Any moms out there want Accountability partners....

catrinadixon1008 Posts: 7 Member
edited May 2017 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi...I am a full time working mom. I have about 70lbs I need to lose. Life got the best of me and I stopped exercising and eating like I should. Now it's time to get healthy and back in shape... anyone game to be an accountability partner?


  • jessicasmum2008
    jessicasmum2008 Posts: 68 Member
    It can be so hard sometimes to stay on track can't it? Life sometimes gets in the way or if you're like me food gets in the way as I love it so much lol. But I also want to lose the weight so I have to find a balance between the 2.
  • SafioraLinnea
    SafioraLinnea Posts: 628 Member
    I'm here to get healthy and be an even better role model for my daughter. I'm happy to help with accountability. I'm not a health food nut or exercise queen but I try to be as healthy as I can while also living life.
  • AmandaRacine91
    AmandaRacine91 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi!! I just had a baby 6 weeks ago, and I'm actually about 25 lbs lighter now than I was before I got pregnant, but I still have about 70 lbs I need to lose. I'm currently 212. I'd love a partner! I also work full time and have a toddler. I started tracking meals and walking this week! I can't really afford a gym membership right now either, but walking for now is fine!
  • catrinadixon1008
    catrinadixon1008 Posts: 7 Member
    Sounds like we are all on the same page!! I can't wait to lose some weight with u lovely ladies ☺️ lets do this!!
  • spiffychick85
    spiffychick85 Posts: 311 Member
    You can do this! (Mom of 3... 7yrs old, 3yrs old 2yrs old)
  • SafioraLinnea
    SafioraLinnea Posts: 628 Member
    Hi!! I just had a baby 6 weeks ago, and I'm actually about 25 lbs lighter now than I was before I got pregnant, but I still have about 70 lbs I need to lose. I'm currently 212. I'd love a partner! I also work full time and have a toddler. I started tracking meals and walking this week! I can't really afford a gym membership right now either, but walking for now is fine!

    This sounds so much like where I was 4.5 months ago! I was down 20 pounds below my starting weight of pregnancy. I'm still mostly just walking for exercise but hope to start lifting weight soon. I've got 50 more pounds to go.
  • dyann814
    dyann814 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello everyone, I'm a single mother and a college student. I need to lose 50 pounds or more, but my eating habits are terrible. I've been working out very consistently for two months now and I see hardly any changes in my body, and no weight loss. My strength and endurance are improving and I'm looking more tone in some areas, but overall I'm just really discouraged. I know my next step is to improve my diet, so I signed up for a premium account with MFP to try and get serious about my diet. Next step for me is to find an accountability buddy. Please help :(
  • catrinadixon1008
    catrinadixon1008 Posts: 7 Member
    Diet and consistency are the hardest part of losing weight I think. Being in college is probably stressful too!! If ur like me, at signs of stress you comfort eat which is gonna be a junk diet. Together we can make it!! Let's define our weight and not let it define us!! You just took a giant step in the right direction ☺️
  • noynoyavery
    noynoyavery Posts: 364 Member sound the same as me. I spent ages losing 10lb very very hard and what happened I piles it on back on again. I'm as big as I was the week after I had my youngest now, biggest I have been non pregnant. I'd like to loose about 28-30lbs. I need to have someone be shocked by what I eat. This morning I have had 2x small fruit toast with scrape of butter (could have added fruit) lunch a healthy veg soup..then after that I scoffed over 500 calories on 2 packs of crisps, 3 mallow cakes and a choclate mini roll. I just cant seem to stop eating the junk. I gave up drinking amonth ago and Think I am still craving sweetness (lots of sugar in booze!) anyway would love to chat and get to know you all xx
  • kebp10
    kebp10 Posts: 1 Member
    I would like in on this! I work full time and I have a 16 month old. I want to lose 60 pounds and I am having trouble sticking with healthy eating.
  • catrinadixon1008
    catrinadixon1008 Posts: 7 Member
    edited May 2017
    Kebp10, I too have a little one, 17 months so I feel your pain!! They are into EVERYTHING I have a bit more weight to lose than u but very close! My struggle is consistency as well, I start and do well for 2 weeks then stop then start again.
  • Charlenelindsay5
    Charlenelindsay5 Posts: 46 Member
    I'd love to join you ladies. I'm a full time working mom. My husband works A LOT! He owns 4 businesses and is gone usually 6 days a week, 12-15 hrs/day. We have 7 children (17, 15, 12, 11, 9, 7, 5). I'm trying to lose 40-50 lbs. I've been on mfp on and off for years and re committed on May 1. I began Stronglifts that day, and as a result, haven't seen much movement on the scale, but I know it'll come. Feel free to add me :) We can do this!
  • SNPark93
    SNPark93 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, I am new to this app and everything. I would like to lose about 20lbs. I am a full time college student with a 5 year old daughter and my husband works nights. I would love to be apart of yalls group if you would have me?
  • GinPrice
    GinPrice Posts: 14 Member
    I'm a mother of 3. I stopped breast feeding a month ago when exercising seemed to shorten my supply. I stopped my workouts and tried to go back to BFing but to no avail. My youngest son is now 7 almost 8 mos old and I've hit the workouts hard. I work from home on the computer so I have to be really careful about my diet. I've lost 11 lbs so far and I'm looking to lose about 25 more. 30 if it looks good on me, we will see. I'm looking to encourage and be encouraged. Recipe sharing, snack ideas, I've got mine to give and I'm looking to receive more because I looove food.

    I'm trying to quit soda/pop all together. Right now I've been pop free for 5 days. I've noticed less bloating but it's a battle not to cave.

    My husband is very supportive and does MFP accountability with me but having some ladies as well would be awesome.
  • tiredmummy22x
    tiredmummy22x Posts: 3 Member
    Hi could i join? I'm a full time stay at home mum to a 3 and 8 year old. I have 50 pounds to lose and am aiming to lose 28 pounds by my holiday in october.
  • desertcoyote19
    desertcoyote19 Posts: 19 Member
    I'll join you ladies. I'm a SAHM with an almost 3 yr old and almost 2 month old. Trying to get fit and set a good example for my girls. I don't want them to be as unhealthy as their dad and I were growing up. Was within 20 lbs of my goal weight before pregnancy but now I have 40 to lose.
  • catrinadixon1008
    catrinadixon1008 Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you ladies for commenting!! I have sent you all a friend request for those of you who didn't beat me to it!! I'm excited about this weight loss journey we are working on together and look forward to encouraging each and every one of you!! We can do this ladies!!