Group for people wanting to lose 15 pounds -September



  • Artemis726
    Artemis726 Posts: 587 Member
    Yesterday I did Week 4 Day 2 of C25K, which has 16 minutes total of running. I didn't have to stop! :) Today is going to be busy, so not planning on anything.
  • arking04
    arking04 Posts: 22 Member
    I am totally in! I could sooooo use the motivation and I'm happy to motivate as well!!!

    Since I'm new to the group, I'll introduce myself...

    My name is Allison, I'm 25 years old, and I am currently at my heaviest weight of 182. This I can attribute to a hectic work schedule (I'm a registered nurse), along with a tumultuous relationship in which we spent most of our time eating and arguing. :) Oh, and the pure lazy part contribute to all of this as well! :)

    I am hoping to get down to 130 or so - at this weight, I had a nice shape but wasn't skin and bones. I just want to feel comfortable in my own skin again!
  • riamac
    riamac Posts: 52 Member
    I'm in. I'll be 40 in September and want to lose 12 - 15 pounds by then. Looking forward to being 40 and fabulous.
  • arking04
    arking04 Posts: 22 Member
    I had a great workout today too! 15 minutes, alternating between sprints and a moderate pace - for about 15 minutes... and then 60 minutes of an intense spin class! PHEW! What a work out. Adding back in strength training tomorrow - today was my "day of rest" as far as that is concerned.
  • arking04
    arking04 Posts: 22 Member
    What are you all finding to be the most effective workouts for you??? Any hidden gems I should know about?
  • prettyinpink246
    I dont have any secrets unfortunately :( I pretty much do my own thing when it comes to working out. I know where I need to be physically and where I should be and I just push myself to get there. I don't use any videos or workout type programs, just the boring treadmill. I am being super lazy today and I need to get on the treadmill, but am procrastinating BIG TIME. Its bad, haha I keep pushing it hey its only like 1045 am? Basically every week to week and a half I increase my workout until I get to where I want to be. I start lower then I should so I can gradually build up without having to due SO much cardio to maintain my weight. I give myself 30-45 min of cardio on the treadmill. I start with all walking and then gradually increase to all running (as I get more in shape). My hope is that when im back to my peak shape I will run 4+ miles in the 30. I just get bored on the treadmill otherwise I would stay on longer. GRRR need some major motivation right now to get on the treadmill.
  • RosieGB33nz
    RosieGB33nz Posts: 142
    I have not worked out today but ave been told to cut down how many days and and the time i do because when i come to a plateau, i will be screwed. Im thinking of taking today as my rest day and just stay under my calories.
    I will be starting the C25K running thing next week. Its my second attempt as i had to stop the first time with a leg injury.
    I am also going to start doing weights...... No idea where to start so any ideas would be fantastic!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    I'm in!! I've had the SAME 5 - 10 lbs to lose for about a year, now. Gack!! I try and walk/run 5km a day and, when it is raining, I do my ugifit work-out. One long cardio workout (on Saturdays) - and I do my measurements on Saturday, too. Given how my jeans are fitting, today, I'd say I've got 10 lbs. to lose (not 5!!) - LOVE the idea of "motivation" for a GREAT end to summer!
  • ydeemar
    ydeemar Posts: 44
    i tried the 30day shred the other day, it was a failure :-( i only got to circuit 2 (i stopped) and was already panting.. I was so sore yesterday that i made sure to repeat the process but before i started i went out and started the C25K, i was able to finish both and i feel great ;-). i'm still sore though, but that pain is what's pushing me to work out again so bring in the pain!
  • joi1407
    joi1407 Posts: 79
    Well done ydeemar on doing the exercises. RosieGB33nz, I'm in on the C25K next week too (I hope to get an iphone over the weekend).

    Today was my worst morning for 30DS so far. I just didn't want to get up and I wanted to switch Jillian off. But i got through it, even though it wasnt as good as the last couple of days.

    I had measuring day today and lost 2cm on my waist, but nothing else. I do feel that my hip bones are starting to re-appear a little, but no real change on the scales, that couldnt be down to clothes or last night's dinner.
    I want this to be quicker!!!!!

    ah well, I gues we have to stick with it!
  • ydeemar
    ydeemar Posts: 44
    hi joi! if the fats are shrinking then maybe the change on the scales will follow soon.. ;-)

    how long have you been doin the 30DS? i'm hoping i'd be able to finish it, i've started a lot of dvds and most of the time i stop after a week or two which i think is the reason that i'm now weighing 64kgs. :-(

    let's stick with it and compare measurements next week.. we can do this!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    I walked 5 km last night with a friend. And ran/walk 5 km over my lunch-hour. So, my exercise regimen is right-on-track. I have a dinner out, this evening, so will not have bread or dessert - and will simply replace any starch on the entree with extra veggies. I am actually looking forward to my Saturday weigh-in!
  • Artemis726
    Artemis726 Posts: 587 Member
    What are you all finding to be the most effective workouts for you??? Any hidden gems I should know about?

    Not a secret- but I have been running 3 times a week for a month, and I have lost an entire inch off each thigh and off my hips. These are VERY stubborn areas for me, so I might be hooked. ;)
  • RosieGB33nz
    RosieGB33nz Posts: 142
    Have you only been running 3 times a week or do you have other workouts as well?
    C25k For me starts Monday so anyone who wants to join is welcome because i know i will need the support to get my *kitten* out of bed!
  • 21katykat01
    I'm definitely in!

  • Artemis726
    Artemis726 Posts: 587 Member
    I have only been doing the three running workouts. I have found that my body does need to recover after a workout because I have never ran before this. Plus, I am still getting over a stress fracture in my foot, so I don't want to push it. :)

    Before C25K, I was doing TurboFire, and once I finish C25K, I'll probably switch between running and my favorite TurboFire workouts for my cardio.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    How is everybody doing?? We are heading into a long weekend, here, so need to make sure my weekdays are REALLY well-planned! I am heading out to bikram hot yoga, so my exercise for today will be done. And, I've stuck to my nutrition plan, completely, for 3 days in a row. I don't weigh in until Saturday, but I think I'll have dropped a number (or two) on the scale. Which will feel REALLY good heading into August!
  • RosieGB33nz
    RosieGB33nz Posts: 142
    Had a bad night yesterday, was doing really well and then we went to the movies..... even with a workout i was on the calories. Seen as it was a late night last night i didnt get up and workout this morning and our plans for tonight have change, we are having fish n chips!! Crumbed cod and coleslaw for me.
    No long weekend here, i think we have lost 3 this year because the holidays fall on a weekend day but its still gonna be a hard one... Got my sisters birthday and inner at mum and dads, worst combo.
    Im going to sit down and organise my workout schedule to start next week, gives me a positive boost.

    How is everyone else going?
  • RosieGB33nz
    RosieGB33nz Posts: 142
    I have only been doing the three running workouts. I have found that my body does need to recover after a workout because I have never ran before this. Plus, I am still getting over a stress fracture in my foot, so I don't want to push it. :)

    Before C25K, I was doing TurboFire, and once I finish C25K, I'll probably switch between running and my favorite TurboFire workouts for my cardio.

    How long do you run for?
  • joi1407
    joi1407 Posts: 79
    be good or enjoy lunch?
    I already had a nice lunch and dinner yesterday, stayed almost within allowance though. But today I really don't want my boring ryvita, philadelphia, cucumber stuff :(
    What do you guys do when you want to eat something different to what you should?