Bread Is The Enemy



  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,571 Member
    I put everything I'd eat in a sandwich or roll in a salad. Eating a hot dog salad right now. Gourmet AF.

    I stopped snacking on bread by itself long before weight loss.
  • Geocitiesuser
    Geocitiesuser Posts: 1,429 Member
    I find any sort of "simple sugar" including simple flours like bread, drive my appetite crazy. "You can't stop at one" isn't just pringles for me. So for me, bread is the enemy, as long as I'm not eating it, I don't really miss it. But you're not alone. Bread is weird, it has some weird effects.
  • kellyfeb78
    kellyfeb78 Posts: 65 Member
    I buy Danish bread now as it's much lower in calories per slice that way I can still eat it and not think crap used 200 calories on nothing
  • mom22dogs
    mom22dogs Posts: 470 Member
    I quit buying bread a few years ago, and don't miss it. I found I really didn't like it anyway, it was just a way to eat peanut butter and jelly way too much. But I do love the King's Hawaiian rolls. I don't buy them because I would eat them all within a day and then would be miserable for 2 more days.
  • RoteBook
    RoteBook Posts: 171 Member
    Athijade wrote: »
    I learned to eat it reasonably as I refuse to cut anything I love out of my diet.

    King's Hawaiian Rolls with spinach dip... mmmmmm.

    King's Hawaiian Rolls are like bacon or chocolate-delicious with anything (except each other-a Hawaiian roll bacon chocolate sandwich does not sound appealing).
  • 150poundsofme
    150poundsofme Posts: 523 Member
    Someone with a binge eating disorder can have an addiction to bread plus other foods. It is best not to have it in the house. I stopped keeping butter in the house and that has stopped me from eating a lot of bread.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    bread is not the enemy. eating too much (of anything or in general) is.

    peanut butter cups though.THOSE are the enemy ;)

    that said there are low cal options for sliced bread. sara lee makes one i think and so does natures own.

    I had king size Reeses stuffed with peices, yum.

    yeah. ive had one of those.

    To. DIE. FOR.

  • ohgeeque
    ohgeeque Posts: 224 Member
    I love bread. bread holding together a sandwich. bread toasted with butter. hot rolls from the oven. bread soaked in warm milk. table bread at restaurants. those bready things at Red Lobster. Any bread and all bread. Hots pretzels with mustard or spicy cheese, yea, that is a bread, too. And crackers, all the crackers. I can't think of a way I don't love bread. I had to quit cold turkey. It was an addiction. I miss it. All the time. The only bright side is that since I stopped eating bread I have had zero heartburn and the bottle of tums on my desk looks at me like I have abandoned it.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Bread is not the enemy - but perhaps in how you SEE it. Limit your portions per day so you are within your calories - mind over matter and all that.
  • armchairherpetologist
    armchairherpetologist Posts: 69 Member
    I love bread but I just realized that at some point I stopped buying it and now pretty much only eat it when I go out. I'm not sure when that happened, but I used to get through like two loaves a week and now I don't even have any in the house.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    Prelog your food, make planned food choices not just eating what is there.
    Eat bread as part of a meal. Try lower calorie or higher fiber bread.
    Practice moderation. It can take awhile to change habits.
    Don't buy a ton of bread. Put it away. Leave the area and get busy with other things.
    Want to lose weight enough to make some changes.

    I'm going to miss out on hitting my protein goal or other tasty foods if I eat a lot of bread. I also won't feel full for long. 1 serving of bread is fine most days. A whole loaf of bread is not.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    bread is not the enemy. eating too much (of anything or in general) is.

    peanut butter cups though.THOSE are the enemy ;)

    that said there are low cal options for sliced bread. sara lee makes one i think and so does natures own.

    I had king size Reeses stuffed with peices, yum.

    I found these disappointing. Big Cups? F yeah. Pieces? Bring 'em on. Together? Meh.

    OK, back to your regularly scheduled programming.
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    Yup! I Love it and I eat it as much as I can... as long as it fits my macros :smile: Bread is good for the soul....
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    Yeah bread is my weakness. Especially homemade with butter.

    I deliberately left my expensive Bosch bread mixer behind in a move because when I made it, I would eat a half a loaf at a time with butter.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    I've always known this, but today at work, I had a conversation with myself and finally admitted that I have a REAL PROBLEM. I'm addicted to bread. The conversation went like this...

    Self1:"You don't need those tasty kings hawaiin rolls."
    Self2:"They're only 100 calories a piece. Go ahead, have two."
    Self1:" So what! There is fruit right beside it, go for the fruit! You already ate a half loaf of bread from longhorn steakhouse today!"
    Self2:"Get the fruit and the rolls, that way it balances out."
    Self1:"Wowwwww, the lies you tell yourself just so you can have bread. You should be ashamed!"

    Needless to say, I ate both and I know it doesn't "balance out" but I have a real problem. I am ADDICTED to bread. Does anyone have any advice for me to help curb this problem? Anyone else have the same addiction? I know for a fact that I'd be much more successful on my weight loss journey if I had more control over the bread problem. I'm on the verge of just cutting it out all together because I can't seem to set limits. Please help me.

    -Bread Lover

    Some people are moderators, some are abstainers

    If you need to abstain, abstain. I moderate some foods and abstain from ones that trigger me, because it's just not worth the misery, having them in the house calling me to eat them.

    I have problems with bread make from flour, but can eat bread made from sprouted grain, from brands like Food for Life or Alvarado St Bakery. This is usually in the freezer section, near the bagels. Yes, it's more expensive, but I accommodate for that by eating less of it.
  • DamieBird
    DamieBird Posts: 651 Member
    RoteBook wrote: »
    Athijade wrote: »
    I learned to eat it reasonably as I refuse to cut anything I love out of my diet.

    King's Hawaiian Rolls with spinach dip... mmmmmm.

    King's Hawaiian Rolls are like bacon or chocolate-delicious with anything (except each other-a Hawaiian roll bacon chocolate sandwich does not sound appealing).

    I've never understood the whole King's Hawaiian Rolls thing, but chocolate covered bacon is delicious!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    I've always known this, but today at work, I had a conversation with myself and finally admitted that I have a REAL PROBLEM. I'm addicted to bread. The conversation went like this...

    Self1:"You don't need those tasty kings hawaiin rolls."
    Self2:"They're only 100 calories a piece. Go ahead, have two."
    Self1:" So what! There is fruit right beside it, go for the fruit! You already ate a half loaf of bread from longhorn steakhouse today!"
    Self2:"Get the fruit and the rolls, that way it balances out."
    Self1:"Wowwwww, the lies you tell yourself just so you can have bread. You should be ashamed!"

    Needless to say, I ate both and I know it doesn't "balance out" but I have a real problem. I am ADDICTED to bread. Does anyone have any advice for me to help curb this problem? Anyone else have the same addiction? I know for a fact that I'd be much more successful on my weight loss journey if I had more control over the bread problem. I'm on the verge of just cutting it out all together because I can't seem to set limits. Please help me.

    -Bread Lover

    Some people are moderators, some are abstainers

    The quiz isn't there anymore, but I always find this distinction bizarre, since I'd bet almost everyone is an abstainer about some stuff, a moderator about other stuff.

    We don't yet know if this has anything to do with OP's issues -- what I saw in the dialogue quoted is that she doesn't really have a reason in her own mind to prefer fruit to bread other than a vague idea that she shouldn't have too much bread in a day. Whether you are moderating or abstaining you need to have a strong reason that you believe in.
  • hlblakeley
    hlblakeley Posts: 55 Member
    I love bread, rolls, anything of the kind. I work to fit it into my calories for the day. The biggest thing that makes it easier to resist is that I am beginning to realize I need to start focusing on foods that are filling and breads just don't make the cut. So I eat them but it's easier to resist.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    edited May 2017
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    I've always known this, but today at work, I had a conversation with myself and finally admitted that I have a REAL PROBLEM. I'm addicted to bread. The conversation went like this...

    Self1:"You don't need those tasty kings hawaiin rolls."
    Self2:"They're only 100 calories a piece. Go ahead, have two."
    Self1:" So what! There is fruit right beside it, go for the fruit! You already ate a half loaf of bread from longhorn steakhouse today!"
    Self2:"Get the fruit and the rolls, that way it balances out."
    Self1:"Wowwwww, the lies you tell yourself just so you can have bread. You should be ashamed!"

    Needless to say, I ate both and I know it doesn't "balance out" but I have a real problem. I am ADDICTED to bread. Does anyone have any advice for me to help curb this problem? Anyone else have the same addiction? I know for a fact that I'd be much more successful on my weight loss journey if I had more control over the bread problem. I'm on the verge of just cutting it out all together because I can't seem to set limits. Please help me.

    -Bread Lover

    Some people are moderators, some are abstainers

    The quiz isn't there anymore, but I always find this distinction bizarre, since I'd bet almost everyone is an abstainer about some stuff, a moderator about other stuff.

    We don't yet know if this has anything to do with OP's issues -- what I saw in the dialogue quoted is that she doesn't really have a reason in her own mind to prefer fruit to bread other than a vague idea that she shouldn't have too much bread in a day. Whether you are moderating or abstaining you need to have a strong reason that you believe in.

    The OP is considering cutting out bread altogether. This link is the rebuttal to the inevitable, "What are you going to do, never have bread again for the rest of your life?" argument. For some, abstaining is indeed a viable strategy.

    ...For a long time, I kept trying this strategy of moderation–and failing. Then I read a line from Samuel Johnson, who said, when someone offered him wine: “Abstinence is as easy to me as temperance would be difficult.”

    Ah ha! Like Dr. Johnson, I’m an “abstainer.”

    I find it far easier to give something up altogether than to indulge moderately. When I admitted to myself that I was eating my favorite frozen yogurt treat very often–two and even three times a day–I gave it up cold turkey. That was far easier for me to do than to eat it twice a week. If I try to be moderate, I exhaust myself debating, “Today, tomorrow?” “Does this time ‘count’?” “Don’t I deserve this?” etc. If I never do something, it requires no self-control for me; if I do something sometimes, it requires enormous self-control.

    There’s no right way or wrong way–it’s just a matter of knowing which strategy works better for you. If moderators try to abstain, they feel trapped and rebellious. If abstainers try to be moderate, they spend a lot of precious energy justifying why they should go ahead and indulge.

    In my experience, both moderators and abstainers try hard to convert the other team. A nutritionist once told me, “I tell my clients to follow the 80/20 rule. Be healthy 80% of the time, indulge within reason, 20% of the time.” She wouldn’t consider my point of view–that a 100% rule might be easier for someone like me to follow.