nausea from a lack of food?

wastedwintergirl Posts: 3
edited September 30 in Health and Weight Loss
heyy guys, just wondering if anyone else has experienced this... im on day 2 of my 3 day fast with a friend, and the 2 days before my fast i ate no more than 80cals, and I was just wondering if nausea is normal after eating so little? i only really get it when im laying down though, so im considering just sleeping sitting up haha :) anywayzz, feel free to have input, but i dont really appriciate pplz trying to convince me to stop restricting.. i know of the health risks and such, and im totally cool with that, but yeahh.. i was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this? :)


  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    OMG.... GIRL...................................

    Of course you are sick to your stomach! Your body is eating itself!!! Your brain is starving, your heart is starving. I dont even know what to say.
  • rtmama
    rtmama Posts: 403 Member
    this is a joke, right? Maybe you should start eating something then?
  • jennyocox
    jennyocox Posts: 143
    I would suspect that you are using MFP for all the wrong reasons. This is a site that promotes a 'healthier lifestyle' and eating 80cals a day is the polar opposite to this.
  • Yes, you are going to get sick. I nearly throw up if I don't eat breakfast within a certain window. Please, eat something, even if its just carrots sticks or celery. You may know the health risks of not eating (I'm not sure you really do) but do you know that as soon as you start eating your body which has been going through starvation mode will hold onto and immediately convert anything you do eat when you're finished with your fast to fat to store for later use. You're hurting your efforts more than anything. If you want control over your body train for a marathon or never eat sugar.
  • caroline_g
    caroline_g Posts: 201 Member
    Yes it's because you're not eating. To be honest, eating so little is absolute wreckless. Any weight that you lose will be mostly muscle and you'll just do yourself more harm than good. You need to make sure that you're having at least 1200 calories a day. If you LIKE nausea, lightheaded and dizziness, having no energy, losing muscle and screwing up your metabolism all for a few pounds then go right ahead and carry on. You'll lose a few lbs but I guarantee you that as soon as you begin eating you'll put it all back on plus possibly more as you'll have lowered your metabolism and your body will turn it all into fat as a way to survive in case you do it again. Not eating for three days is in no way a sensible or healthy thing to do, especially when you're your age. So my recommendation is to go and eat something now. If you feel you need to lose weight, do it sensibly not through something like this.
  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    Yes this is normal. And it is healthy to do occassional fasts here and there. You have to know your limitations though and if you are having negative side effects then next time maybe consult with your physician before starting. Nausea can happen for a number of reasons. One being that you are hungry. Another being that when waste (toxins) make their way through your body they some times make it into your stomach. This can make you feel very ill. Drinking extra water or juice can help with this.
  • srtiemann
    srtiemann Posts: 76
    People have gone through fasting for a very long time. Some for religious beliefs and others for diets.

    Not sure about the nausua I personally have not had that problem.

    Good luck with your fast.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    dear wastedwintergirl,

    As a moderator here on MyFitnessPal, one of my tasks is to prevent users from posting risky or dangerous diet types. While Short Term Fasting (AKA STF or calorie cycling, defined as fasting for less than 3 days) is a recognized, usually healthy means to achieve fat loss goals for some, what you are talking about is an unhealthy practice (I.E. adding 2 days of extremely low calories onto a 3 day fast) unless prescribed and monitored by a trained medical professional. Therefore I wanted to make it plain out there that this practice is neither endorsed nor is it recommended by MyFitnessPal as a way to lose weight.

    There are many dangers associated with starvation, some of them are very severe and can begin in as little as 72 hours, so please be safe with your health and life. I won't make any recommendations on what you should do, because you haven't asked, but I would hope, if you feel this is necessary, that you seek out professional medical attention to address these feelings.

    best wishes,

    MyFitnessPal forums moderator
  • Gilbrod
    Gilbrod Posts: 1,216 Member
    Well, you don't to hear the "don't do it speech". But I find it a bit amusing that you know the bad effects, but you're cool with it? If you're only eating 80 calories after a fast, yes. You're going into starvation mode. Do it too long, and your body will actually cling on to everything you eat, hence, defeating he purpose. I fast, every last Sunday of the month. For sprititual purposes, and only from sun up to sun down. Then I soup it up and eat a good meal. Judging by your pic, you look fine. Of course I'm not living in your body, so beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Good luck with your journey.
  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    All of you that seem to be OK with this fast, I think you should read her profile. I hardly think she is doing this for "Religion" or anything like that. Way to go on helping a sick little girl convince herself that she is doing something good. Disgusting.
  • caroline_g
    caroline_g Posts: 201 Member
    ~I hate my body, and I need control.. I want that thigh gap, the protruding collar bones and hip bones... I want people to whisper about how thin I've gotten and how sick I look. I want to look as bad on the outside as I feel on the inside... I need to be thin~

    After reading that on your profile, my biggest recommendation is that you go and speak to your doctor. You do not have a healthy attitude towards food, your body or yourself and you need to do something about it. You are a beautiful young woman and you do NOT need to lose 20kg. That thigh gap, protruding collar bone and hip bones might be what you see on celebrities and it might be what you're striving for but I assure you that it's not what the world actually considers to be healthy or beautiful. It's not what the majority of people would ever want or like. People whispering about how thin and sick you look isn't a good thing.

    You needing control isn't about your body or about your weight, it's about something about your life that you're not happy with. You really need to go and speak to a doctor about this. Whatever is making you feel so bad, they can help you.
  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    ~I hate my body, and I need control.. I want that thigh gap, the protruding collar bones and hip bones... I want people to whisper about how thin I've gotten and how sick I look. I want to look as bad on the outside as I feel on the inside... I need to be thin~

    After reading that on your profile, my biggest recommendation is that you go and speak to your doctor. You do not have a healthy attitude towards food, your body or yourself and you need to do something about it. You are a beautiful young woman and you do NOT need to lose 20kg. That thigh gap, protruding collar bone and hip bones might be what you see on celebrities and it might be what you're striving for but I assure you that it's not what the world actually considers to be healthy or beautiful. It's not what the majority of people would ever want or like. People whispering about how thin and sick you look isn't a good thing.

    You needing control isn't about your body or about your weight, it's about something about your life that you're not happy with. You really need to go and speak to a doctor about this. Whatever is making you feel so bad, they can help you.

    You are so right!!!!!!!!!!
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I saw this in your profile:
    I hate my body, and I need control.. I want that thigh gap, the protruding collar bones and hip bones... I want people to whisper about how thin I've gotten and how sick I look. I want to look as bad on the outside as I feel on the inside... I need to be thin.

    Please get help! I know I don't know you, but your profile information displays a lot of pain and turmoil. Maybe talking to your doctor or a professional dietitian would help you make better choices for your health. Take care of yourself. :-)
  • barbara1982
    barbara1982 Posts: 349 Member
    You look great wastewintergirl! If you would like people to recognize some change about you, so change your hair (color or style). That would not harm you and you may get positive feedback from people.

    If you want your body to change you shouldn't try to loose wight by not eating, that's the wrong way.

    Start working out, go to the gym, ride a bike, buy workout DVDs, run or whatever. I can tell you this is not only fun, but you can also tone up your body, if that is what you want!

    I hope you choose the right way to go for you!

    Good LUCK!
  • MzMiller1215
    MzMiller1215 Posts: 633 Member
    dear wastedwintergirl,

    As a moderator here on MyFitnessPal, one of my tasks is to prevent users from posting risky or dangerous diet types. While Short Term Fasting (AKA STF or calorie cycling, defined as fasting for less than 3 days) is a recognized, usually healthy means to achieve fat loss goals for some, what you are talking about is an unhealthy practice (I.E. adding 2 days of extremely low calories onto a 3 day fast) unless prescribed and monitored by a trained medical professional. Therefore I wanted to make it plain out there that this practice is neither endorsed nor is it recommended by MyFitnessPal as a way to lose weight.

    There are many dangers associated with starvation, some of them are very severe and can begin in as little as 72 hours, so please be safe with your health and life. I won't make any recommendations on what you should do, because you haven't asked, but I would hope, if you feel this is necessary, that you seek out professional medical attention to address these feelings.

    best wishes,

    MyFitnessPal forums moderator

    Thank you so much for showing a presence on this because it is very upsetting to me.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    dear wastedwintergirl,

    As a moderator here on MyFitnessPal, one of my tasks is to prevent users from posting risky or dangerous diet types. While Short Term Fasting (AKA STF or calorie cycling, defined as fasting for less than 3 days) is a recognized, usually healthy means to achieve fat loss goals for some, what you are talking about is an unhealthy practice (I.E. adding 2 days of extremely low calories onto a 3 day fast) unless prescribed and monitored by a trained medical professional. Therefore I wanted to make it plain out there that this practice is neither endorsed nor is it recommended by MyFitnessPal as a way to lose weight.

    There are many dangers associated with starvation, some of them are very severe and can begin in as little as 72 hours, so please be safe with your health and life. I won't make any recommendations on what you should do, because you haven't asked, but I would hope, if you feel this is necessary, that you seek out professional medical attention to address these feelings.

    best wishes,

    MyFitnessPal forums moderator

    Thank you so much for showing a presence on this because it is very upsetting to me.

    You're welcome. I don't like seeing unhealthy practices on MFP, so I always try to make sure the user base is informed of dangerous lifestyle choices.
  • Postlethwaite
    Postlethwaite Posts: 90 Member
    Fasting is not the way to get smaller. It is done for a multitude of purposes, and is a very useful tool if you do it properly, with due care. Starvation and fasting are two different areas completely, tho there is some overlap in certain cases.

    I'm sorry to hear that you are so unhappy with your body, but I tend to agree with some others on this thread, that your issues are probably less physical than you think.

    In any case I wish you the best.. May you find happiness.
  • As a woman who has suffered from bullimia on and off for most of my teens through to mid 20s I find it so upsetting that people on this website can actual agree with what you are doing.
    You are clearly not doing this for religious or fasting beliefs ??
    I am absolutely gobsmacked that you have not been banned from using MFP !! As this website is here to promote healthy eating and exercise, not encourage starvation!!!
    I have been where you are now in your mind and all I can say is that its a very very sad and lonely place. I can promise you that you might get that killer collar bone, and the pretruding hips you've always dreamed off but the DOWNSIDE is you will also lose some of your hair, your teeth will rot, your breath will stink and your bones will suffer long term damage. Also as everyone said once you do start eating, your body will hold on to that food and not let go.... I became bigger after i'd starved then I ever was before, and now its sooo much harder to get rid of.
    You are a beautiful young lady, and look great as you are, although I know that no body can tell you this - your mind will tell you something else.
    Can I please suggest that you go to your doctors and get some advice.. he/she will point you in the right direction.
    If you are an addictive kind of person, why dont you put your efforts into something else with your friend, like exercise and give yourself both a new goal to work too, like running faster or longer on the exercise bike..
    Trust me, it is sooooo not worth what you are doing..
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    I definitely think you might want to seek psychological help. What you're doing to yourself is going to get yourself killed. You need to stop looking up to some half-dead skeletal figure as inspiration, and actually strive to be healthy. That is not right. Please seek help.
  • hbrekkaas
    hbrekkaas Posts: 268 Member
    I definitely think you might want to seek psychological help. What you're doing to yourself is going to get yourself killed. You need to stop looking up to some half-dead skeletal figure as inspiration, and actually strive to be healthy. That is not right. Please seek help.

    I agree. You need help.
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