Mind over matter!?

marolaissa198 Posts: 16 Member
I really hate weighing myself. I can tell I'm losing weight cause my jeans are starting to get a bit loose. But every time I weighed myself in the past and saw that I lost weight, I got careless and I didn't stick to my diet. so I decided to trick myself into thinking that the numbers are the same on the scale yet feel happy about the progress without sabotaging my diet


  • marolaissa198
    marolaissa198 Posts: 16 Member
    Anyone else feels the same way or am I just a psycho? Haha please be nice with your comments, people!
  • goldenday
    goldenday Posts: 204 Member
    You're not crazy! Do what's best for you- I try not to weigh myself regularly either, because I don't want to get disappointed I "only" lost X amount this week. .I can feel and see the changes on my body and that's good enough for me.
  • marolaissa198
    marolaissa198 Posts: 16 Member
    Yea that or I see great results and I do cheat days and end up gaining all that weight back. Thanks for your nice reply though and good luck with your diet :)
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    I really hate weighing myself. I can tell I'm losing weight cause my jeans are starting to get a bit loose. But every time I weighed myself in the past and saw that I lost weight, I got careless and I didn't stick to my diet. so I decided to trick myself into thinking that the numbers are the same on the scale yet feel happy about the progress without sabotaging my diet

    That is why this time around I do not diet to lose weight anymore but to improve health markers. The weight loss is just a positive side effect. It has been working out well going on three years. Dieting is boring but preventing my premature death is motivating. :)

    Welcome to MFP forums and best of continued success.
  • dutchandkiwi
    dutchandkiwi Posts: 1,389 Member
    I really hate weighing myself. I can tell I'm losing weight cause my jeans are starting to get a bit loose. But every time I weighed myself in the past and saw that I lost weight, I got careless and I didn't stick to my diet. so I decided to trick myself into thinking that the numbers are the same on the scale yet feel happy about the progress without sabotaging my diet

    I did not weigh myself until I was well on my way into my journey (after just over two years). At the time I was a loggerheads with my mother that kept telling me I was way too skinny and tiny and that I should stop loosing weight. She can get very demanding and annoying then. So I decided to weigh myself to prove I was still classed as overweight and get her off my back. Otherwise I would not have done it then.
    Since then I weigh myself once a month only. It is enough and now that I am close to goal I keep that up. I don't want to be just a number on a scale and I don't want to obsess about it.
  • mightyn1
    mightyn1 Posts: 1 Member
    Finally people who get it. The scale is so not my friend. Or when I see a drop I'll cheat. Or like now I get weighed at the Dr's.office and the numbers are so outragous that I am discouraged and feel like a blimp or cow.
  • mtek94
    mtek94 Posts: 21 Member
    IMO mirror over scales, you could've gained muscle and lost fat and the scales would stay the same, its a trap
  • marolaissa198
    marolaissa198 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks everyone for your input :) if you would like to be friends, please feel free to add me!
  • Buff_Daddy_Regie
    Buff_Daddy_Regie Posts: 73 Member
    Scales are your frenemies!!!!