Finding replacements for stress eating!



  • Niki_Fitz
    Niki_Fitz Posts: 948 Member
    nb4802 wrote: »
    . It's especially hard when other people in your household still want to buy and eat the fattening foods and then you just get tempted.

    My husband eats anything he wants, drinks every night, treats the kids to ice cream.... none of them have to watch calories. None of them are emotional eaters. Grrrr
  • Niki_Fitz
    Niki_Fitz Posts: 948 Member
    mystgrl28 wrote: »
    I dont even have trigger foods to avoid :D i can eat whatever, doesnt matter to me. I've recognised it is impulse control and will power i am very low on, but i am so bad at motivating myself and most times i self-sabotage :( i've fallen off the bandwagon and gotten on again so many times i feel like all of this is too much effort sometimes and i might as well die as a gorgeous, fat lady wahahhahahahahahaha

    You are gorgeous no matter what your size! Haha sorry that's cheesy. I'm trying affirmations again.

    I don't know if it's willpower. I struggle w food but I don't eat enough and I binge. I'm tracking calories to make sure I eat enough! And slowly I don't feel like I have to eat everything. I just have to eat enough, at the right times.
  • runfiremamarun
    runfiremamarun Posts: 7 Member
    Remember it's wasted/ waisted either way. I can throw out the waste or I put it on my waist. This usually helps me keep perspective in a stressful or emotional moment.

  • GeorgiePie88
    GeorgiePie88 Posts: 54 Member
    I find at times when I'm regularly going to the gym, I feel less stressed and am less likely to binge. At times when I'm not regularly going, the stress creeps back up and I start stuffing my face with everything.

    I don't keep anything junky in the house to prevent myself from binging on that kind of stuff, but work is really diffcult as there is always free food in the office. And at work, I am also more stressed than I am at home.

    It's a work in progress, but I find turning to tea and coffee to be my vice in replacement of free junk at work. It's not the same, but it can help curb my desire a little bit. Gum also helps, and having healthy foods in my desk drawer. I also have packaged soup. Drinking a hot and savoury soup out of a mug is warm and comforting, which usually does the trick.

    If all else fails and I want to keep stuffing my face, I turn to the healthy snacks I have in my desk drawer. At the end of the day, if I end up binging on nuts it's still better (nutritional-wise) than binging on cookies...
  • alijune74
    alijune74 Posts: 28 Member
    mystgrl28 wrote: »
    Keeping an eye on this thread, as i stress eat a lot! Actually, stress is not the only trigger :( im an emotional eater. I eat when im happy, when im sad, when im bored, etc. Dont keep any snacks in the house, but i'd quite happily cook and eat anyway. Portion control is my downfall :/ i'm trying meal planning at the moment to teach me portion control but just end up eating a whole meal out of schedule. Hahahaha!

    I need something to eat without calories. And cant do gum as i have braces!

  • alijune74
    alijune74 Posts: 28 Member
    I have been using L-Theanine every day for stress. By reducing the stress I have been able to stick to my plan...only one healthy carb a day and no sugar. Lots of fruit, veggies, and no red meat. It's only been a few days so far, but it seems to be working.

    Getting enough sleep really seems to help too! Using magnesium at night for that.

    After 2-3 days the bad sugar cravings are gone!
  • paigele
    paigele Posts: 123 Member
    edited May 2017
    Running/cycling, and Gardening!!! :0) Also do you sew? Learn how to make rag quilts (they're easy) or take on painting. :)
  • jlynn1991
    jlynn1991 Posts: 50 Member
    I'm a single mom in college. During the semester I always keep grapes on hand. They are great for a guilt free stress eating session. Lately I have managed to channel the stress into organizing everything in the house and drinking different teas for relaxation and that has helped me a lot.
  • mystgrl28
    mystgrl28 Posts: 43 Member
    You are gorgeous no matter what your size! Haha sorry that's cheesy. I'm trying affirmations again.

    I don't know if it's willpower. I struggle w food but I don't eat enough and I binge. I'm tracking calories to make sure I eat enough! And slowly I don't feel like I have to eat everything. I just have to eat enough, at the right times.

    Awww haha thanks! I just really need to stay away from food as once i start, i cant stop!