Plexus Slim



  • jonesy2932
    jonesy2932 Posts: 9 Member
    Did y'all read the part about Plexus being a serious risk to your health and should not be taken (from the Aussie government)? Don't you trust the Aussie scientists? :noway:

    Edited to add additional quote. Bleeding in the brain is a no-joke side effect.

    "Plexus slim accelerator pill bottle Plexus Slim Accelerator capsules and Plexus Slim Accelerator 3 Day Trial pack pose a serious risk to your health and should not be taken."

    "Risks associated with its use include high blood pressure, psychiatric disorders, bleeding in the brain and stroke."

    This is referring to the old accelerator which isn't offered anymore....I had my doctor go through the ingredients of this and she was fine with me taking it. I don't agree that its the man made chemical of DMAA - what they are referring to is something that comes from the geranium plant. The Aussie govt is more strict then the US. I took the old accelerator and felt great. The new accelerator is different now. It has 5-HTP in it which if you take anti-depressants can can serotonin syndrome. I only take their probiotics at this time.
  • jonesy2932
    jonesy2932 Posts: 9 Member
    I have read through all these posts about Plexus and I'm finally posting.
    I heard about Plexus from a friend about a year ago. She had lost some weight so I decided to give it a try. I saw no improvement in my weight after 2 months and I called my friend and she talked me into taking the probio5 and biocleanse. I was nursing at the time so my regimen was Slim and the probio5 and biocleanse. She promised me that it works and to keep with it.
    I saw an improvement with my anxiety and my eczema but still no weight loss. I wanted to give up but she told me to keep with it and I trusted her.
    THEN, after 6 months of being on the products I started losing weight! I lost 35 lbs in 3 months!!!!

    So for all of you out there who says it doesn't work. You didn't take it long enough. My body needed to balance and for me, this took longer than it has for other people and I am perfectly fine with that.

    I feel 100% better and I actually feel healthy now. I have the energy to workout now whereas before Plexus, I didn't. My taste for food has changed for the better now too. I actually WANT to eat more healthy.

    So my advice is to get back on it and STICK WITH IT. It WORKS you just need to give your body time to balance from the inside out!

    I wonder if you had candida? Did you ever test for that? Plexus talks a lot about yeast overgrowth and the issues it causes. Their biocleanse and probio5 help get rid of it so your body can function properly and start losing weight.
  • Aemely
    Aemely Posts: 694 Member
    This is referring to the old accelerator which isn't offered anymore....I had my doctor go through the ingredients of this and she was fine with me taking it. I don't agree that its the man made chemical of DMAA - what they are referring to is something that comes from the geranium plant.

    Ah, I see. What's the new branding? Here's another review that I believe talks about the DMAA-free version.

    "On their website, Plexus Worldwide provides very little information about their quality assurance protocols or manufacturing practices, – leaving questions about whether Plexus Slim® is tainted or contaminated, and they do not disclose the amount or form of the chromium or the propriety blend. Because of these issues and more, it is not easy to definitively know whether Plexus Slim® is safe or not. Supplements can be incredibly effective tools for health and wellness, but it is best not to guess or take chances on supplements that do not disclose even basic information about ingredient sources, their amounts, quality control, and manufacturing practices."
  • CanvasCreator
    CanvasCreator Posts: 23 Member
    For those who gained on Plexus, are you drinking enough water? I lost 30lbs on it in 3 months a yr ago. It dehydrates you so some people (like me) can gain water weight due to dehydration. I increased my water intake to over a gallon a day as recommended by many dr and the bloating stopped. Btw, I do not sell Plexus, so I gain nothing by defending it.
  • AlyssaJoJo
    AlyssaJoJo Posts: 449 Member
    I haven't tried it but have had a few friends who have who have nothing nice to say about it. Most of them are just filled with regret of being out of the money.

    Honestly, I don't think it can do anything for you, your health, or your weight that you can't do on your own with a well balanced diet in moderation and by picking up activity, strength and cardio. I have found A LOT of people use the drink and eat a 1200 calorie diet and don't move and then boast about their weight loss. I don't really see what's healthy about that life style...
  • Markdjones83
    Markdjones83 Posts: 852 Member
    I would guess you lost so much weight cause you drank so much water that you just werent that hungry. Seems logical to me.
  • I have tried plexus slim. I did not lose weight but lost inches. but as soon as I stopped the plexus slim it all came back. Perhaps it flushes out toxins and that is why I lost the inches specifically around my middle. Not in my legs or butt. In the middle. I had no side effects. I drank plexus slim for 4 weeks.
  • hgarzarn
    hgarzarn Posts: 1 Member
    Jestinia wrote: »
    I did some research, and Plexus Slim causes Mandibular Defibrillation of the left cortical steroid. Stay away!

    Ok, so I'm not a plexus paid distributor or anything. I'm a medical health professional, and could you please describe where in the body the the left cortical steroid is? I'd just like to know, especially since 5 years of med school apparently taught me nothing.
  • klukow
    klukow Posts: 1 Member
    It is always interesting to read reviews from people who have not taken the product or have taken it incorrectly. Plexus Slim is just one of the products in the Plexus line. It was developed for Type II Diabetics to help maintain their blood sugars. It works beautifully for that when taken consistently. In medical trials, all the participants who took it lost weight as well. It is not a magic pill. It is an aide and it is wonderful for that. There are other products within the Plexus line that are designed by doctors and scientists for specific purposes. Plexus is not a pill. It is all natural and many trainers, nurses, pharmacists and regular people take it with great success. It does not promise to cure any illness or make people lose weight while nothing. It is a blood sugar balancer and it works. I am thousands of people are proof. It IS something I will take forever so it is not a diet for me. I love it.
  • seharris80
    seharris80 Posts: 1 Member
    I don't know what to believe about Plexus. I am still suffering the after effects of trying to get my money back from a particular shake company, also sales related, who promised me a body ready for the beach. I liked the shakes and am still exercising their way, but I did NOT care for the company, and they do NOT make it easy to get out from under them. I have had to go through my credit card company to get any results. I really want to believe that Plexus will work for me because I know people whom I trust who swear by it. I understand the concept behind all of it. The weight loss, the bloat, the candida, the weight gain. All of this I understand. I'm not afraid of the product itself, I am apprehensive about getting involved with yet another sales company who won't work with you and won't help you get your money back or even get the shipments stopped if you don't like the product (or company in my case). Why can't someone come up with a line of quality products that do what these products purport to do without getting caught up in and locked into an over-priced pyramid scheme? I've read all these Plexus reviews (though they are older) and see the range that exists between "Worked for me! I love it and wouldn't live without it," to "It didn't work for me! It will kill you!!Run for your lives!!" with very little actual hard evidencial information in between as to why it did or did not work, and I find it all quite bewildering. I just want honesty and cold, hard facts from the company with a phone representative who speaks proper American English (that's not racist, I am American, I speak American English, and I would gladly push a simple button on a phone to get ahold of someone who speaks the same), and no one on here (even the ambassadors) seems to know the facts about the products or the company. The website is too vague for me. The most intriguing aspect I've read on here is how the person "tried it," but when she got the one-month supply, it seemed different. If that is true, that's called "bait and switch. " It's been around for years. Just because I pay money for a particular product doesn't mean I am going to get that particular product. I ran into that years ago with a cleaning agent that a young man came selling door-to-door. Whatever he had in his bottle was NOT what I got in mine. Could that be happening with the people for whom Plexus didn't work? That's what she made it sound like. Are other factors at play? Did they or did they not use the product according to the appropriate guidelines? I feel I'm destined to never know without shelling out another few hundred dollars and checking into it myself. Why not? I've tried everything else. Why? Because, for some of us, balanced diet and good exercise alone can't battle years of abusing our bodies. We need additional help to get it back into harmony. (Okay, I'm ready. Let the rude crude rebuttals commense.)
  • ucbearcat06
    ucbearcat06 Posts: 15 Member
    Did anyone have side effects such as tingling hands and feet after stopping plexus? I've been off of it for a week now.
  • StephEx
    StephEx Posts: 69 Member
    blmw wrote: »
    i just started the plexus slim with the accelorator. so far it is working to crave my diet drink addiction. i am happy about that because i can drink a whole liter a day sometimes. i use and love my fitness pal on my phone and it is helping me to learn about my eating and keeping me accountable. if i can kick the diet habit my life will be better for sure, if it continues to help me i am thankful. if its not working for you then of course dont use it. nothing works for everyone. good luck to everyone and to lifestyle changes!! God Bless
