Unsure about what to do

I'm relatively new to MFP. I saw initial success the first 2 weeks. I have about 250 lbs to lose. My calorie goal is 3260. I have been eating between 2000 and 2300 calories per day. I do use scales and measuring cups etc. So even if my calorie intake is off, it's not off by 1000+ calories. I've led a sedentary lifestyle most of my life. I've been working out with a personal trainer 3 times a week. I don't add those calories.

I've seen 0 lbs lost in the last 14 days. Not sure how to proceed. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


  • macgurlnet
    macgurlnet Posts: 1,946 Member
    How often are you weighing yourself?

    I would give it at least 2 more weeks or perhaps 4. If you still see absolutely NO movement, then it's time to make some adjustments.

  • imwichya1
    imwichya1 Posts: 21 Member
    Every other day. It's tough not to see the scale moving.
  • macgurlnet
    macgurlnet Posts: 1,946 Member
    imwichya1 wrote: »
    Every other day. It's tough not to see the scale moving.

    Weight loss is rarely linear. The human body is something like 60% water, and that can cause plenty of fluctuations in your weight. Add in minor changes in your food from day to day (ate more carbs that usual? Up goes the weight. Ate more sodium than usual? There it goes again), and the likelihood of a daily move down is pretty slim.

    I agree with everything @cmriverside said. Have other goals. Focus on being around or a bit under your calorie goal. Walk more. Experiment with new foods and recipes.

    Trust the math - you'll get where you need to be!

  • imwichya1
    imwichya1 Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks cmriverside. I've always tried lo carb. I've had good success initially. Dropped 100 lbs once. But I always hit a wall. So MFP makes sense. For every 3500 calorie deficit, one should lose 1 lb. So to not see the scale move, makes it tough.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,051 Member
    edited May 2017
    Reducing carbs still works. I lost weight using the default settings, and I had to work at reducing carbs - it didn't work for me to just try to cut them all because I'm active and it was hard for me to climb hills without eating carbs. I had to find a level of carbs that make sense to me, and you'll find that too.

    The problem comes from the black and white thinking, in my opinion.
    "I can't have _______."
    "Uh, oh, I had _______, so therefore I've ruined everything."
    "I blew it, may as well start again tomorrow, next week, next month, next year..."

    When you fall off the path, jump right back on. If you made a wrong turn going to the store, you wouldn't stay on that road until you hit the ocean - you'd turn around and get back on the road that goes to the store, right?
  • imwichya1
    imwichya1 Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks Macgurlnet. I haven't been looking at carbs or sodium. Just focusing on total calories intake.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    On a technical note, you might try changing the batteries in the scale too. Absolutely no change is odd.
  • imwichya1
    imwichya1 Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks Jemhh. It's an electric scale. 1000 lbs capacity. I did unplug and plug the scale. Same weight.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    imwichya1 wrote: »
    Thanks Jemhh. It's an electric scale. 1000 lbs capacity. I did unplug and plug the scale. Same weight.

    Well boo. I was hoping that would do it :smiley:
  • imwichya1
    imwichya1 Posts: 21 Member
    Haha. I was hoping as well. Wishful thinking!!
  • bluets2011
    bluets2011 Posts: 241 Member
    Im Just starting in this journey so I don't understsnd much. And if you're working with a PT they'd know more, but what weight loss target have you set at MFP? 3250 calories a day seems a lot for someone wanting to lose. I see you are eating much less than that though. Good luck in your journey. Patience and logging is what we can do.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 9,996 Member
    Noel_57 wrote: »
    Did your first two weeks show large losses? It's pretty common to see a sort of mini-stall on week 3 after a big initial loss. If you are confident you are tracking your food intake and calories accurately, perhaps lay off the scale for a whole week instead of every other day. Seeing no results when you are doing everything right can be mentally defeating. The losses will resume!

    Also, if you're a woman, weight loss can be masked and exaggerated by water retention levels, depending on where you are in your monthly cycle. If you started at a point where you were losing water, it could have made your losses look larger than just your fat losses, and now you could be adding water at roughly the same rate you're losing fat.

    Similar water-masking effects can occur if you add exercise that causes your body to hold on to extra water for muscle repair. Stress hormones can also increase water retention.

    Finally, if you have changed the kind of foods you eat in a way that is causing constipation or just slower digestion, you could be carrying around more food waste.

    These things aren't going to mask fat loss forever, so be patient. (Although if you are constipated, you should address that.)
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,683 Member
    It also can be helpful to measure other things besides weight - like waist size, hips, thighs, etc. You may see changes there that don't show on the scale.
  • spiffychick85
    spiffychick85 Posts: 311 Member
    It also can be helpful to measure other things besides weight - like waist size, hips, thighs, etc. You may see changes there that don't show on the scale.

    ^^^this....take measurements. I can go weeks without much change on the scale but inches are being lost...it keeps me going.

    Also when I started out I saw very little change the first 2-3weeks...then BAM I dropped a few lbs in week 4 which I honestly wasn't expecting, because I didn't have a lot to lose. It always takes time for me to drop lbs though...I'm in another "stall" and it's frustrating, but I'm hoping for another drop soon. Meanwhile I'll check my measurements in another week or so and hopefully be smiling from that :D
  • imwichya1
    imwichya1 Posts: 21 Member
    Noel_57 wrote: »
    Did your first two weeks show large losses? It's pretty common to see a sort of mini-stall on week 3 after a big initial loss. If you are confident you are tracking your food intake and calories accurately, perhaps lay off the scale for a whole week instead of every other day. Seeing no results when you are doing everything right can be mentally defeating. The losses will resume!
    Noel_57 wrote: »
    Did your first two weeks show large losses? It's pretty common to see a sort of mini-stall on week 3 after a big initial loss. If you are confident you are tracking your food intake and calories accurately, perhaps lay off the scale for a whole week instead of every other day. Seeing no results when you are doing everything right can be mentally defeating. The losses will resume!

  • Lyrica7
    Lyrica7 Posts: 88 Member
    Don't forget the weight of undigested food and water weight also show on the scale. You can check out the science behind this.
  • Sheisinlove109
    Sheisinlove109 Posts: 516 Member
    edited May 2017
    Message me, it's not allowing me to message you
  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member