the healthy range. I will look up propranolol if the topamax doesn't work out. I'd rather not be on anything, but I'd eat dirt if it stopped the migraines! Not to hijack the thread (sorry), but did you have side effects with the propranolol?

    First, I would like to apologize for contributing to hijacking the thread... mea culpa! Second, I understand regarding weight loss - I didn't mean to imply that it was a solution for everyone, and especially for those within a healthy range. Third, no, I didn't experience any side effects that I can recall. It's a generally well-tolerated medication in the beta blocker class, and I was on a very small dose and took it at bedtime. I've since learned that alcohol - ANY alcohol - is a trigger for me, so I'm done with it.


    Eating too little
    Eating the wrong thing
    Drinking too little water
    Sleeping too little
    Sleeping too much
    Not exercising
    The sun
    My boyfriend
    Being alive

    Seriously though. Even one beer means major hangover and inevitably a migraine. *Shrugs* I miss beer. Thanks for the info. I have low blood pressure as well so I wonder how that would work with a beta blocker. I'll check it out. (And I wish weight loss, or any lifestyle factor, would help. I expect them to drastically decrease when I go through menopause. Fingers crossed!)
  • DamieBird
    DamieBird Posts: 651 Member
    @slaite1, I'm on Topamax for migraines and it's been wonderful. My doc did the same as you - starting at a low dose and going from there to find the minimum that was effective. I'm at 50mg once a day and that seems to do the trick. I'm down to one or two break through migraines a month, for which I have imitrex and toradol (if I need it - I live in the middle of no where, so my doc gave me an Rx instead of making me go in).
    The only side effect I've had is that carbonated beverages taste weird, now. I love seltzer, so I've adapted, but I rarely drink anything else with carbonation. I had some slight tingling in my hands for the first couple of weeks on the lower doses, but that went away entirely and I've had no other side effects.
    I know that it's tough to hear about bad experiences, but I think you and your doc have the right approach: find the lowest possible effective dose and stick with that. It's been wonderful for me, and I hope that whatever you and your doctor decide on brings you relief. Migraines are no joke :/
  • TheGaudyMagpie
    TheGaudyMagpie Posts: 282 Member
    slaite1 wrote: »
    I don't think weight loss will help (I'm not overweight). And I have had severe migraines at my lowest and highest weight, which have all been in the healthy range. I will look up propranolol if the topamax doesn't work out. I'd rather not be on anything, but I'd eat dirt if it stopped the migraines! Not to hijack the thread (sorry), but did you have side effects with the propranolol?

    I take nortriptyline for migraines and I've had very few side effects. Some people finds it makes them too groggy. I do have some slight cognitive issues from it -- I occasionally can't find words -- but they are far less than on Topamax and are manageable. It's also good for general pain management (I have a nerve issue that originates in my neck, probably from facet degradation). There are some people that tolerate Topamax just fine and you may be one of them. It's just kind of a small number, IMO, for it to be prescribed for weight loss in light of the potential side effects.

    I actually don't tolerate the triptan emergency meds very well, and I find muscle relaxants to be more effective and more tolerable for me. Baclofen helps a lot and doesn't make me sleepy (it's kind of hit or miss on whether it will be sedating or enervating -- I got enervating). Tizanidine helps at night. My migraines seem to come mostly from the neck issue and I get a lot of trigger points/spasms in my neck, which may be why the relaxants work better for me.

    If you want to message me, feel free. I think I've read other posts from you that lead me to believe we have similar pain issues. There's also a medical procedure that I've had that helps a lot, but it's a lot to describe in a forum thread on another topic. Sorry for the continued derail.

    To bring it back to the topic, there are meds that may be more effective for weight loss. For example, Baclofen, which I take for pain, is sometimes prescribed to treat substance abuse problems, and may help with binge behaviors that lead to overeating. A doctor that specifically deals with weight management issues might have better access to appropriate medications, if meds are necessary (and I hold no judgment on that -- sometimes people need help).
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    Just 2 additional things you should know about dope-a-max: It has the potential to cause kidney stones. My sister had to come off this med because she got so many kidney stones. I know 2 other people who had to come off of it for the same reason.' not a drug you should come off cold turkey. There is potential for seizures if you try to do that. You have to be weened off this drug slowly.

    I currently still take it for my migraines....but it does cause severe cognitive impairment. Never did anything in terms of weightloss for me. So please be careful with this medication.

    My OH passed a kidney stone last year. OMG, I wouldn't wish that on anyone. I met him at the emergency room and didn't recognize him at first, the pain made him look so bad. It was a small one, too, 1-2 mm.
  • YvetteK2015
    YvetteK2015 Posts: 653 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Just 2 additional things you should know about dope-a-max: It has the potential to cause kidney stones. My sister had to come off this med because she got so many kidney stones. I know 2 other people who had to come off of it for the same reason.' not a drug you should come off cold turkey. There is potential for seizures if you try to do that. You have to be weened off this drug slowly.

    I currently still take it for my migraines....but it does cause severe cognitive impairment. Never did anything in terms of weightloss for me. So please be careful with this medication.

    My OH passed a kidney stone last year. OMG, I wouldn't wish that on anyone. I met him at the emergency room and didn't recognize him at first, the pain made him look so bad. It was a small one, too, 1-2 mm.

    I didn't have the side effect of kidney stones, and I've been on it for 10 yrs now...maybe more. Thanks gods. Otherwise I would have been off of it in a heartbeat. I've seen people suffer with kidney stones. I NEVER want to experience that...ever.
  • slaite1
    slaite1 Posts: 1,307 Member
    slaite1 wrote: »
    I don't think weight loss will help (I'm not overweight). And I have had severe migraines at my lowest and highest weight, which have all been in the healthy range. I will look up propranolol if the topamax doesn't work out. I'd rather not be on anything, but I'd eat dirt if it stopped the migraines! Not to hijack the thread (sorry), but did you have side effects with the propranolol?

    I take nortriptyline for migraines and I've had very few side effects. Some people finds it makes them too groggy. I do have some slight cognitive issues from it -- I occasionally can't find words -- but they are far less than on Topamax and are manageable. It's also good for general pain management (I have a nerve issue that originates in my neck, probably from facet degradation). There are some people that tolerate Topamax just fine and you may be one of them. It's just kind of a small number, IMO, for it to be prescribed for weight loss in light of the potential side effects.

    I actually don't tolerate the triptan emergency meds very well, and I find muscle relaxants to be more effective and more tolerable for me. Baclofen helps a lot and doesn't make me sleepy (it's kind of hit or miss on whether it will be sedating or enervating -- I got enervating). Tizanidine helps at night. My migraines seem to come mostly from the neck issue and I get a lot of trigger points/spasms in my neck, which may be why the relaxants work better for me.

    If you want to message me, feel free. I think I've read other posts from you that lead me to believe we have similar pain issues. There's also a medical procedure that I've had that helps a lot, but it's a lot to describe in a forum thread on another topic. Sorry for the continued derail.

    To bring it back to the topic, there are meds that may be more effective for weight loss. For example, Baclofen, which I take for pain, is sometimes prescribed to treat substance abuse problems, and may help with binge behaviors that lead to overeating. A doctor that specifically deals with weight management issues might have better access to appropriate medications, if meds are necessary (and I hold no judgment on that -- sometimes people need help).

    It does sound that way, thanks!

    I will add that muscle relaxers make me sick, and "hungover" the next day. I don't love the triptans either, which is why i usually try to hold off on taking them.
  • Bradley_J84
    Bradley_J84 Posts: 110 Member
    Don't they only keep you on phentermine for short period of time cause of the effect?
  • Akmauser
    Akmauser Posts: 51 Member
    Topomax doesn't just suppress your appetite, it entirely changes your taste buds. My wife takes this because of nerve pain from an auto accident. She is on the maximum amount and the weight loss she said came from not only having no appetite, but also because she no longer liked most foods.
  • lucasmfp76
    lucasmfp76 Posts: 2 Member
    Taking Topamax and Phentermine together is actually a brand name FDA approved weight loss drug called Qysmia

    I believe it's cheaper/easier to get approval prescribing them separately - my doctor prescribed them it/them for me but i was scared off by side effect horror stories.
  • emar831
    emar831 Posts: 16 Member
    My boss just started taking this drug combo. He said the doc told him that the topamax is to keep you from going speed crazy on the phentermine.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    emar831 wrote: »
    My boss just started taking this drug combo. He said the doc told him that the topamax is to keep you from going speed crazy on the phentermine.

    Well that's comforting.......
  • JayleeFB
    JayleeFB Posts: 4 Member
    becky10rp wrote: »
    Topamax is nothing to play with. I was on Topamax for about three years to control my migraines. Topamax was originally used to control seizures. My doctor warned me early on to ONLY take Topamax at night before you go to bed. A lot of people call Topamax 'Stupid-Max' - here's some of the side effects: fatigue, forgetfulness, lack of concentration, memory impairment. I would find I'd be in mid-sentence and I could NOT find the words to use - being in sales, it's pretty horrific. I'm really pretty surprised doctors would prescribe Topamax for weight loss. I hope your Doctor discussed all of the side effects of this drug with you. Please be careful.
    becky10rp wrote: »
    Topamax is nothing to play with. I was on Topamax for about three years to control my migraines. Topamax was originally used to control seizures. My doctor warned me early on to ONLY take Topamax at night before you go to bed. A lot of people call Topamax 'Stupid-Max' - here's some of the side effects: fatigue, forgetfulness, lack of concentration, memory impairment. I would find I'd be in mid-sentence and I could NOT find the words to use - being in sales, it's pretty horrific. I'm really pretty surprised doctors would prescribe Topamax for weight loss. I hope your Doctor discussed all of the side effects of this drug with you. Please be careful.
    becky10rp wrote: »
    Topamax is nothing to play with. I was on Topamax for about three years to control my migraines. Topamax was originally used to control seizures. My doctor warned me early on to ONLY take Topamax at night before you go to bed. A lot of people call Topamax 'Stupid-Max' - here's some of the side effects: fatigue, forgetfulness, lack of concentration, memory impairment. I would find I'd be in mid-sentence and I could NOT find the words to use - being in sales, it's pretty horrific. I'm really pretty surprised doctors would prescribe Topamax for weight loss. I hope your Doctor discussed all of the side effects of this drug with you. Please be careful.
    becky10rp wrote: »
    Topamax is nothing to play with. I was on Topamax for about three years to control my migraines. Topamax was originally used to control seizures. My doctor warned me early on to ONLY take Topamax at night before you go to bed. A lot of people call Topamax 'Stupid-Max' - here's some of the side effects: fatigue, forgetfulness, lack of concentration, memory impairment. I would find I'd be in mid-sentence and I could NOT find the words to use - being in sales, it's pretty horrific. I'm really pretty surprised doctors would prescribe Topamax for weight loss. I hope your Doctor discussed all of the side effects of this drug with you. Please be careful.

    The same thing happened with me, I would forget mid sentence.. but I felt the benefits out weighed that. I don't need to take it for too long. But I agree with you